The New Girl (Pt.3) (B.B)

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⚠️TW: LANGUAGE... (sorry it js.. slipped out.. Iykyk...)
*Bucky's POV*

"Bucky, you don't have to stay up with me.. you need your sleep.." "You need to sleep too. Whether it takes a few minutes or a few hours." I got back in Y/N's bed and pulled her close. I rubbed her arm with my hand, "It's alright, you can sleep." After about 15 minutes, her breathing slowed, Y/N was finally getting some rest. I stayed up for another 10 minutes just to be sure she was still sleeping and then I went back to sleep. At around 10 A.M, Y/N woke up, "Mornin' doll" "Good morning, Honey" "How did you sleep?" "I slept wonderfully, thank you babe, I love youuu" "That's good to hear, you can count on me 😁, I love you moreee" "You can win this one" "😁". We cuddled for a while longer before we got ready for the day. After eating, we went on a walk and then had to go to training.

*Y/N's POV*

I had a very strong feeling that this training session wouldn't go well. I was working on my combat skills when Steve gave me a critique, "Y/L/N, if you (idk man) then, (I still dk man)" I applied his comment the next time and things were much easier. "See what happens when you listen to me? Things get done. And people don't get hurt." "I-," "Don't care." "Come on Steve, she said she was sorry so many times" my boyfriend butted in, "Still don't care." "Son of a bitch" Bucky mumbled, "What was that Barnes?" "I said: son.. of.. a.. bitch." "At least my parents could follow clear orders and not act like an imbecile!" My jaw dropped. "Excuse me??!" I loudly questioned, "You heard me! Though— I guess you would just disregard me again! But— ya know where that gotcha! You know why?? Cause you're an insubordinate and reckless idiot!! 😀" my defaulted response was 'YO MOMMA' but I overpowered myself and watered it down... to simply flipping him off.. was that wise? Probably....not.... I exited the room like a bad bitch before either of them could see me cry.

*Bucky's POV*

As Y/N walked away I saw her face go from 'bad bitch and I know it' to 'What the hell did I just do???' "What the fuck Rogers??" "You need to watch your mouth Barnes." "Or what?" "You're suspended." "I don't give a flying fuck what you do! You're treating Y/N like absolute shit for a mistake!" "She disobeyed me on purpose." "So what?? She did it because she though she could save people— you know that!!" "I told her not to!" "The whole point of a mission is to save people! You told her not to save people that seemed to be in danger and in need of help! What kind of mixed messages are you trying to send??" "I said no for a reason, Barnes!" "We're all aware— Mister perfect Star-spangled." "I never-," "Don't care." I stormed out the room and went to go find my girlfriend.

"Hey, Nat, have you seen Y/N?" "I think she went outside.. is she okay?" "TBD.. thanks" "Of course" I continued my search and found her outside, under a willow tree. "Y/N.. I'm sorry about Rogers.. he's been such a dick about the whole thing.. I don't think I wanna call him a friend anymore.." "But Steve is your person.." "You're a much better person. And, he might fire me..." "WHAT??" "He warned me about cursing..." "And..?" "And I said 'I don't give a flying fuck'..." "Shittt!! You're gonna get fired!! Because of me! I'm terrible!" "If I get fired it's because Rogers acts like a pissy baby when he doesn't get his way." "Damn- tell me how you really feel! Hahaha" "I feel like I should kiss you" "I'm not opposed.."

Do we want to mend Bucky & Steve's friendship or just ignore it and call it a day?


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