What captured my attention the most was the presence of a black screen. Its purpose remained elusive, casting an air of intrigue and mystery over the entire scene. 

Was it somehow connected to the supernatural phenomena that had transported us to this inexplicable place? The question of why we had been brought here lingered in my mind, begging for answers. 

 As I surveyed the surroundings with a calm demeanor, I noticed familiar faces among the occupants. Chairman Sakayanagi, accompanied by several teachers, sat in the same row. Students from various years were positioned meticulously, as if their seating arrangements had been predestined. Among them, figures of significance emerged, such as Shirou Kyo, Sakayanagi Arisu, Ryuen Kakeru, Ichinose Honami, Nagumo Miyabi, and Horikita Manabu, who commanded attention from the second row. 

Amidst the bewildered crowd, I noticed a mix of emotions: anxiety, confusion, and a general sense of cluelessness. Everyone seemed to be grappling with the same question - how did they end up in this bizarre situation? 

What caught my attention was the presence of Horikita Manabu, the former SCP who had recently graduated, accompanied by his secretary. They appeared to have been teleported at the very last moment, as if they were selected in the final seconds.

Up until now, I had only seen current students from ANHS among the group. However, the inclusion of Horikita Manabu and his secretary, who had just graduated, added another layer of intrigue. It made me wonder if the selection process was based on the actions or achievements of the individuals involved. 

I couldn't help but wonder if the selection process for this gathering was based on the actions or achievements of the individuals involved. If that were the case, it raised a perplexing question: why were students from our class, including myself, who hadn't accomplished anything significant in the past year, also present?

The notion of being arbitrarily chosen crossed my mind, but deep down, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there must be a specific reason for our presence. Perhaps there was something hidden beneath the surface, a purpose that would gradually reveal itself as events unfolded.

"Kiyopon!!!" Startled by the sudden shout from my right side, the sound seemed to echo in my ears, temporarily deafening me.

I look at Haruka who shouts at me clearly worried about me as I have been silent for few seconds after being teleported here.

"I can hear you, You don't need to shout so loudly" I said which cause her to poke my cheek with her finger.

"Hmm but you were so quiet.. I thought you were dead ." She states with a giggle. How did she even reach that conclusion?

"I am alive as you can see." I said with as exasperated sigh as she keep poking my cheek.

"Kiyopon you seem strangely calm." She pointed out.

"I--ts ama-z--ing that y--ou alw--ays seem so ca--lm" Airi from my right stutter.

Rows of seats are divided by one or more aisles so that there are seldom more than 20 seats in a row. We were on the last row with some other Class D students. I felt glad that I was with the group I knew.  I could see Horikita Suzune too who had grown incredibly rash, cold, distant and isolated from the class. Despite her losses, she still  has that superiority complex. Seeing her brother whom she respect, she constantly look down not meeting his gaze and many other students were here too.

In short, Horikita Suzune had completely become a defective product and I knew very well who turned her that. She doesn't really respect other than her dear brother.

But Horikita Suzune respects Shirou Kyo for some reason. The fact that something behind the scene had happened which made her respect to him. I could only wonder what had happened? 

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