Chance's stomach growled hungrily and greedily, and he did what he could to placate his hungry stomach. He swallowed mouthfuls of food, barely chewing, to fill his belly up and stop it's growling and ease the hunger pains he had. He ate everything in front of him, repeatedly reaching for food, shoveling it into his mouth and starting the process over again.

It all tasted so good, the roast beef, pasta, steak, burgers, fries, hot dogs. He had cooked everything from that to spaghetti, grilled cheeses, eggs, sausages, biscuits, waffles, and pancakes. His table was piled with all the plates of food he had cooked up, and he was eating it all. Stuffing the food into his mouth and chewing hungrily for just a second before he swallowed the rest and immediately stuffed even more into his mouth.

He wasn't even waiting for the food to be completely swallowed down before forcing more into his mouth, the tastes of all the foods making him moan. He couldn't be bothered by the fact his pants were getting more and more tight around his waist, that the button of his pants was sinking into the growing bulge of his belly.

He was on auto pilot as he ate everything in front of him, reaching for more and not even bothering with utensils and just using his hands. He was starving and needed to fill his painfully empty stomach, somehow blind to the fact his stomach was getting fuller. It bulged out over the hem of his pants, poking out from under his shirt as it swelled bigger with the food he was gorging himself on.

Groaning with need and the fact he felt an incredibly uncomfortable pain around his midsection, like he was being squeezed to death, Chance finally looked down. And to his horror his abdomen was engorged with all the food he was eating. Even now as he stared at the round mass that had formed on his middle, he was chewing on a juicy steak.

I need to stop! He thought, panic rising as he swallowed the rest of the steak. But his hands didn't listen to his brain and he grabbed a couple grilled cheeses, eating one in just three large bites and stuffing the next into his mouth as soon as there was room. His blue-green eyes widened when he couldn't actually stop.

His pants were straining against the girth that continued to grow as he continued to engulf the food in front of him and he couldn't make his hands stop from reaching for even more to shove into his mouth. He couldn't even stop himself from chewing and swallowing or licking his lips to get everything he could.

He just had to keep eating, incapable of stopping. It all tasted so amazing and he closed his eyes, wanting to believe it was just a dream. If it was just a dream he could eat to his heart's content then wake up and be fit as a fiddle. That's what this had to be, surely it was just some great dream that allowed him to gorge himself on all this fantastic food.

He moaned at the thought, and his vigor to eat more increased. He swallowed down macaroni & cheese like it was soup, gulping it down to mix with everything else that was filling his stomach, stretching it further and making it grow bigger. His belly was now pooling out of his pants, his shirt riding up to reveal the white bulge of stuffed flesh.

His pants were starting to rip, the sound of fabric slowly ripping. The button of his pants was barely holding on, and as Chance reached for a gallon of milk to wash down some of the food to clear his throat for even more, the button popped off and went flying across the room. He blushed a little as the zipper of his pants flew down after, then sighed with relief as his engorged belly flopped out onto his lap with nothing to hold it back.

As he chugged the milk down as quickly as he could, the gallon filling out his stomach even more, he began to look as if he was expecting a very large baby with how swollen his belly was. In fact he could even say he looked pregnant with twins he had gorged himself so much.

And when the milk was all gone -every last drop swallowed up- he tossed the empty container away and began eating even more, his hunger pains renewed tenfold from the break to drink the milk. And now that his stomach wasn't restrained or being constricted so much by his jeans now that they were open, he felt like he could eat ten times more.

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