Chapter 16

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Some things are just deliberately reminding herself not to think about it, but it doesn't mean she really doesn't care. Every time she thinks about the cause of Xiao Zhan's mother's death, Song Wanru will still be kept up at night by her inner unease.

     She is just an ordinary person, and she also has the emotions and desires that a person should have, but there are some things, once she admits it, she will fall into an even more unbearable situation.

     Because it was her own choice, and she should bear all the consequences, so even if she just put on an empty air, she didn't want others to see her embarrassment.

     Looking at Xiao Zhan on the opposite side, Song Wanru showed a cruel smile and said, "That's because your mother is useless! It's just that she was abandoned by a man who doesn't love her, and she searches for death all day long, not even caring about her newborn child.!"

     "It's just a different environment for being born and growing up."

     Seeing Song Wanru's sudden change of expression, Xiao Zhan said again, "So you did nothing wrong? It doesn't count as destroying other people's marriages and families, and it doesn't count as driving others crazy and killing them, just to live the life you want. Let others stop despising you?"

     What Song Wanru hated most in her life was the fact that she was born in a housing estate. After hearing what Xiao Zhan said, she slapped the table hard and said, "You, shut up!"

     Seeing that Song Wanru lowered her head and her whole body began to tremble slightly, Xiao Zhan leaned on the table and leaned closer to her, and said, "Since you have done nothing wrong, why do you and your precious son Li Jiajun, fall into this situation? A dead end?"

     Song Wanru raised her head suddenly, with bitter hatred in her eyes, Xiao Zhan smiled even more, and said, "It's all your own fault. Back then, in order to frame my mother, you did not hesitate to kill the child in your belly. Are you now worthy of worrying about the child?"

     It was a memory that was too long ago, and in just an instant, Song Wanru's complexion had turned dead gray.

     Xiao Zhan looked at her and suddenly felt that it was actually very easy to drive a person crazy.

     He didn't know the specific reason why he was here, but he always felt that he should do something.

     Because his mother had passed away, and she was killed by Song Wanru in front of her.

     When he got up and was about to leave, Song Wanru called Xiao Zhan again in her sharp voice.

     Xiao Zhan turned back, but did not speak.

     "You can hate me, it's my fault first, but I beg you to let Jiajun go, Jiajun... Jiajun is just too young and ignorant..."

     Song Wanru knelt on the ground and burst into tears. When she spoke, she kept kowtowing. In the room, apart from her crying, it was the muffled sound of her head hitting the ground.

     Looking at the two caregivers with indifferent expressions, Xiao Zhan sneered and said, "From beginning to end, did I do anything to you on my own initiative?"

     It's just that he was lucky to meet Wang Yibo, otherwise he wouldn't know how he would be killed by these people!

     Just like his previous self!

     Thinking of everything in the past, Xiao Zhan's smile became more and more mocking.

     He felt that he didn't need to pay attention to these people anymore, but his mood was still low.

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