Chapter 3: You?

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Ohhhh great he remembered me. Shoot this was going to be really awkward. I just looked at him with wide eyes. Everyone was looking at us weirdly, so I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side. "Excuse us for a moment" I said. "What are you doing here and why did you run away from me the other day?" He said seeming kind of worried. "I'm a model, and lower your voice they can hear us!" I said while smacking him lightly on the chest. "Well are you gonna tell me or what?" He said while waiting. "Ok fine, but not here I can't talk to you about this here with everyone looking at us." I said while looking around. "Fine where do you want to go?" He asked. "Let's go to the beach." I said. "Okay....wait here." He said. He walked towards John and said. "Well thank you so much John for putting this whole event together and I made my decision and Selangie will be the star of my next music video "Necio", we're gonna go ahead and leave now so we can talk about everything, but thank you all!" He said while I went to where I was sitting to grab my clutch and say bye to my girls. I then went to the front and met up with Romeo. "Hop in" he said while opening the door to his car, and smiling. "Wait, what about my car?" I asked. "Ohh yeah I'll tell my manager to take it to my place, just give me your keys." He said while I opened my clutch and gave him my keys. Johnny the manager was in Romeo's car. "Hey Johnny can you take Selangie's car to my place?, we're going to the beach then to my place." He said. "Okay sounds cool" Johnny said while taking my keys. "It's a black Range Rover" I said while he was walking away. "Okay thanks" he said. I got in to Romeo's car and next thing you know we were at the beach. We didn't really talk much in the car. Just occasionally. We got out of the car and we began walking in the sand. "So.... " I said. "So..." He said both of us trying to break the awkward silence. "What did you want to know?" I asked Romeo while turning to face him. "Well I mean I just wanted to know why you ran away from me the other day." I looked down to the floor remembering what had happened that day. I stopped walking and Romeo did too. "Well... that day was very important to me.... It was my anniversary with my boyfriend Adrian.......we were together for 3 years. I called him, and he wouldn't answer, I also called my best friend Diana to tell her what I was planning to do that day for our special anniversary, I was so nervous because I was going to lose my virginity to him that day, I began to get worried because he didn't answer his phone, so I decided to drive over to his apartment because I got worried. I opened the door to his apartment with the spare key he gave me, when I walked in, I heard noises coming from his bedroom, and that's when..... That's when" I started crying and I couldn't even finish my sentence. Romeo looked worried and started to rub my back to try and comfort me. "That's when I caught Adrian and Diana in bed together." I said while crying and shaking. "Oh my god Sel I'm so sorry to hear that" Romeo said, and he saw me crying and he put his arms around me and started to hug me tight. I started to hug him back and I sobbed on his shoulder.... I started to realize what was actually happening at the moment "Oh my gosh I'm sorry" I said kind of embarrassed as I pulled away. " Hey don't worry about it, it's fine." He said while looking at me with his hands on my shoulders. "Thanks, Romeo" I said while looking at his eyes. "It's good to always pour out your feelings... Well anyways...back to your question.....I was so mad that I started yelling at him, and I threw a picture of me and him together on the floor, and Diana just looked at me and she was smiling, as if indicating that she had won. I got out of the apartment while Adrian tried to go after me and I told him not to bother. I got outside, and that's when I saw you but I honestly didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment and I looked like crap because I was crying. That's why I started to run. I was also embarrassed because I mean your Romeo Santos and to see me in that state was not okay for me." I said. I was wiping my tears away, when Romeo hugged me by surprise and I was kind of in shock. "Sel, I'm really sorry you had to go through all that. Adrian's an asshole for not realizing what an amazing and extraordinary person he had in front of him. He didn't deserve you, and I know it hurts, but sometimes God eliminates people from your life who weren't supposed to be there in the first place. Just think of it this way. You are one step closer to meeting the man of your dreams." He said while tilting my chin for me to look up at him, and wiping away my tears. "Thank you so much Romeo." I said while looking at him. He smiled and looked at my lips and began to come closer as I did the same. Our lips inches away from each other and.......

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