New Girl (Pt.2) (B.B)

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⚠️TW: G^n$ & Kn!v3$⚠️

*Y/N's POV*

I was running around the Avengers' tower in search of Bucky, "Thor, have you seen Bucky?" "I think he's in the room of training!" "Thanks Thor!" "No problem Lady Y/N!" I sprinted down the hall and to the stairs because I figured it may be fast than waiting for the elevator. I ran down three flights of stairs and towards the training room. I saw Bucky emerge from the training center, "Bucky!" "Y/N!" "I need to tell you something!!" we said in sync. "You first!" We also exclaimed in unison. We laughed then I stayed quiet and gestured for Bucky to say his two cents. "Y/N, I like you... a lot... in a more-than-a-friend way..." "Thank goodness!!" He gave me a perplexed look, "I was literally about to say the same thing!" "😲" "It's meant to be for realsies.. cause ain't no way all of that played out so perfectly.." "Agreed.. so.. what's the plan of action?" "We go out on a test date or two, see how things play out..?" "Cool.. dinner tomorrow night?" "Works for me" "Nice" we went our separate ways, and as soon as the elevator door shut I started squealing like a little girl.

*Bucky's POV*

I walked back into the gym where me, Sam, and Steve had been working out and chatting. "How'd it go?" "We have a date tomorrow" "That's my guy!!" Sam hyped me up as usual, "Where?" "I dunno, but we're going to dinner" "Oooh ____ is a nice place.. romantic but not over the top."

We went to _____ as Sam suggested and he was right, it was the perfect place for a first date. After some convincing, I got Y/N to only cover the tip instead of a large portion of the bill; I had more food/expensive things off the menu and she was trying to split the cost half-way and I didn't think it'd be fair to her. She tipped the waiter a generous $20. We decided to finish the date by watching (Ur fav movie) in Y/N room, "Omg this part is so (Sad...? Funny..? Whatever applies to said movie...?)"

*3rd person POV*

It has been nearly two months of you dating. All of the missions you've been on this far were fairly simple. However, this mission will prove to be quite the challenge. You, Bucky, Steve, Wanda, and Tony have been selected for this mission.

*Bucky's POV*

"You sure you want to go on *this* particular mission?" I asked my girlfriend for the 4th time, Yes, Buck" "Are you sure you're sure?" "Babe, yes, I want to go. Okay?" "Okay.." "Great" she kissed my cheek and walked away.

*3 hours later* "I'm hungryyy" Tony began to whine, this reminded the rest of us of how hungry we were getting. "Calm down guys, I made us food before we left" Y/N announced, "Life saver! Literal life saver!" Tony praised Y/N as he began to scarf down Y/N's cooking, "Anytime Stark, anytime.."

*Y/N's POV*

We had reached one of the most intricate portions of this mission and there was a lot of pressure on me. This is my first big mission and my powers are the best for this particular task. So, I had the burden of leading the team into this battle and planning out all our our strategies and tactics. "You got the plans yet Y/L/N?" Captain America asked me, "Almost done.." "Hurry. We don't have all the time in the world." "It'll be done soon, I swear." As soon as Rogers walked away, I buried my face in my hands and let out a groan. "You alright, doll?" Bucky questioned me, as he wrapped his strong arms around my shoulders. "Yeah, I'm good.. just have to finish up these plans." "Need any help?" "Nope, I can do it" "You sure?" "Jeez, Buck, can you please have some faith in me??!" My boyfriend backed away from me slightly, "I'm sorry, babe, I shouldn't've snapped like that.." "It's okay, you're right, you can do it. Just— don't be afraid to ask for help, okay?" "Okay" Bucky kissed my forehead and walked away to let me finish. *20 minutes later* I had completed the strategies and showed it to Steve, "Seems good to me. Nice work, Y/N." "Thanks, Cap"

Everybody was in their starting locations. We went over everything one last time to confirm that everybody knew what was happening. We went into the large building where our opponents and their kidnapped victims were. We evacuated all the victims or so we thought. I saw a young woman with two small children curled up in a corner, being approached by a gunman. The children were crying and scared. I couldn't just leave them behind. I swiftly moved around, ducking behind walls and other things to not be seen, "Y/N/L! What are you doing?!" Wanda whisper-shouted, "There's still three more people.." "Y/L/N, leave them."Rogers said, "But I-," "Leave them. That's an order." "Sorry cap" I ran in, taking down the gunman. "I'm sorry" the woman mouthed to me, I looked at her confused, a dozen more men jumped out of the shadows and attacked me. I began fighting back but there were too many of them. "Guys, Y/N and I need help over here!!" Wanda yelled as several more troops marched down the hallway, armed with powerful weaponry.

Wanda and I were punched quite a few times, Tony was pretty much fine in his suit— except for a cut here and there. But, Steve was shot. Bucky got shot and stabbed, protecting me. Protecting me because I didn't listen to fricken Captain America. I apologized time and time again to everybody. They were all very quick to accept my apologies and assistance in their healing on the way back, except for Steve. My powers can close wounds and stop bleeding but surgeries and pain are still possible. Everybody was trying to get some shut-eye, but, I couldn't. I felt so guilty.

That felt like the longest flight ever.

As soon as we made it back to the compound, I went straight to my room and took a long cold shower as punishment for myself. (Hot showers are superior) I tried to sleep and was ince agai unsuccessful. So, at the butt-crack of dawn, I began making a luxurious apology breakfast in hopes of mending things with cap. "Thanks 😒" was all he said to me the whole day. That following night, I was laying in my bed and Bucky knocked on my door. "Who is it?" "It's Buck" "Come in" "Hey doll" "Hey" he said getting into bed next to me. "How ya feeling?" "Like shit. How about you?" "Just a little sore, I'll be fine" "I'm so sorry Bucky, I really didn't think anything bad was gonna happen.." "I know, it's alright. Now, you know for next time" "If there is a next time. Steve hates me." "He doesn't hate you" "Sureee" We kept talking for a while, then, I put on a cartoon and Bucky fell asleep on my chest. I proceeded to stay up and even after I turned off the tv. At some point, he began to move around, and I stared at him silently to see if he was having a nightmare or something. I laid as still i as good, he carefully got up to try and not disturb my 'slumber'. He went to the bathroom and came back about a minute later. "Y/N/N?" "Hey.." "Have you been up this whole time?" "Yeah.." "Why?" "Can't sleep" "When was the last time you slept??" "Uhmm.. like two or three days ago.." "I'm sorry— what?!" "I think a dozed off for like thirty minutes here and there but..yeah.." "Is it because of the mission?" "Yeah" "Doll, you didn't know it wouldn't go well" "But people got hurt— you got hurt.." "We get hurt on missions all the time. We've all gotten others hurt at some point, it's alright. We all forgave you" "Well not all of you..." the mumbled, "Huh?" "Nothing.. uhh, you can go back to sleep.." "I'm not sleeping till you sleep.

This is mad long so imma make another part... sorry for the wait y'all!!!


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