Felix smirks. "Yeah, he's friends with Chan."

"My Chan? The new kid?" Jeongin says, jealousy laced in his voice. He doesn't know why he feels like this. Maybe its because his friend, the one he really likes, is surrounded by two gay dudes and one bisexual guy. Who are hot as fuck.

Jisung smiles. "Your Chan? Why is he yours?" Jisung teases and tries not to laugh at his friend.

Jeongin blushes, he blushes hard. "I..... Well, I didn't mean to say that. He's not mine." Jeongin says. He feels super embarrassed. He doesn't understand why he said that, he just did. "Chan can be friends with whoever he wants. And it only makes sense that his friends are them, they're senior's." He sighs.

All of a sudden, four older boys came to sit at their table. Chan sat next to Jeongin, Changbin sat next to Felix, Hyunjin sat next to Seungmin, and Minho sat next to Jisung. The four younger boys were confused, but went with it.

Changbin put his arm around his boyfriend's shoulders and started up a conversation.

Jeongin looks at Chan, all sounds of the conversation being blocked out. Jeongin admires Chan's face. His beautiful pale skin, his amazing jaw. His fluffy, curly blonde hair. His plump, pink lips, his perfect nose. He adorable dimples that show every time he smiles. Jeongin noticed his ear piercing as well, not something he noticed before.

The other boys, all except Chan, noticed the youngest boys stares. Jeongin was so lost in staring at Chan, he didn't notice Felix pointing out what was happening until Chan tuned and looked at him.

The two boys stare at each other, faces only inches away from each others. Jeongin blushes, his cheeks and ears feeling hot. He was embarrassed, but also shocked and surprised.

Chan looked away and cleared his throat, clearly feeling awkward.

"Sorry... I spaced out." Jeongin lies and stuffs a few fries in his mouth.

"It looked like you were falling in love." Minho jokes and Jisung nudges him, sending him a glare.

Jeongin panicked, but he couldn't make that obvious, so he just rolled his eyes in an attempt to shake off the comment.

Chan laughed at the comment and Jeongin's reaction. His reaction may have been different if he new the fox like boy was gay, but sexuality hadn't come up in conversation.

After that, the conversation went back to normal and Jeongin relaxed a bit. Minho sent him an apologetic look and Jeongin just smiled at him.


After lunch, they all went to their classes and then, the end of the school day came around. They, Felix, Jeongin, Jisung, and Seungmin, met up right outside the front doors.

"We should go do something." Seungmin says the second he walks through the doors where the rest of his friends are. "Since Jeongin's parents are the only ones who cares where he goes, and they aren't home." Seungmin smiles, "We can do whatever and go wherever we want."

Jisung smiles and nods. "Since when are you a rule breaker?" He giggles.

Before Seungmin can answer, Jeongin speaks up. "Is it just going to be us four, or are Changbin and the others coming as well?" Jeongin looks at his friends with pleading eyes. Jeongin wants to hang out with Chan. He also wants Seungmin and Hyunjin to be together, and he wants Minho and Jisung to be together. He couldn't care less if Felix and Changbin hang out, though. They spend like every second together.

Felix smiles and looks at Seungmin with wide eyes. "Can they please join? I wanna hang out with my Binnie." Felix begs the younger, a cute pout on his face. Even though Felix is older, he still needs the approval of the puppy like boy.

Seungmin sighs, he say can't say no to Felix when he pouts. "Fine. Just please don't go eating each others faces, it's gross."

Felix squeals happily and jumps. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." The boy chants over and over while he hugs his best friend.

"Seungmin, you won't think kissing's gross when you kiss Hyunjin." Jisung teases.

Seungim blushes. "T-That's not true." He looks away from his friends.

Jeongin starts giggling. "It is true, and you know it!" All the boys except Seungmin start giggling.

Seungmin glares at them. "Well, Jisung, you wish you could kiss Minho. And Jeongin, you wish you could kiss Chan. So all of you shush!"

The boys stop laughing and Jisung and Jeongin blush at his comment. "I don't want to kiss Chan." Jeongin defends quietly.

"Yes, you do." The puppy like boy huffs.

"No, I don't!" Jeongin pouts.

Chan and the others come up behind Jeongin. "You don't, what?" Chan asks.

Jeongin turns around and looks at the older boy. "Nothing!" He says quickly, still blushing.

".....Okay...." Chan says and nods.

"Do you guys wanna do something with us?" Felix says, excitement laced in his voice.

All the boys agreed and they started brainstorming places to go and things to do.


(a/n: I haven't posted for a while, sorry about that)

(It's been almost a week...... I was busy and kinda got grounded.... oops. But I will try my best to post at least 1 chapter a week, but I'll shoot for 2 or 3)

(Anyway, love you lots)

word count: 1410

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