Cursed Love Protagonist - Chapter 3

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Music Up Top: Memory Reboot - Voj x Narvent (Slowed) (1 Hour)

Finished On: February 22nd, 2024.
Published On: March 22nd, 2024. 
Words In Total: 10,139 words.
Chapters of Case Files: 1 and 2.
Spoiler Characters: Luke Evans, Noah, Wake, Bogey, Chris Highton, and Alfred.

Rise, my Alfred simps. You have been called for this and next chapter. Even if there are basically none of you that exist lmfao. Oh yeah, Luke Evans. We're gonna have some fun with him and Jack. So, let's get into it-

Warnings: Cigarette Use, possessive behavior, murder, graphic descriptions, and spoilers to the Jack The Ripper Spin-Off.
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A week after Chapter 2

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A week after Chapter 2

(Y/n) looked to be up at an early hour of the morning, smoking outside on the patio. There was a sudden small knock on the doorway, making them look back slightly. "... Morning, Alfred. What woke you up?" They questioned. "Nothing. I got up for some water but saw that your door was open. And I saw you out here, smoking way too early." (Y/n) closed their eyes with the faintest of smiles over their faces. "What woke you up enough to start smoking so early in the beginning of the week?" Alfred walked next to them whilst carrying a glass of water. "Just a small nightmare." (Y/n) answered. "About?" The blond questioned. "Nothing too important. Just something I need to move on from." (Y/n) felt a rough hand slap their back, making them slightly wince. They then looked back at Alfred. "Just tell me before I go back to sleep. I won't be able to sleep when you're like... this." (Y/n) slightly deadpanned. "What are you implying here?" They questioned. "I'm implying you look like shit when you're stressed." (Y/n) softly exhaled some cigarette smoke. "... Gee. Thanks." They spoke. "You're welcome. Now tell me." Alfred replied. "It was just a nightmare about me losing my family. More like a small memory of it, I suppose." (Y/n) slightly tilted their head to the side before they placed their cigarette between their lips again.

"Because of that reason, I am now trapped in the underground with no way to get out. And I don't know why." They closed their eyes to think. "The people there made me a little anxious at first before I realized they were just plain weird... And then I got into a dark organization myself... then ended up becoming a leader of one..." (Y/n) exhaled some smoke. "... I really need to get back to work..." They mumbled. Alfred only stared in silence, some of his hair overshadowing his eyes slightly. "You should go to bed so you don't wake up late." (Y/n) spoke. "You sure?" Alfred looked back at them, seeing them nod. "I just need a little bit of time to myself. It won't be too long before I go to bed too. So go ahead." (Y/n) slightly tilted their head to the side before they continued with smoking. Alfred slightly eyed their figure before he nodded, walking towards his room. "Don't smoke too much." He spoke. "I'll only have one more during the week." (Y/n) replied. The blond softly hummed in reply before he closed the door behind him. The person by the patio continued to smoke, their mind drifting along the memories of their own past.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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