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Damon is sitting beside Aca who's reading Emily's grimoire. Stefan enters the room

Aca: I can feel your brooding eyes on me, Ripper.

Damon: What now?

Stefan: Anna took Elena.

Damon: Yeah, we got that from your 600 voice mails.

Stefan strides across the room towards them.

Stefan: Damon, Ace, all night long, every single street in town, I've been searching. What if your blood hasn't passed out of her system?

Ace: Well, then at least you know you'll see her again.

Stefan: Please.

He sits down on the sofa, next to them

Stefan: What do you know? You were with Anna, you must know where's she living. Just tell me where I can find her.

Damon: Nope. You can go. Really.

Stefan: You know, all I can remember is hating you. There might have been a time when that was different, but your choices have erased anything good about you.

Ace lays the grimoire down and raises his eyebrows

Stefan: But see, I also know you have just as much reason to hate me. This all began with me. Emily got taken away from you because of me. And I'm sorry.

Ace: Apology accepted.

Stefan: So please, just tell me what you know.

Damon: Huh.

Stefan: [pleading] It's Elena, Damon. If you know something, tell me.

Ace: With all due respect, I couldn't care less if the annoying doppelganger lives or dies.

Damon: What he said

They link their hands and walks out of the room together.


Elena stumbles into the motel room. Anna leans against a table, looking at Elena.

Anna: Well, well. Elena Gilbert. You really are Katherine's doppelgänger. You must have Stefan reeling.

Elena: Who are you?

Anna: I'm Anna. Zoey may have mentioned me. I mean, we're like, practically dating.

A flash of jealousy appears in Elena's eyes as her jaw clenches.


Caroline walks in and approaches Evelyn at a table

Caroline: Hey baby, where's Elena? I've been texting her and Bonnie all day about Duke's party.

Evelyn: Uh, she went somewhere with Stefan.

Caroline: [sighs] I am so not going to be one of those girls who disappears just because she has a new boyfriend.

Evelyn: Who is Duke?

Caroline: Some guy that graduated a couple of years ago. And he throws a party every time he comes home from Duke.

Evelyn: Wait, Duke goes to Duke?

Caroline: His real name's Bob or something.

Evelyn chuckles as Caroline plops down beside her

Caroline: He's a total ass. But he buys the beer. You know, you should come.

She pecks her on the lips

Evelyn: I don't think so

Caroline: Come on, you can get me drunk and have your way with me if you want to. I don't mind.

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