"Oh, this curry is actually quite good." Vaggie mutters after trying out the food.

"OOOoo, yes, you did quite a marvelousss job, Y/N." Sir Penuous praises me after taking a bite.

"Hehehe." I smile in victory, "See I am not that bad in cooking."

"hmn." Alastor rolls his eyes.


Tomorrow is the cook-off and everyone in the hotel will be watching.

"Aria wish me good luck." I said just as I was about to end the call between me and Aria. 

"Oh you are going to need more than that." Aria mutters under her breath.

"What was that?" I asked but before she replied she passed me a goodnight kiss and ended the call.

The next morning came and not gonna lie I felt nervous. Sure I did fail a few times before this but its Jambalaya. Jambalaya! I've basically made it a thousand times with Aria, I have all the capable experience to carry myself throughout this match.

"Y/N!" Charlie calls me from the lobby and I follow. "You have a package from... heaven?"

What? Did Aria send me something down here? 

"Oh that's my extra luggage." I laughed nervously, "Delayed shipping, am I right?"

I take the box and took a peep at it.

It really was from Aria. She sent me a whole sealed pot of Jambalaya. She really had felt no hope from me at all. However, I'm not going to cheat in this competition by displaying Aria's food. I'm going to try and I'm going to beat Alastor by fair means, I improved quite a lot after a few cooking sessions.

"And now, from the left we have Alastor, hell's infamous, RADIO DEMON!" Charlie introduces us before the match begins, "AAAAND, here on the right we have the ex-exterminator and heaven's ambassador, Y/N!!!"

"AND NOW LET THE MATCH BEGIN." A horn blared and the timer began ticking.

I started with the chopping. All the ingredients were already prepared for the contestants beforehand thankfully. Then I placed the meat into the pan and started cooking. I added a tablespoon of salt and just as I reached out for the black pepper my thoughts wandered off.

Wait how much black pepper should there be again?


Was it 1 tablespoon like the salt? Wait I remember it was in a 1:2 ratio with something. Wait is that even black pepper or was that the rice to water ratio...?

Fuck it.

I just dashed it in and maybe like half the bottle disintegrated or soo, maybe who knows.

After that point, I started panicking and just added whatever amounts into the dish.

I felt like a witch mixing her potion and pots. I thought I was doing good until I looked over the other side and saw Alastor with the most organized, clean, and FINISHED plate of Jambalaya.

I ducked under the counter and panicked.

Damn it, damn it!

'Heaven is on my side.' I chanted. 'Heaven is on my side. Heaven is on my si-
I look over at the pot Aria sent me. I crawled to it and quickly threw my dish in the bin.

I said I didn't want to cheat but... I also didn't want to lose to him.

"TIME IS UP." Charlie announces and two platters laid before the judges, who are Charlie, Angel Dust, and Husk.

"I vote for Alastor." Husk points to his dish.

"Oh, come on, you haven't even tried it." Then I remember that this cat's soul is under that deer.

"Let the taste testing, begin!" Charlie says before tasting the two dishes. She pauses and takes a few more bites from each of them.

"Well," Angel Dust places his spoon down and stretches, "It was a good show but they both taste similar to me, I can't tell."

"You jest," Alastor says as if my dish tasting like his was a great offense to him.

"Hm, but I'll vote for Y/N because I like her more than stop light over here." Angel whispers the last part in my ear and I laugh as a response.

"All up to you now, toots." Angel pats Charlie's shoulder.

"Erm... They both taste good." Charlie contemplates. "I vote..."

Drum rolls please, aaaand the winner is!

"I vote for the both of you!!" Charlie exclaims and there was a displeased contortion on both me and Alastor's faces. 

"That makes a tie. That make BOTH of you WINNERS!" Confetti popped in the background before she places stickers on our chest with bold capitalized words engraved on it, 'WINNER'

"I don't believe it." Alastor takes a plate from my pot, "My Jambalaya is incomparable to anything she makes."

He takes a bite and there was a moment of silence. Alastor places the plate down and our eyes locked in place. His gaze softened and somehow that scared me.

The eccentricity of his voice changed and became more somber. "I forfeit."

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