“This room is very special, it’s our caramel room! It’s how we fill and cover all our candies with the delicious and creamy caramel that Wonka has become known for!” He explained to the frat boy. They both passed the doors and walked into an amazing sight. Huge conveyer belts filled with candies of all types were rotating into and out of the room, stacked dozens high. There were so many conveyer belts that Mark could not even begin to count them all. And lining the top of every single one were rows and rows of odd mechanical appendages, all flexing and moving to and fro to dispense caramel into each individual candy.

“Wow. That seems expensive.” Mark spoke aloud to no one in particular, peering over the edge of the railing lining the pedestrian bridge that criss crossed the room.

“Very expensive, you see the caramel pumps sense the...never mind.” Cornelius said, noting the glazed look in Mark’s eyes. Mark turned his attention back towards the engineering marvel, straining harder and harder to see the bottom of the chamber. Cornelius noted the slight pudge on the young man, assuming he had packed on the pounds after starting college, as so many others had.

“Can you see the caramel generator? There at the bottom, see it?” Cornelius pointed towards the darkness of the bottom of the chamber. Mark strained even harder over the rail, attempting to view the sight. “Just there, can you-“

“AHHHHHHHHH” Mark’s scream came as a reply. The man had tumbled over the railing and onto the nearest conveyer belt, which ground to a halt. He rubbed his sore bottom, looking up at Cornelius very intimidatingly. “You pushed me dude!” He shouted.

“Nonsense you lost your balance!” Cornelius taunted.

“Just get me out of here man, how do I get back up there?” Mark began to look around wildly trying to get back to the bridge.

“Uh Oh.”

“Uh Oh? Why? What’s going on?” Mark began to panic a bit at the silence that came in reply, Cornelius was typing furiously on a computer screen and not paying attention to the boy. Then he heard a

*WHIRR*. He whipped his head around just in time to see a caramel arm swing towards him and with a *pop*, his mouth was wrapped around the mechanical appendage.

“MMmmmPH” Mark began trying to pull at the machine, but it would not budge. His boat shoes digging into the Conveyer belt as he tried to free himself.

“Mark please do remain calm, I’m attempting to shut down the machines.” Mark lowered his arms, though his mouth was still stretched wide around the turkey baster esque pump. He was sweating a bit now. “Whoops, that’s not right.” He heard Cornelius say loudly. Suddenly he heard a loud whirring, and watched as a light brown and thick liquid began to pour down towards his mouth. He redoubled his efforts, now pulling and yanking at the pump wildly, thrashing his significant bulk around trying to dislodge himself. Suddenly he felt the caramel begin to pump down his throat. It was wonderful and awful all at once, the most amazing the frat boy had ever tasted, yet each swallow felt like gallons. Cornelius was still typing away while Mark guzzled faster and faster so as not to choke on the viscous liquid. His neck bulged as he tried to swallow every drop. He felt so full, his stomach willing him to stop, but he knew that he couldn’t.

“MMMmph!” Mark groaned and Cornelius looked down at the boy. He was wide eyed and still struggling though he had slowed down considerably. Simply trying to swallow the vast amount of caramel was exhausting. Cornelius typed in a few commands and looked out again as the caramel began to pump into the boy at double the speed. Mark stopped struggling with the machine and began gulping the caramel down as fast as possible, straining at himself to keep up with the break neck pace. He felt as though his stomach would explode, he was sure he had swallowed at least two gallons of the liquid. Just as he was feeling as though he going to pop, a very odd sensation came over him. A sort of stretching and then relief, followed by even more pressure. He looked down at his slightly rounded belly and found that it looked a little rounder now. His eyes got wider as he swallowed, just now catching on to what was happening to his body. Then it happened again, just as he felt he could hold no more caramel, he felt a stretch then release then pressure again. But this time his eyes were focused on his paunch, and he saw it spread out with his own two eyes. Again and again he felt the sensation and again and again his stomach swelled, until it was the size of a proper beer belly. He placed his hands on each side, careful to keep swallowing the mass of sickly sweet liquid. He pressed in towards his center and was shocked to watch his belly move accordingly, almost like he was filled with sand. By now his shirt was straining, the buttons stretched tight across his amber belly. His rounded belly stuck out between the gaps in the buttons, pushing outward and outward. He watched as his stomach grew past a beer belly until it resembled a beach ball.

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