The Birthday Cake

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"Oh no!" He exclaimed in terror.
"What's wrong?" Roddy asked, looking back quickly and suddenly getting very stressed.
"...When I helped you, I put nuts in the cake. And you're allergic..." He double-facepalmed and looked down. A wave of stress hit the room as the birthday boy stared for a few seconds at the panicked man. Roddy's stress seemed to disappear immediately, though, and he just began to giggle, reassuring his stressed boyfriend.

"Gabby… I'm not mad after you. You know I'm not that much of a cake person, anyways." Should everything have fallen to silence right after Gabriel's comment, Roderick's reply brightened the mood immediately and everyone laughed and aww'd, finding the scene to be too cute. After a hug, and a sigh of relief from the taller boyfriend, everyone minus Roderick began to have a piece of the cake. Because he had cut a piece for everyone including him, there was one left by the end of this. With a last stare, the man with braided hair let out a sigh himself as well, but rather one of slight disappointment, because deep inside, he really wanted to taste that cake, but wouldn't play around with his allergies.

On another side, he fed himself with the joy of other men upon tasting that delicious and wonderful cake of his. "Too good!" "My compliments to the chef!" And "This is the best cake I've ever tasted!" Echoed through the noisy living-room as the men enjoyed the cake. But the most heartfelt compliments came from a happy Gabriel, who just could not get enough of his boyfriend's cooking.

Once everyone was done with the cake and licked their lips, Roderick was as happy as he could be. Eventually followed a short conversation with his boyfriend, telling him about how happy he could possibly be upon seeing everyone enjoying the cake that much.

"But I tell you, Roddy. " Gabriel answered. " You should consider opening up a restaurant."
"But I'm not sure if I have the skills to manage, let alone be able to satisfy the customers."
"You do. I'm positive."
"...I just need-"
"-To build some self-confidence."

With this short speech, after downing his glass of soda, he headed to the bathroom to wash his face and do his hair some more, having gotten it in a complete mess after all these stressful events. Running a hand through his hair, he then brushed it some more after wiping off his wet face. Taking a few deep breaths to relieve the stress, he was glad all was doing well. But he needed to take a break from all this noise. Maybe five minutes…

If he listened to himself, he wouldn't head back, a bit upset by all this noise. But since the clock hit 10 P.M. after this alone time, he requested everyone to lower down the noise a bit right after he exited the room. They weren't in an apartment, but everyone respected his choices, knowing Roderick was a particularily quiet person and was doing his best right now. Furthermore, they didn't want to disappoint Gabriel.

As he walked back to his boyfriend, who was sitting on the couch and enjoying his time, sipping on a glass of wine, he let himself collapse on the couch and snuggle close to him. He craved his presence and warmth right now, so his hands began to travel all over his body. His strong arms, toned pecs, down to his puffy belly-

Wait, puffy belly?

He gave Gabriel's midsection a few presses using his fingers. He did not remember it being this round and… Bulging. He eventually used his eyes to notice the changes. Gabriel had swollen up slightly, his round stomach causing his already snug outfit to tighten more, a bit of stretch marks appearing at the sides of his vest. The big man couldn't help but let out a few pleased groans when Roddy's hands pressed on his stomach, looking at him in a relaxed manner :

"What's wrong, man? Seen something you don't like?" He did feel like Roddy's presses were presses of concern, and didn't want him to worry about nothing once more.
"It's just… I remember there being abs before, not… A big gut. Ate too much ?" He asked, thinking immediately this could be the first, plausible answer. Gabriel was a big eater, after all.

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