Incoming Call

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"There was a sudden change of plans," Alastor turned his back on me just to look back at my figure on the floor. "I'll escort you to your chambers."

I got up and followed him across the hallway. I took my spear from my back and clutched it close to me.

"I wouldn't do anything if I were you," Alastor says while walking.

"I should be the one to say that to you." I had to stop every urge in hell to carve a frown on his fucking face.

"Ha!" He said, almost like he was mocking me before suddenly stopping in his tracks. Like hello??? 

I bumped into him and staggered back. "You b-"

"What?" Alastor stared back with a slick expression, "Don't tell me you almost fell for me again?"

"Excuse me??!!" I retorted automatically.

"Why else would you try to take a photo of me when we just met." He laughs, "You fell for this charm." He leaned closer, "And this face." My face contorted. "Oh, you couldn't even look away." he continued.

The last time I felt this way was when I had to dissect a frog back in high school.

"I only did that be-" I stopped mid-sentence. He almost got me there. 

"Hm? Because?" He raised his brows. He wouldn't let me go until I answered. I could feel it.

"You looked familiar that's all." I rolled my eyes and looked at the door we stopped in front of. 
"Is this my room?"

"How clever!" He remarks with sarcasm and an applause played in the background. I growled at his response.
"So that's Charlie's room?" I pointed at the door beside it.

"Not quite," He says, "That's my room."


"Then why am I here??"

"I have to keep tabs on you of course! Temporarily." Alastor exclaims, "I can't leave my other guests under unrest. Until you are deemed trustworthy, I have to keep you at arms reach."

"I'm going to complain."

"Why! You can't!" He responds while pinching my cheeks, "I already talked to Charlie over this matter."

I slapped his hands away, "Did she agree to this?"

His grin widened, "She will."

I couldn't take another moment with him. I'll just accept things from now and rest. I entered the room and slammed the door on him.

A bed. Finally.

I jumped to the mattress and groaned. What a first day.

The communication orb started ringing. Oh come onnnnnnn, I just lied down.

"Good morning, Miss Sera." I answered the call and a hologram of Sera appeared. Wait was this a video call-

I immediately got up from the bed and saluted.

"No need for that, thank you Y/N." Sera replied. "How was the trip?"

"Nothing to worry about." My shoulders relaxed from the familiar presence.

"I'm glad you are doing good, Y/N." Sera smiles, "Did you know Aria was very worried for you."

"Really?" I smiled and then my heart started to ache. I missed Aria.

"I know how much you two are close, that's why I'm going to give Aria a communicating orb too. So that you two can catch up."

I  squealed in excitement. 

"And here she is," Sera delights at my glee, "I'll turn it over to her now."

"Aria!" I jumped at the hologram but then I passed through it. 

"Y/N!" She laughed.

I wanted to hug her so badly- or should I say goodly? 

"How are you Y/N? How is it there? Are the people nice to you?" She bombarded me with questions.

"First day is pretty rough. I mean it hasn't even been a whole day and I wish I could go back." I slumped back to the bed. 

"Awww," She replies, "When you come back for the monthly report, I'll prepare you a basket of all your favorites."

"Thank you, Ariaa." I lay on a pillow while holding the orb. "Charlie is pretty nice, Vaggie too. The other residents are wary of me still which is understandable but then there is this prick-"

"Who is this prick? Let me come down and beat them up for you." She pounded her fist.

I laughed at how protective she is, but I'll never allow her to enter a step here in hell. 

"Well at first he introduced himself as Alastor." Before Aria could start another session about her adorable son, I continued. "I tried to take a picture of him to show you but he got mad and even grabbed my wrists. You know it still hurts right now but I won't admit it to his face."

"My goodness! My Alastor would never!" She gasps.

"That's right! When I fell because of him, he didn't even offer a hand to help me up. He just left me and walked away." I vented to her. "He didn't even apologize or anything!"

I could feel Aria fuming on the other side.

"I was pretty happy that I met a person named Alastor but turns out it was some rude nobody." I exhaled. "But don't worry I'll continue searching for him." 

"Don't risk yourself for my favor, Y/N. I want you to prioritize yourself, okay?" She says to me. But, oh, I will. I know how much she loves him so I would do anything to make her happy.

"Don't worry about me, Aria." I said, "Don't you have a daycare to care about right now?"

"Oh my, I do." She gets up in a rush. 

I smiled and waved goodbye. "Well, I'll call you soon. Take care." 

"Bye-bye, sweetheart. Take care too." Aria kisses the screen and the footage closes.

I sighed. Peaceful silence filled the room and soon overtook me. I closed my eyes and slept.

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