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Later in the afternoon, in the big white kitchen of the manor, the scent of freshly made coffee wafted through the air as Leonor stood at the counter, a look of concentration on her face.

She was flipping through the pages of a cookbook, searching for something that she would succeed in making or at least try to. She then cursed herself for being stubborn enough to refuse to learn how to cook when the chance was given to her.

As she pondered her choices, Mary, the housemaid, entered the kitchen with a gentle but nervous smile. She had been tasked by Thomas to convince Leonor to join the Shelby family meeting, a task she approached with a sense of duty and a touch of apprehension.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Shelby," Mary greeted, her voice warm and respectful.

Leonor looked up from the cookbook, her expression guarded. "Mary."

"I hope you're finding everything to your liking," Mary said, attempting to strike up a friendly conversation.

Leonor sighed softly, setting the cookbook aside, struggling to find the right word. "It's... different."

Mary nodded in understanding. "Mr. Shelby told me to let you know that his family is here for a meeting."

Leonor's brow furrowed, and she shook her head. "I don't belong in those discussions and I have nothing to contribute, Mary."

"Please, Mrs. Shelby, just give it a try," Mary urged softly, the thought of disappointing her employer was enerving, grateful that Leonor was keen to etiquette enough to get ready without even being asked to. "You might find that you have more in common with the Shelbys than you think."

I doubt it, Leonor thought in secrecy. She knew their reputations, but in the end, they were the kind of people who would die for each other, how can she even compare to her family? I wouldn't know, they're all dead.

But the Shelby family were very much alive for the noise of it, they all had gathered in the dimly lit dining room of Arrow House for one of their regular meetings.

Thomas sat at the head of the table, his expression serious as he reviewed some documents. Ada was beside him, her teenage son Karl sitting close by, his eyes in disdain as he watched his mother cooing his sister as idly tapping a pencil on the table.

Arthur and Linda sat across from each other, sharing a whispered conversation, but Arthur listened more than he had the chance to speak. Finn and Mary, the youngest couple in the room, exchanged affectionate glances, and the family accountant, Mr. Jenkins, sat at the far end, a stack of financial reports in front of him as Curly, Johnny Dogs, and Charlie walked past the big windows, making the way to the stables.

She wore a tailored purple dress that accentuated her figure, and her dark hair was elegantly styled in soft waves down her shoulders. Her beauty was undeniable, even if her eyes gave it away how tired she was, but what else gave her away was her icy demeanor that was impossible to ignore as she entered the room.

"Good, everyone..." Thomas greeted, his tone businesslike. "I'm sure you all met but this is Leonor, once Lady Leonor Rose Bordon-Caleruega Astley, but now, Leonor Shelby." He spoke slowly, reaching out his hand. "Wife, take a seat."

Leonor nodded curtly but remained silent as she first poured herself a drink, before seating at the table. How could she even relate or be like them if Thomas himself didn't help, announcing her full name with a hint of mockery or disdain for her aristocratic roots even if those roots were what made him marry her in the first place? And who told him that she would ditch her family's name to begin with?

Arthur, always eager to engage in conversation even if it was awkward,  tried to break the ice. "Leonor, how have you been finding Arrow House?" His accent was thick and heavy but surprisingly she found it easier to understand than the ones was used to. " It's quite a place, isn't it?"

A Midsummer Night's Deal - Thomas Shelby x OFC - Peaky BlindersWhere stories live. Discover now