"Okay! But be careful and as I said, don't do anything stupid especially when driving."

"I won't don't worry."

"Guys let's go get food for ourselves!" Tom grabs his keys. They all yell and head to the car.

"Well that was a bit chaotic." Kristen says.

"I know! Georg ate half of my fries!" Lia sighs. "I'll just steal some of his when he gets home."


"Let me see it, please!" Tom begged. "No, I told you, you have to wait!" I kept the dress away from him. Tom wanted to see my dress, but I'm not letting him until this Friday. Which is next week on a Tuesday. Tom was desperate to see me in the dress. He kept begging. And it's not happening. He's not seeing me in the dress, but I just know he'll love it.

"Come on! Can you at least tell me what color it is?" He sat down on my bed. "Nope." I nodded my head. "Ughh why can't you just show me, it's not that big of a deal." He lays back. "Actually, I want it to be a surprise. Cause I know you'll really love the dress, so I'm keeping it as a surprise." I sat down beside him.

"Fine, I'll wait..If I can." He sat up and looks at me.

We made eye contact for a minute until he leaned in his lips onto mine. His grip on my waist was tight. We were making out for a good 2 minutes. Until we needed to catch our breaths.

I heard a faint knock on my room door. "Who is it?" I yelled. "Liam!" He yells back. "Oh you're back!" I sit up. "Yeah, but do you know where Tom is?" He asked. "Uh he's in here, you can come in." I fix my hair a bit.

"Yall weren't doing anything right?!" Liam looks at the both of us.


"Okay well, Tom the guys need you." Liam says.

"For?" Tom asked.

"To practice in the basement"

"Okay, tell them I'll be there in a bit, I have to do something." Tom looks at me.

Liam left my room as Tom continued to kiss me. It was so passionate. I pull away. "I think you have a place to be or else the others are gonna get mad." I stand up from my bed.

"Right, they get mad over anything." He sighs. "You do too." I open the door from my room.

"Finally you two are here." Gustav says.

"Where were yall? Making out huh!" Georg chuckles. "Dude shut the hell up, you're not funny." Tom grabbed his guitar. I sat beside my brother while he was next to Jenna.

"Alia." Liam taps on my shoulder. "Yeah?" I look at him. "Are you and Tom..a thing?" He asked. "No? Why do you ask?" I rose an eyebrow.

"Oh well you know, you two have been so close lately and he never really seemed mean to you, he's always been nice." Only if you knew him at the start. "He's just being him." I look back at the boys playing.

I liked Tom but I'm not sure if he likes me back. I mean yeah the way he flirts with me makes me think he likes me, but he does that to every girl. You know how he is. He waits to fuck the girl then leaves the next day. And I don't want that to happen to me, I love Tom. I'm just worried he'll do the same. I mean recently he hasn't been with girls other than me.

Teen Romance - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now