The Traumatic Tales of Griffin Campbell

Start from the beginning

He had bruises covering his face, and a cut down his lip. Harper felt sick to her stomach. Tears welled up in her eyes. Griffin noticed this and turned off the camera yet again. 

"I'm fine, Harper. Everything's fine, don't cry. I'm okay, I'll be okay." He reassured. Harper wasn't exactly sure why he was comforting her, and not the other way around, but that's just how Griffin rolled. 

He didn't want to show his feelings, didn't wanna show people that his dad got to him, that he SCARED him. He turned things around to make himself feel better. So he didn't feel weak. 

That's just how Griffin Campbell worked. Until he couldn't take it anymore. 

Until the day Griffin Campbell broke. 


Harper heard her phone ring. It was a rainy afternoon. Not a peaceful kind of rainy either. Like the fill your boots with muddy water kind of rainy day. Yuck. 

She saw a .5 pic of Griffin and the name Griff <3 light up the screen. She smiled and hit the green answer button. 

"Hey, how are you today?" Harper asked. 

"I can't take it anymore!" Griffin sobbed through the phone. Harper's face softened as she sat on her bed. 

"Griffin, calm down. What's going on, what happened?" She asked gently. 

"I stood up for my little brother and he did it again. And he wouldn't stop. It hurts really bad, Harper, it really hurts. And then I got kicked out of my own house! I don't know what to do, I'm in pain, I'm scared, I'm all alone, I-" He sobbed, cutting himself off with heavy breathing and tears streaming down his face. 

"Easy, Griff. Where are you at?" Harper asked gently, secretly infuriated with Ben's actions. 

"By the springs at the front of the Tremont property." He choked out. 

"What did he say when he kicked you out?" Harper asked. 

"H-he sai-said that he was done with me and that I sh-should never show my face at the house again." Griffin cried, breaking into another round of sobs. Harper made calming noises to the boy on the other end of the phone. 

"Can I tell my mom what's going on? We'll come get you, you can stay with us. You always have a home with us." Harper assured. Griffin whimpered. 

"My dad's gonna kill me." He cried. 

"Griff, breathe, just stay where you are, everything will be just fine." Harper assured. "You wanna stay on the phone with me?" 

"Y-yes please." He sniffled. Harper nodded and tucked her phone in her pocket, Griffin still on the line, walking down the stairs towards the kitchen. 

"Mom, I know you're busy, but something happened and we NEED to go pick up Griffin at the Tremont and he has to stay with us for a little while." Harper addressed urgently. 

"Honey, I'll have to talk to his parents first." Jess said, only half paying attention. 

"Mom, listen! He needs to stay with us, now." She said, emphasizing her words. Jess's head shot up. 

"Is he alright?" Jess asked. Harper nodded. 

"But we have to go. Now. Please." Harper explained. They got in the car and drove to the start of the driveway. 

"Wait here, mom, I'll be back with Griffin." She explained. Harper climbed out of the SUV and walked towards the springs. She only hung up the phone when Griffin was in her sight. She ran to him. 

He was a mess. Bruised, bloody, tears streaming down his face. His eyes were bloodshot, he was pale and yet sickly red at the same time, and he was shaking heavily. 

She stopped in front of him and he looked into her brown eyes with his own green eyes. He looked like a lost puppy, broken and scared. Harper embraced him tight, rubbing his back and pushed the wet hair out of his eyes. 

"Lets get home." Harper said. 


"How you feeling?" Harper asked walking into the guest bedroom later that evening. Griffin shrugged. 

"A little bit better. Warm shower helped." Griffin looked down at the bedspread. 

"Everything okay?" Harper asked. 

"No. When is anything in my life okay?" Griffin mumbled honestly. Harper rubbed his back as he let a couple tears fall. 

"Your father contact you?" Harper asked gently. Griffin nodded and handed her his phone. 

Something about how Griffin needed to come  home and that he was gonna kill him for running away. 

"Didn't HE tell YOU to leave!?" Harper yelled. Griffin nodded, tears in his eyes. "I'll kill him." 

"No one is killing anyone." Jess said, walking into the room. "Griffin, listen to me, we won't let him hurt you any more. I promise. Just breathe and relax knowing that you're okay with us. We love you sweetheart." 

With that, she exited the room. Must've just been passing down the hallway and heard Harper's killing comment. 

Ben made Harper desperately want to change the SZA song Kill Bill into Kill Ben. 

"Thank you, Harper. For protecting me." Griffin said gratefully. 

"Of course. I love you, Griffin." Harper blurted out. She gasped as she realized what she'd said. 

"I love you too." Griffin smiled before she could take it back. She smiled. Great. 

They kissed, Harper stroking his cheek. Just her touch made his pain just seem to melt away. 

Griffin and Harper smiled at each other lightly. 

hope you enjoyed! this was a long waited request! 


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