The First Day -Chapter 2

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   I tap his shoulder " um hey?" he turns around and glares at me. " Okay jeez, I'm Y/n " after a couple of seconds of silence " Five... Hargreeves" I repsond with " like the number?". He says "Yeah?" I find his name cool yet weird and said" That's cool. Um do you know these people?" I say as I point to the dead people around us, he looks down "Yes...I do ". I look around and put my hand on his shoulder " I'm sorry for your loss but, look on the bright side". He looks confused and annoyed " what bright side? If you didn't know," he points to Luther " those people are my family ". I look a little sad " I was gonna say you have me, but..." my sentence trails off  before I can finish it. " I don't even know you and you think we can be friends? " I look around " I mean sure". " What's your full name " he said a stern and serious tone, " Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n ,why?" He sighs " Well then, Y/m/n I guess we could give this friends this a try..." his sentence trails off. I look at a little confused and annoyed, how did he know I hated being called by my middle name. " Okay then, Hargreeves " I look over for someone then realize it's just us. " Well, uh weird question " he looks  over giving me the signal to ask " Can you tell me about your family?.


      He takes my hand runs away because he can sense danger but also to avoid the question. I look back and see something orange moving and realized it was a spreading fire on a house. After what felt like forever running, we stopped and looked for somewhere else to sleep. I got so bored walking around I start poking his face " Hey, Hargreeves? " he looks super annoyed and pushed my hand away nicely. " I'm bored " we noticed the sun was going down. He looked at me " Come on " he picks up speed and we go back to the place we were originally at but the fire had suddenly gone away. I let go of his hand and he does the same " It's late, I guess " I look down at my wrist and realize I don't have a watch " oh yea, I guess so" after a couple seconds of silence I say " We should go to sleep" he lays down and I do too. After 5 minutes goes by Five starts to doze off and I just look at him bored out of my mind then say " I can't sleep " he sighs and closes his eyes then mutters " If I tell you a story will you sleep? ". I look embarrassed and say " mhm " so he opens his eyes " Can I try to put you asleep quicker, not just with the story?" I look at him suspicious " sure?..". Suddenly I felt two arms around my torso and he pulled me closer him. Then gently started to stroke my hair and I close my eyes. " This is not what I expect, Hargreeves" he looks at me sitting back, leaning against the remain of the house "Shush Y/m/n" I sigh and close my eyes waiting for the story.


    "Okay," he sigh " Once upon a time, there was a family of 8 who all looked perfect and all that but actually wasn't" I started to doze off " They were called The Umbrella Academy, and these children weren't ordinary, well one was but that's not the point. Anyways, 6 of the kids had powers. One super strength, another time travel, the list of powers could go on" he looks down at me and laughs " works everytime and their face is so weird looking" he moves me over away from him and lays down. He closes his eyes trying to sleep, shifting back and forth, side to side. After 30 minutes he can't sleep, so he moves closer to me, which by the way he was cold too, trying to get my warmth. I turn over and accidentally hit his eye, he just ignores it because he knows I'm asleep. He closes his eyes and falls asleep right next to me. Little did we know I have a habit to in my sleep, I tend to cling onto the closest thing to me possible. So I wrapped my arms around him and we slept. Then next day, I wasn't hanging onto him because I guess in the mornings I don't hold them anymore, maybe I just needed comfort for the night. I rlly don't know, Anyways I woke up to something watching me sleep. I open my eyes slowly and slap whatever it was, i didn't care what is. Creature or not, it was gonna have to catch these hands. They were coming fast and hard.

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