Chapter 1 Part 2: How could you?

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Selangie's P.O.V.
How could I have been so stupid to think that Adrian really loved me, and that Diana was my best friend. Well they do say "trust no one" but I never thought something like this would ever happen to me. Adrian was my boyfriend for 3 years. Diana was my best friend since freshmen year in high school. I did notice her start acting kind of weird when I would leave her and Adrian alone to go to the bathroom or to get something from my room. They would look at each other with looks of pure seduction and lust. I would brush the thoughts away, thinking it was just my imagination. I just wish I hadn't trust them both, and to think that I was actually going to lose my virginity to him today, on our anniversary. It would have been 4 years. I called him and he didn't answer, and I called Diana too to tell her about the surprise I had for him but she didn't answer either. I grew suspicious and I thought something happened to him and I went to his apartment to make sure he was okay. I opened the door with the spare key he gave me, when I walked in I heard noises coming from his bedroom, I slowly made my way over to his room and I couldn't believe what I saw. He was in bed with Diana. I dropped the keys, and the bag I had in my hand. I was shocked to see them both together. He looked at me surprised and said "Woah woah woah baby what are you doing here? it's not what it looks like, I swear" Diana seemed shocked too, but she then started smirking. My head started pounding and my heart felt like it was going to come out of my chest, I started to get a knot in my throat. "How dare you two betray me this way, sabes que Adrian no me debes ninguna explicación quédense juntos, you guys deserve each other". I said. Adrian jumped out of the bed and quickly put his pants on, and went after me. "Sel wait up" he said and turned me around. "Don't you dare fucking touch me you pig, how could you have done this to me?, with my best friend, I can't believe I trusted and loved's over" I said and he tried to grab me again and I pushed him off while I was crying and yelling at him to get away. I grabbed some picture frames with our photos on it and I threw them on the floor. "Don't call me or look for me, don't you dare..." I yelled at him while I gathered my belongings and walked closer to the door. "Esto me lo vas a pagar Adrian, y tu también Diana. I can't believe you two did this to me." I was crying, tears of anger and deception were running down my face along with my makeup, but I didn't really care. I opened the door and to my surprise someone was standing outside of the door and it looked like he was about to knock on the door and had his phone on his other hand. "Romeo?" I said confused. Oh my gosh it was Romeo Santos, wait what was he doing at the door? Could this day get any weirder? I didn't really care, I wasn't in a mood to be talking to someone, so I walked away without saying a word. I heard him come after me and I began to run I didn't want anyone to see me like this and I didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. "Yo wait up" he said, and that only made me want to run faster. I walked outside and there was a lot of people there thank God because I didn't want him to catch up to me. "Are you okay?" I heard him say and I just put a thumbs up sign telling him I was fine. He then stopped chasing after me, and I made it to my car. I have a black Range Rover. I called my sister Elizabeth to tell her what had happened and she told me to go over to her place.
After I explained how everything happened Elizabeth was so mad because she was also friends with Diana. The three of us would hang out at school and would even have sleepovers. "No wonder that bitch looked kind of suspicious lately, she honestly always seemed jealous of you.. but hey this was a sign from God indicating that he's simply not the one, because if he truly was the one that was meant for you, he would have respected you and not done this to you" she said. "I guess your right, I'm glad that I didn't lose my virginity to a loser who didn't even deserve me." I said. "Exactly sis, see there you go Sel your doing much better now" Eli said to me. "I guess you're right, thanks for letting me vent my feelings out to you" I said. "No problem, you know I got your back" Eli said. I just smiled at her. "Hey well thanks for this, but I gotta head over to my place I have to prepare for rehearsals tomorrow, we'll finally find out who wins the challenge." I said. "Ohhh ok, cool keep me informed okay" Eli said. I gathered my things and gave Eli a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek "Will do" I said and I yelled bye as I closed the door....

I'm a model and a dancer but I'm also working with my sister to open our own boutique, we're working on designs for it. The dance company and the model agency I work for had been shooting little short videos of us dancing and got our pictures taken, and our director told us that one of us would get chosen to come out in a celebrity's music video. We still didn't know who the celebrity was because it was a surprise. I just really hope I win this time....

Romeo's P.O.V.
After I went to my mom's house, I came back to my house and was now relaxing at home, my phone started ringing and I checked to see who it was and it was my manager Johnny. "Hello" I said. "Hey Anthony, good news, guess what it is" He said. "I can go on vacation now?" I said knowing that wasn't it. "No you goofball, we got the model for your "Necio"music video" he said sounding excited. "Ohhh cool thanks man, what's her name, how old is she and what does she look like?" I asked. "Her name is Selangie Arlene Cruz, she's 24 and she's Puerto Rican and Dominican. She has curly black hair, and is tanned and she's really pretty and has a nice body. She's 5'10." When he described the model, I couldn't help but think about the girl from the apartment today. I wondered if she was okay. How could that jerk of her boyfriend have cheated on her?, she was beautiful. "Hello Romeo, you still on the phone?" Johnny's voice was ringing in my ear. "Huh?...Uhh yeah sorry..." I said feeling kind of awkward. "I know you were mesmerized by her beauty and you haven't even seen her yet that's how powerful she is. This music video will be great!". He said. "Uhhh yeah....hey well I'll see you tomorrow at the studio okay." I said sounding tired, today was a really long day and I just wanted to rest. "Okay sure thing Anthony, have a good night" he said. "Alright you too man, goodnight" I said. "Bye." I heard him say. "Bye." I said. Once I hung up, I walked up the stairs to go to my room.
I made my way over to my bed and pulled the blankets over myself. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Author's note: Hey guys so that picture up there is supposed to be a picture of Adrian and Selangie together... Selangie's real name is Selangie Arlene Henriquez her name on Instagram is sel.xo, and Adrian's real name is Quanndel idk his last name, but his name on Instagram is mywavylife for those of you that were wondering. Btw don't forget to keep commenting... Bye😜

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