Plot Holes To Watch Out For: Inconsistent Magics, Tech

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Vital Beat sounds like it would suit Musa better than it does Aisha I get that people do see water as the vital beat of the universe but Universal Water's Strength would've been better and lived up to the fierceness of Aisha's other spells like Aisha's Iridescent Waves spells that she combined with Stella's Projecting Mirror Wavebeam that actually made sense one water does have its own slight glow and therefore can be seen as Iridescent and Water has always been part of Aisha's powers that never changes.
And giving Musa Vital Beat would give Musa a variety of names in her attack and defensive spells.
Musa's spells have gotten quite boring in Season 4 for some reason people keep reusing the words Sonic, Harmonic and Harmony in her new spells and that gets old so fast, Skylights. Vital Beat would actually be a spell that could not only affect the environment around her, but affect her internally finally trying to relieve her of where she has gone wrong because Musa contrary to her spells namedHarmony and Harmonic she isn't behaving Harmonically at all.
Musa's only interesting Spells are Magic Phase Boom (I know people think she was pronouncing a b for bass but it actually is a p being enunciated.) And Stereo Crash and the Raindance thing back in Season 2.

Very few of Tecna's Sirenix spells fit her powers except for her Logic Net.

Techno Punch and Techno Kick and Ditigal Strike are cool attack spells for Tecna in Sirenix as is Virtual Protection Shield which is weirdly called Neon Splice which makes no sense at all not even color wise. I like in this Season that Tecna uses her core knowledge of her powers and manifests it into the Logic Net normally we see her catch people with a laser cage or digital room so it is nice to a new spell finally being for the same purpose.
Genesis Blow makes no sense has nothing to do with her powers of technology nor does her special Sirenix spell either. "Aura of Sirenix?!" what does this even mean nobody ever explains it?! And Genesis Blow other name is the other version is worse "Biorhymthic Flow" that spells should be Flora's because Bio means green and life and it would give her a second fierce spell attack like Petal Hurricane and would make up to her later Season 6 spells Chlorophyll Bolt and Spring Shower that were just as fierce as her Venus Gobbler attack before gaining Enchantix."

At least with Season 6 Tecna's spell names make more sense.
One of Tecna's forgotten Charmix Spells is "Wire Beam!" There is so much more to use for Tecna's spells a spell Tecna should have kept using in Sirenix from her Believix power was her oil delete because when she uses Virtual Projection once she makes things Virtual with her magic she does have technology powers she does have access to the virtual reality trash can deleting system, Skylights.

While the Writers weren't doing their research and redoubling checking their work in Season 3 with the Fairydust rules and the Water Stars' delayed introduction scenes Nick was just not creative enough to come up with any creative names for spells on the spot or creative designs either. The Season 3 flaw instantly makes Aisha and Bloom look like they do all the hard acting work and it is not always fair to them for them to have to do all the work, Skylights, that is not the point of a team, my friends. At least Tecna got great spells in Harmonix spell and everybody complains how the X-Ray vision is incorrectly done but I don't think it is an actually X-Ray vision spell other than making Tecna's eyes see with gray scale I actually believe X-Ray vision is an X-Ray Insight Spell where she can see similar lengths beyond the dark spell but actually isn't seeing anything the way an X-Ray works I believe it is more of a I can see you/your problems from a very far away distance spell without her having to look too hard with her own eyes.
It is a lower form of her Megavision (I know it's not called that but this would have been a better name after all, Skylights, cause the other name slipped my mind) with her Mythix wand which she used to see what was happening outside that  was quite far away from Frank-stein's monster castle so there is a continuity there actually they use it once again.)

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