The Beginning

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Pen: Blocky! Eraser!

Bomby: Pen, they're dead.

Pen: What do you mean? [looks at the blazing pile what used to be Funland Amusements] WHAT?!

[Pen recovers all of A Good Name]

Pen: Hey you two, let's all go to the Sandcastle Water Park!

All of Death P.A.C.T. Yet Again and A Good Name: YAY!

Golf Ball: Let's all hop on the tram!

[Death P.A.C.T. Yet Again and A Good Name hop on the tram and go to Sandcastle Water Park]

[Book recovers all of Team Bracelety and Ice Cube]

Book: Let's go too!

[Band-Aid and Team Bracelety and Ice Cube hop on the tram go to Sandcastle Water Park]

[At Sandcastle Water Park...]

Golf Ball: Let's go! [equips her inner tube and gets in the pool]

Grassy: I'm Grassy! [blows up his inflatable 8-ball] and this is 8-ball, who doesn't have a favourite number!

Golf Ball: What did you just say?!

Grassy: A ball with a circle and a number on it, please don't put a pin through it!

Golf Ball: Okay.

Robot Flower: No can do.

Remote: Me neither.

TV: Sorry.

Puffball: Um, can you splash me Fries?

Fries: What? No way!

Puffball: Please?

Fries: Okay. [splashes Puffball]

Puffball: [giggles]

Fries: This is actually pretty fun after all!

Bracelety: [tries to blow up her Ice Cube-themed inner tube] Little help here?

Lollipop: I'd be glad to help. [blows up Bracelety's inner tube] Here you go.

Bracelety: Yay!

Ice Cube: I wish I had a tube like that.

[Tree gets his inner tube shaped like the London Underground sign]

Bottle: Tree, what kind of inner tube is that?

Tree: This isn't an inner tube, that's an inner Tube! Get it, because the London Underground is nicknamed "the Tube" by many commuters?

Bottle: But Tree, you're Australian!

Tree: I know, but that doesn't mean I can't like the Tube!

Laotian [through a megaphone]: Everyone, gather round me!

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