CHAPTER 02 : The Enigmatic Encounter

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Faith, always absorbed in her thoughts, let her mind wander through the twists and turns of her dreams, even amidst her daily work. However, a sharp voice abruptly pulled her out of her reverie, causing her to fall back to earth. "So, Faith, still daydreaming in the middle of work?" exclaimed her boss, with a tone tinged with frustration. Regaining her composure, Faith attempted to make amends for her lack of concentration: "I'm sorry, sir... I just feel a bit disconnected, it's nothing," she replied. Her superior scrutinized her for a moment before letting out a sigh tinged with understanding. "Very well, I'll just give you a warning this time. It's not like you to be like this... Usually, you're more focused and energetic," he remarked. "Keep working and try not to repeat this mistake. I'll be keeping an eye on you," he added before returning to his tasks. Cassi, noticing her friend's wavering state of mind, decided to approach her to offer support. "Hey, dear, are you sure everything's alright?" she asked with concern. Faith, catching her worried gaze, sighed with some perplexity: "All of this is extremely strange... It's completely abnormal." Sensing Cassi's concern, she continued, "Do you mean something's wrong?
After a moment of silence, Faith spoke with a voice tinged with reserve. "Listen, I'm going to confide in you and hear your opinion... Okay?" she asked Cassi, who nodded in agreement. Then, Faith embarked on recounting her experience from the previous day, although labeling it as merely a dream seemed insufficient. Once her tale was finished, Cassi sought to comfort her friend. "You know, I believe your reserved nature, the one that often keeps your thoughts and problems to yourself, can sometimes allow them to build up until they burst out like this. Additionally, your deep love and constant worry for your family also play a role in all of this," she attempted to explain with kindness. Faith nodded with a certain sadness. "Yes... maybe... I think I should try not to dwell on it too much, that might be better," she responded, her voice tinged with palpable melancholy.
"Cassi, you are right to point that out, especially since this behavior is not usual coming from my personality," she pondered.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             After a long day of toil, the two young women finally emerged from the workplace. "Finally, what an exhausting day! We worked like crazy today," sighed Faith, visibly tired. Cassi looked at her and replied, "The boss is really despicable, I swear! How dare he exploit us like this? It's appalling," she exclaimed, indignant. As they exited, Faith encountered her boyfriend waiting for her outside the workplace. "Josh!" exclaimed Faith, radiant to see him. "What a surprise, I didn't expect to see you," she added, her voice filled with excitement. The two lovers exchanged tender kisses and warm embraces. Sensing a slight discomfort, Cassi decided to leave them to their privacy and simply bid them farewell before stepping away to leave them alone
After both had settled inside Josh's car, they initiated a conversation. "Faith, did you come without your car?" inquired Josh, his voice tinged with concern. "Yes... I wanted to take a walk... I needed some space, and walking allows me to breathe more freely... Walking is beneficial from time to time," she replied with a slight sigh, expressing her need to unwind. Josh looked at her with concern. "You look pale. I hope you've stopped that bad habit of staying up late. You know it's dangerous for your health," he exclaimed, expressing his concerns firmly. Faith gazed at him for a moment before responding with some restraint. "You're not my doctor... Even though technically, you are one... And no, it's not because of insomnia... It's just... forget it, it's nothing," she articulated, attempting to close the subject with a hint of perceptible irritation in her voice.
Faith was about to share her dream with Josh, but she hesitated, not wanting to burden him with her concerns. "I miss you, Josh... We don't see each other as often as we used to," she confided, tinting her words with a slight sadness. "Work, you know... Being a doctor is not easy," replied Josh in a cold tone, alluding to his own professional challenges. Suddenly, Josh's phone started ringing and vibrating incessantly. He picked up his phone and began responding to messages with a smile. Disappointed by his behavior, Faith decided to leave the car without saying goodbye. "Wtf Faith ? Come back, I promised to drop you off," exclaimed Josh, confused by her actions. Faith turned around, expressing her anger with a chilling calmness. "No thanks, it's not necessary....," she uttered before walking away, determined to walk alone in the alleys.
But Josh caught up with her and held her hand. "Why are you treating me like this? I thought of you and came kindly to your damn workplace to wait for you, and this is how you thank me," he said in a threatening tone. Faith remained silent for a moment, then spoke as she withdrew her hand from his. "You seem busy... Apparently, there are more important things... Now, let me go, I want to walk... It's suffocating here," she declared. Josh, very disappointed and surprised by her attitude, let her go. As she walked, Faith decided to take a shortcut. But as she walked, a strange event occurred. Faith usually took this shortcut and knew perfectly well that there was neither a shop nor anything else there. However, she was shocked to see a shop, as she was certain there was nothing there. That same morning, she had walked the same path. What was even stranger was that it was a shop selling calendars, which filled Faith with joy.
Of course, Faith entered the store and marveled at the numerous calendars on display. "OMG WOW, there are all the years, even ahhhhh," she exclaimed with a voice filled with intense excitement. "Ahahahaaaaa, I'm in paradise, that's for sure," she added, letting her overflowing joy show. What made this scene even more strange and surreal was that this store had appeared out of nowhere, and on top of that, it was extremely spacious. From the outside, it seemed modest, but inside, it stretched across multiple floors, a detail that Faith had not noticed as she was blinded by the abundance of calendars before her.
Suddenly, a figure emerged out of nowhere in front of Faith. It was a tall, slender man with brown hair and black eyes, sporting a slight smile on his lips. He appeared to be nearing his thirties. "Good evening... may I be of assistance, young lady?" this stranger addressed her in a gentle voice. Faith, taken aback by this sudden appearance, startled. "Oh my, you scared me!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling. "Apologies for the disturbance. I suppose you're the one managing this magnificent store," she continued, exchanging a smile with the man, but noticing a slight injury on his hand in passing. "Oh, it's nothing. Just a kitchen mishap... apparently, I'm not skilled in that area," the stranger responded with an indulgent smile. "Otherwise, can I help you?" he added in a soothing tone. Faith returned his smile, filled with excitement. "You know, it's strange what I'm about to say, but I have a strong obsession with calendars... They're beautiful, and it's like an hourglass but more modern, hhhhh," she exclaimed, displaying her overflowing enthusiasm. The young man smiled at her. "Well, my dear lady... I think we have something in common... who would have thought?" he said with a conspiratorial smile. Faith looked at him with astonishment. "Wait, don't tell me... oh my god, you love them too!?" she exclaimed, excitedly. "I might even say it's an obsession," the stranger replied. Then, Faith shook his hand, her eyes shining with happiness. "Hahahahaaaaa, I'm so happy!!! Please be my best friend," she spontaneously asked him. The young man burst into laughter and replied, "Well, I'd like to, hhh. Just need to know your name." Faith apologized for her impetuosity. "My name is Faith... And you?" she asked. The stranger looked at her coldly for a moment, then walked away with a smirk. "I am nobody," he replied enigmatically. Faith understood that he might not want to reveal his identity. After all, who would disclose their personal information to a stranger like her ? "I understand... sorry, that was a bit forward... The calendars are beautiful... really special," she said, trying to correct her mistake.
The stranger seemed to appreciate Faith's comment. "Do you think so?" he asked. "I'm glad you like them, I made them myself," he added with a hint of pride. Intrigued, Faith exclaimed, "You made them yourself? That's amazing! You have a real talent." Her sincere compliment brought a modest smile to the man's face. "Thank you. Each calendar has a special meaning to me," he confided, revealing a part of his personality. A connection seemed to form between them. "It's fascinating... I would love to learn more about your story," Faith expressed with genuine interest. The stranger smiled, but his gaze remained enigmatic. "Perhaps one day... But for now, I think you came here for a calendar?" he said, subtly changing the subject. Faith nodded eagerly. "Yes, of course! Could you help me choose, please?" she asked. The man responded with calculated mystery, "Here, it's the calendar that chooses... Would you like to see how it works?" Faith, thrilled, eagerly agreed. The man gestured for her to close her eyes and hold out her hands. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands," he instructed, his voice soft yet firm. Faith complied, feeling the excitement building within her. She wondered what would happen next, her mind filled with anticipation.
After following his instructions, Faith opened her eyes to find, in less than a second, a calendar in her hands. She stood there, mesmerized by the object. "WOW, IT'S BEAUTIFUL... HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?" she exclaimed with palpable enthusiasm. A gentle smile appeared on the young man's lips. "It has no price... You know, this calendar holds a special place in my heart... ," he confided with a hint of sadness in his voice. Touched by this revelation, Faith gazed at the calendar with a mixture of admiration and understanding. "Listen, it's okay... I can choose another one if this one means so much to you," she offered empathetically. He delicately placed his injured hand on her shoulder, expressing his attachment to this gift. "No... I want you to have it... I'm giving it to you," he declared generously. Faith, moved by this gesture, nodded gently. "Well, okay... I'll consider it as a gift... Oh, and look, it's almost my birthday, hhhhh," she added, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm glad to give it to you... I truly hope you won't regret it," he wished with a hint of concern in his gaze. Faith gave him a grateful smile before bidding farewell. However, as soon as she crossed the threshold, he suddenly caught up with her, firmly grasping her arm. "Listen! Never forget  the day... Never," he warned her, a hint of apprehension in his eyes. A suspended moment followed, where Faith remained motionless, absorbed by this warning. Then, he released his grip and apologized to her. "I'm sorry, miss... Have a good evening," he concluded with a smile filled with lightness, but also subtle sadness.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   "Goodbye, sir... nobody," murmured Faith, feeling a strange premonition as she walked away, now carrying her precious calendar.

Eternal Recurrence: The Calendar ConundrumΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα