Chapter 7: A Hopeless Game

Start from the beginning

"I'm trying very hard to win with everyone right now. I put in a lot of effort into all this," she informed to them. "I will make it in."

"[Name]-san..." Shindou and Kirino trailed off simultaneously. They both have never seen this side of her before.

"Okay," Shindou nodded at her while Kirino had this awe-struck eyes as he looks at her, "do your best, [Name]."

[Name] only nodded back at him. Tenma and Shinsuke talked about what they were going to do to each other.

"[Name] sure is strong!" Tenma grinned.

Shinsuke agreed with him, "She also motivates the team well huh!? She makes me want to contribute more to the game."

'Seriously...? Me, motivate?' [Name]'s eyes glanced at the two with a bore look deep in her eyes. 'What a joke...'

Shindou noticed her face, trying to figure out what was going on with her. It was like [Name] would just become a robot that was automatically turned off when people didn't have their eyes on her.

Meanwhile, as the game started again, Yuuichi continued to watch the screen. He wondered where his younger brother had gone. Coincidentally, Kyousuke came inside his room.

"Morning, Nii-san," he greeted his older brother. Confused, Yuuichi could only watch Kyousuke walk up and sat down in a chair near his bedside.

"Kyousuke, what are you doing here?" He asked him. "What about your game? You should've been with [Name] and the rest of your teammates."

Kyousuke's orange-colored eyes shifted to the TV next to Yuuichi. "Oh..."

Yuuichi became concerned and worried for his brother. "Kyousuke..." He mumbled.

When one of the Teikoku's player threw the ball back in, Hayami manages to jump in front of Sasaki and head bump the ball towards Shindou. Shindou then kicks it to Hamano and sprinted to the back.

"Shindou!" Hamano shouted.

"Let's do it, guys!" Shindou said to his teammates. "Kurama, Tenma, you two move up!"

"Alrighty." Hamano ran away from a Teikoku player and passed the ball to Hayami. "Hayami!"

While Shindou was sprinting to the defense, Hayami kicked the ball across to Kirino, who then passed it to Amagi. Amagi forcefully kicked the ball to Shindou.

"Here it goes," Shindou shouted, full of determination. The ball began sparkling with lightning when the ball came in contact with him. "Ultimate Thunder!"

[Name] was waiting for the perfect moment to strike the ball. She was carefully watching Shindou kicking the ball to destroy Teikoku's defense. By chance, it actually worked. Shindou successfully did Ultimate Thunder. The ball flew across the field and destroyed Teikoku's defense.

Everyone, both teams (not [Name]), and the managers, had their mouth gaped opened in surprised. They all turned their head to [Name] to fully complete it. [Name] swiftly sprinted down to Teikoku's goal. Whilst the ball was flying in the air, she kicked with all her strength at the goal.

Unfortunately for her, she had fail to complete Ultimate Thunder for her team when the goalkeeper, Miyabino, caught it without a problem. He didn't have to move his legs. The Raimon's team gasped in shocked. They thought it would go in since [Name]'s shoots were very strong. Only Endou has a stern look as he watched her.

"What happened?!" Aoi's eyes widened while covering her mouth with her hands.

"It didn't work?" Midori furrowed her eyebrows. Akane, next to her, had this shocked 'o' face.

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