Part 2

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To our sudden surprise, the Dragon spontaneously emerged, but not from underground, form right there in the middle, out of nowhere!

Sasuke and I backed up witnessing this. "It can cloak itself!?"

"It must have been watching us the whole time, so that's what the dam Fox was talking about?"

There was an attention mark on my head by Sasuke's words. "Kurama! Why didn't you say anything!?!"

"What, I did warn you, you just don't listen to me."

"Couldn't you've been a little more specific!?!" I yelled out loud, but there was no time to be mad a Kurama. As Sasuke called me out, the beast's talons were coming straight for me.

Bouncing back, like a flash I was just able to avoid the attack, but the beast irritated, snarled, suddenly out of its mouth a wave of fire.

It was big and long enough for it to reach the group, and everyone immediately scattered finding cover.

Its fire breath burnt the ground and boiled the large stones shinobi hid behind, so red it was unable to be near it.

Worried about everyone I waved my arms screaming trying to get its attention off everyone. I had to save everyone from being roasted

But as I did I felt a hand come around my mouth, suddenly dragging me away from the beast's view, as it took me to an empty area.

Once I was realised, hidden behind a boulder away from the Dragon, I saw it, to have been Sasuke who took me out. "Sasuke why did you do that, the beast is onto the crowd!"

"The crowd, what about them?"

"It could kill them!!" I yelled peeking out the boulder worried. "Eveyornes fine stop your fussing"

Peering out, I had a sigh of relief to see everyone had gone into hiding and the Dargon was now digging in the ground, turned away from the group, possibly still looking for me.


Everyone slowly and quietly regrouped.

Karin discreetly watched from a distance, the snorting Dragon, shaking its head around and walking in circles. She couldn't see the boys, but it looked like the beast knew where they were.

"Karin." She peered over her shoulder to see Kakashi approaching her. He asks her what she has found, yet she replies nothing as the battle scene is still quiet.

"Are you alright, you moved quite far from the group?"

"Yes I know, I'm sorry I was just following Naruto's and Sasuke's charkas."

"Uhu, where are they now?" Quizzed Kakashi. Karin pointed to a boulder behind the Dargon, they were taking refuge behind there.

The boys had to act soon if they wanted to pin down and finish this beast here.

Kakashi made plans to keep the other shinobi safe and keep the Dragon's attention diverted to the boys.

"Karin, I need your help for something." Stated Kakashi, she jolted in her spot directing all her attention to him. "My help? For what?"

"If they can't kill that thing, the sealing team needs to be ready, if the beast flies off again who knows if will ever get it back again." Karin nodded her head, she understood the situation. "So what's the plan then?"


Back with Naruto and Sasuke, they talk among themselves setting out a plan, who's a decoy, who's attacking and how would they recover if something goes wrong on one side.

Broken Empire AU Ending SasuKairnWhere stories live. Discover now