Three || Turned To Stone

Start from the beginning

"Wait, Taiju, I didn't mean-"

Senku shook his head while he watched the scenario unfold before him, "Hey, big oaf."

He called out to Taiju with a pretty nasty grin as he explained, "(Name) has developed a kind of... love potion. It maxes out your pheromone levels. If you drink it, it will grant you ten billion percent of winning her heart."

'Dumbass.' You immediately gave Senku a harsh gaze, causing Senku to nervously avoid your eye contact.

That thing your project produced is not even close to a love potion.

Senku quickly handed it to Taiju, who took one long look at the chemical flask before spilling everything that was inside into a sink.

"Thanks, but no thanks, guys," Taiju grinned, "I gotta do this my way." 

With that, he proudly left the classroom and shut the door.

Waiting for him to eventually out of sight, you sighed out loud before your lips stretched into a soft smile, glancing at Senku, who seems fazed by what Taiju did.

"Well, good to know he is still as honest as ever." You spoke.

Senku agreed with a hum.

"Woah, are you serious, (Name)? You made a love potion?" A student inquired, his cheeks becomes red slightly whenever he stole looks at you.

Senku noticed this and glared towards that student before tossing a match right in front of him, causing him to take his gaze away from you. 

It flared momentarily and then went out after a few seconds, but it still shocked all of your classmates.

"Use your brain, people." You scoff at them, tapping your forehead, "That was just gasoline. I simply refined it from plastic bottle caps."

Senku stood next to you, grinning mockingly as he nod in agreement, "Think about the molecular structure of polyethylene, idiots. It's just a long gasoline molecule with a few hydrocarbons chopped off. It's pretty much obvious, am I right, goldfish?"

"Yep! Interesting, isn't it?"

He lifted his fist as he bumped it against yours, enjoying the quiet victory over the successful project.

'Those two are dangerous when put together!' The entire class pondered while they could only look at their presidents with nervous expression.

Not too long after, a glass-wearing student asked a question, "In that case wouldn't Taiju die if he drank it earlier?"

You and Senku exchange stares before Senku responds with a pleased grin, "We're ten billion percent sure that he wouldn't drink it."

"That earnest idiot." You added as the two of you snickered.

After a little discussion, the entire science club began to return to where they had left off. 

During the club break, you and Senku strolled out into the hall together, while several of your classmates hung out near the windows.

"Hey, do you think Byakuya's doing well in space?" You questioned while pushing the vending machine button to purchase two drinks, one for yourself and the other for Senku.

"How should I know, goldfish?" Senku deadpanned in your direction, before sticking his pinky inside his ear, "But I'm ten billion percent positive he's having a great time. He works hard to become an astronaut, after all."

You hummed in agreement as you took the drinks and handed one to Senku.

Senku then took it and opened it before he asked, "What about your grandpa? How's he doing?"

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