Chapter 1: Soccer is...Okay

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"The match ends here." The coach of the enemy team says as he walks to the soccer field.

'Huh...? Why are they withdrawing...? Those two were in the middle of fighting with Keshins...' [Name] glanced at the leader and Shindou.

Shindou panted heavily before fainting on the ground. The brown haired boy ran to help him and so did the other teammates.

The coach from Raimon's team carried Shindou to the school infirmary with Kirino following them. [Name] watched the brown haired boy and a blue short haired girl talking until they ran out for the induction ceremony.

"Soccer is...okay." [Name] commented before leaving the bleachers for class.

After school, [Name] walked down the stairs to the first year hall to leave for school. She was scrolling through her phone, messaging her mother. She looked up ahead to see the brown haired boy, the short blue haired girl from before, and a shorter boy wearing a blue headband.

"Hm..." [Name] narrowed her cold eyes, watching them as the group left the building.

[Name]'s teacher came out from the teacher's room, carrying a box full of supplies in a hurry. She closed the sliding door with her foot the spotted her.

"Oh, Yukihina-san!" Her teacher called out, getting [Name]'s attention.

"Miss?" [Name] turned her head to her teacher. She walked to her. "Is there something wrong?" She asked politely.

"Are you busy with clubs right now?" Her teacher asked.

She shook her head. "No, I was about to go home."

"Alright, I'm sorry to bother you but can you please give this box to the coach of Raimon's soccer club on your way out? I think he should be in the soccer clubroom. I'm in a hurry to a meeting."

"Of course, Miss. I'll do it." She handed her the box. It was heavy but [Name] was able to carry it. The teacher thanked her and ran away to get ready for a meeting.

[Name] dropped her polite smile and made her neutral expression. She walked outside to the soccer building, carrying the box. The box was filled with towels, water bottles, and other things.

The door slid open as she approached the soccer club's entrance. She walked inside and her eyes wandered around the huge room.

"What a huge room for a mere soccer club." [Name] blatantly commented as she continued walking somewhere. She looked left and right, looking for an advisor or the coach. "Where do I put this?" She asked herself.

[Name] was going to pass by a door, being a meeting room, until she heard people arguing inside. When footsteps were near the doors, she swiftly but quietly moved to the other side so they wouldn't see her. A group of guys came out of the room, irritated.

"I was so pissed off. That first year had the nerve to block me and talk about..." One of the guys in the group grumbled. Not for long, another two guys came out, dejected. Luckily, [Name] was not caught.

She sighed, "I really need to leave." She walked towards the entrance until she found the coach and the advisor walking inside.

She approached them with a nice but worried smile, "Hello, I was sent to deliver this box to the soccer club. But I didn't want to go in since they sounded like they were in a bad mood."

The coach ignored her and walked pass her, heading towards the meeting room, but the advisor with short blue hair pointed near a wall.

"O-Oh, please set that on the floor over there." Then the woman immediately followed the coach in a fretful manner.

[Name] nodded, "Yes, ma'am." She walked to the wall and carefully set the box on the ground. She dusted her hands, and left the soccer club.

She sighed again, "I'll have to message Mom I'll be heading home a little late." She managed to text and walk towards the school's gate at the same time.

She paused and took her eyes off her phone to look down at the soccer field. She suddenly imagined herself playing soccer. She tilts her head in confusion.

"Huh...? I never imagined myself playing soccer at all. Why now...?" [Name] questioned herself. "Why am I now just coming across soccer...?" She shook her head. "Never mind, I may be overthinking it. It's only for today."

[Name] continues to walk out of the school's gate. She walked to her house. She was greeted by her mother, sitting at the living room."

"Welcome back, [Name]. Before you go in your room, I'd like to talk to you about something." Her mother patted the sofa next to her.

"Yes, Mom." [Name] smiled when seeing her mother. She switched her shoes to her house slippers. She walked over to the sofa and sat.

"Today, I looked up some internships for you. They asking for volunteers to work at a hospital. All you do is you help the nurses. They give you simple tasks. I just thought it would be a great opportunity for you." [Name]'s mother said, satisfied. "Would you like to volunteer? You finally get to experience what working in the hospital is like."

[Name]'s smile dropped for a second but smiles again. "Yes, I'm okay with that." She nodded.

"Great, I'll go sign up for you. You're going to be an amazing future doctor."

When her mother walked away to the kitchen, [Name] puts her hand to her chest. She felt...uncertain about something. She shook her head and walked to her bedroom. She dropped her school bag and changed to her house clothes. She laid down on her bed.

"It's fine if I volunteer. Mom understands what is best for me too."

She laid down. Her mind starts to wonder about the two Keshins and the other first year boy she saw today. She shook her head again, trying to think about something else.

The next morning, [Name] was already at school. She usually needs to arrive early to study. But this time, instead of heading to her homeroom, she wanders off to the soccer gym. She watches the players kick the ball so dejectedly from the entrance with no expressions. Fortunately, they didn't see her.

"Why have I come here again...? Am I interested in this soccer game...?" [Name] asks herself the same old questions again. "I should probably go back to studying. If they see me, they will assume I'm stalking them."

Just when [Name] was going to go turn around, the enemy leader from yesterday jumped and kicked the soccer ball away.

She stopped and looked to see them. Her facial expression did not change. "Oh, it's him again." Then she heard about the enemy leader joining the Raimon soccer club.

[Name] puts her hand on her chest. 'If I joined the club, maybe I can see those Keshins again.'


[Author Notes]:

• This is kinda slow but I will get to the point later.

• If there's any mistakes or if something doesn't make sense, please tell me. I sometimes don't edit properly and I wrote this at night.

• 1,192 words.


Thank you for reading!

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