Chapter 5

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 We decided to stay the night in the warehouse. We spent half the time there gathering supplies that we would need for the trip. We took five boxes out to the car. During our last trip trouble arose.

We had just shut the car door when a shuffling sound caught our attention. I turned to look and saw nothing. We started to walk to the warehouse again. About five paces from the car we heard the sound again. Slowly I pulled out my machete. Camilla pulled out a bowie knife that I had never noticed before. It was attached to her hip with a leather sheath.

We slowly looked around again. Still we saw nothing. I was getting a creepy feeling down my spine. It sounded like a zomb to me but maybe it could be an animal or something. We weren't sure how the virus affected the animals yet. So far it seemed safe for them. Other than being hungry all the time due to lack of food they seemed to fare well against the virus.

I was looking for a dog or a cat or something. Something big enough to make the sound. I wasn't seeing anything at first until the sound got louder. It came from my right. I turned to look just in time as a zomb came out from behind the right side of the building and spotted us standing there. It gave a low grumble and started to make its way toward us. I sighed.

"I've got this, don't worry." I said. Then I went to dispatch of the zomb. As I walked up to it I lifted my machete and brought it down into the head of the zomb. It went in with a squelch and the zomb and my machete both went down to the ground. I was just trying to pull my machete free when there was another grumble sound. I looked up and saw that about five or six zombs were coming around the corner and were converging on me.

I got my machete free and ran back toward the building, toward Camilla, toward another horde of zombs coming from the other side of the building. I shouted out for Camilla. She turned and saw the horde. I ran over to her and we stood back to back. There was only one way that I could see to get out of there.

"Go, the car, now!" I shouted to Camilla.

"Right!" Came the response from behind me.

We both made a beeline for the car. When we got there I jumped in the driver's seat and Camilla ran around to the passenger seat. Her hand had just touched the door when a zomb came up behind her. It grabbed her shoulder and she just barely managed to duck out of the way of its mouth.

She reached around to her back and pulled her weapon. She drove the blade through the skull of the zomb. She pulled her blade out of the skull and dove inside the car. I started up the engine, threw the car in gear, and floored it. We barely made it out of there with our lives. We didn't look back at the warehouse as we hit the highway. Now that we were on the road it was time to get to the business of finding her son.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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