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Have you ever found yourself in a dilemma, questioning the reasoning behind something that just doesn't seem to follow the rules as nature intended?

No, it can't be."

"That is just not possible."

"It's a hoax."

If these kinds of questions plague your mind whenever you encounter an event, an incident, or a phenomenon—whether experienced personally or observed through any form of media—claiming to be paranormal, then you're not alone.

From an etymological standpoint, "paranormal" is defined as something beyond the boundaries of normalcy, hence the term "para-normal." But what does "para-normal" exactly entail?

From the perspective of an average person, "paranormal" describes any event, occurrence, or phenomenon that doesn't coincide with natural laws—a mystery undefined by the reasoning of science, something supernatural.

Now, after such a well-defined explanation, one would expect examples. A known fact of human psychology is that a theory remains a theory until provided with visual or convincing verbal examples, and after that, it becomes fact.

In the era we live in, the internet, or social media to be specific, plays a major role in materializing information, myths, mysteries, or anything else paranormal—whether they are hoaxes or just lucky encounters. Just open YouTube and search "Unexplained caught on camera," and there you have examples of the paranormal: ghost sightings, apparitions, urban legends like UFOs or Bigfoot. From ancient folklore entities to psychologically disturbed individuals.

Now, if you possess any bit of skepticism, there are some questions bound to linger in your mind:

- "Do these phenomena hold any substantial merit?"
- "Is there tangible evidence to support these claims?"
- "Does the realm of the paranormal truly encompass such occurrences?"

Well, if I were to answer these right now, I might end up turning this into a long, boring essay. Instead, I'll provide you with certain hints that will help you for a much more detailed understanding of these subjects later in the story.

You see, the paranormal consists of a wide array of subjects and examples: supernatural phenomena, urban legends, ufology, ghost hunting, and folklore. These are subjects that have captivated humanity's imagination for centuries, shrouded in mystery and fueled by fear. Yet, behind every tale of haunted houses and spectral apparitions lies a kernel of truth, waiting to be dissected and understood.

Take, for example, the legend of Hanako-san, the ghostly schoolgirl said to haunt the third stall of the third-floor girls' bathroom. While many dismiss her as a mere figment of superstition, historical records suggest that such legends stem from tragic events that have imprinted themselves on the collective consciousness of a community. Authors like Lafcadio Hearn and researchers like Kunio Yanagita have documented countless such cases, shedding light on the cultural significance of these tales.

Then there's ufology, the study of unidentified flying objects, which has fascinated both skeptics and believers alike. While sightings of UFOs can often be attributed to natural phenomena or misidentified aircraft, there are instances such as the Roswell Incident of 1947, where the evidence defies easy explanation. Even renowned astrophysicists like J. Allen Hynek have acknowledged the possibility of extraterrestrial visitation, albeit with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Ghost hunting, too, has its roots in both science and folklore, with pioneers like Harry Price and Ed and Lorraine Warren paving the way for modern investigators. Through the use of EMF detectors, infrared cameras, and EVP recordings, these researchers have sought to capture empirical evidence of paranormal activity, blurring the line between belief and skepticism.

But enough about the past. You might be wondering why I'm telling you all this. It's because I'm a part of a small club based in Yokonawa High School. We investigate such occurrences, hoping to clear the fog shrouding the phenomenon called paranormal. Come with me, and together we'll embark on paranormal investigations armed with skepticism, scientific rigor, and a dash of courage. For in the shadows of Tokyo, where the veil between worlds grows thin, there are mysteries waiting to be unveiled.

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⏰ Huling update: Feb 20 ⏰

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