Prologue: Legend of the Guardians

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Skylands a place of wonders and adventure protected at all times by the Skylanders and the portal masters.

That is how the story is known however the legend of the guardians has faded into myth and fantasy. It is said the Guardians Much like Skylanders were protectors of light and kept the balance of Skylands However they were different.

when The first portal masters formed the order of the Guardians an order dedicated to protecting Skylands and Guarding the core of light. A Blessing was given to them the Gift of Elements . This gift was said to grant the Guardians the ability to wield all the eternal sources but not to the same extent as the portal masters. The guardians had done many great things to aid the Skylands such as aiding the Swap force and the Giants. However the guardians wished to return the generosity of the first Portal masters and to ensure the protection of their beloved home. Using their powers they made the army of The protectors an army of robots who would be mobilized to aid Skylands during their darkest hour. However that day came much sooner than many would have liked it to

 When The First Great war began the guardians were targeted and wiped out all except one the army's master Guardian. Knowing the Protector army would serve the forces of darkness If it was corrupted unless it was shut down he performed a ritual one that would combine his elements into two the elements of tech and magic.

Using his new found power he fought against the darkness and managed to shut down the army before the darkness could corrupt them. 

However after the Great war he learned that He was the last guardian in Skylands and knowing that it would be nearly impossible to rebuild the order since the old portal masters were to busy Rebuilding Skylands he instead choose to start a family. However no one knows where he choose to reside with them. 

The hall of guardians had also disappeared after the great war thus the protection of Skylands rested solely on the backs of the Skylanders.

During  the second great war People cried on the streets hoping that the Guardians and Skylanders would save them from the new evil that had awakened. However only the Skylanders led By master eon showed They managed to repel the darkness but only after a great loss both personal and physical. After The second Great war concluded people Lost faith in the Guardians with some calling them outsiders and traitors to Skylands.

However their legend remained alive thanks to the efforts of Master eon who vowed to train the next generation of heroes and tell them this tale to be inspired by the story of the Guardians not discouraged. 

(3 years prior to the shows start).

"And that my young cadets is the legend of the guardians any questions?" Eon asked closing the old book that he had been reading from.

The class was small since not many were interested in the History of Skylands however eon made it a bonus class That would provide benefits for the Cadets who took it.

The cadets were: Sprocket, Chopper, Drobot, Eruptor, Spyro , Stealth elf.

Sprocket was paying attention But eon could tell she was bored, Chopper was trying his best but it was hard taking notes for him, Drobot was very invested but he was also shy and usually did not like speaking first, Eruptor looked bored, And Spyro was well admiring himself but eon Knew that was his ego, Stealth elf was the one who was raising her hand. 

"Yes MS elf." eon asks gesturing to her to ask her question.

"Umm so the first great war what was the cause of it and why were the Guardians specifically targeted?"

"A very good question Ms. elf but that answer is more complicated then you may think. It started much like the second war would a man was consumed by greed and desired power. Since the guardians were Associated with the first Portal masters and attached to the core of light he most likely wanted them out of the way to ensure he could destroy the core of light. The Skylanders stopped him however before he could succeed in destroying the core."

"I see that's terrible. They spent their whole lives protecting Skylands only to be wiped out BY evil." Stealth elf replied sadly. 

"Indeed the story of the Guardians is both a tragedy and legend and it is important that we never forget the sacrifice they made."

The class was silent after that but then Drobot raised his hand.

"yes Drobot."

"How did the Guardians not see the evil coming. I mean it says here in the text book they had the power of all the elements  so wouldn't they have sensed the rising darkness and activate the Protector army to stop it?"

Eon was about to reply but then found he couldn't. The legend was passed down from portal master to portal master and he had no idea why the Guardians couldn't sense the darkness sooner.

"A very good question Drobot but I am afraid I don't have an answer for it."

The class was shocked a mystery and legend stumping Master Eon was something they never though they would see. The bell rang shortly after that.

However one cadet was determined to learn whatever she could about the Guardians and piece together the mystery of their destruction. Stealth elf was determined to find the Last Guardian who everyone believed  was dead But stealth elf had a feeling they were still out there watching over them.

(AN: So sorry this story is late I completely forgot to post it a month ago please forgive me. But I hope you all are looking forward to what it has in store. 

Quote: A story has two halves to it one that. However we often only here one or the other when its hearing both that allows us to know the truth. 

Skylanders Academy: Zeya the last GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now