Chapter 6 : Nag,Nag, Always Nagging! The Maricela Gutierrez

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It was a warm sunny day of the first days of summer and katie went to meet her friends at the barn

"Hey Guys! Good Morning Turo" she said as she saw turo fixing raven's saddle

"hey kat! are you ready for a ride?" Charlie said joining the conversation

"yeah,sure am! Spirit!" she yelled and a minute later she saw spirit running to her

"Hey boy you ready for a fun ride?" katie asked

spirit neighed in responce, kat laughed to his answer

"you sure are happy today" kat added

"alright,raven your saddle is fixed!" turo said

"yeah! now we can have a fun ride today, and guess what kate we are going further then we ever did!"Raven said exitedly

"wow! that will be awesome" katie said

Raven's POV

yeah i know it would be fun for her she just came to town a couple months ago and it is finally summertime so we can ride as much as we want!

"okay let's race!" charlie yelled as he started running, we caught up with charlie and it was so much fun! full of laughter and i can see how much kate was loving it she rode spirit arms stretched out and she felt Free we all felt Free.

time passed like an hour or two and we went soooooo far!

"whoah! this is the best day of my life!" kate expressed herself

it was so true it was the best day of our lives until..

"cough,cough yuch! i don't get how these people can ride these FILTHY SMELLY HORSES"

yeah you guessed it

it was maricela sitting in a wagon with the cleanest horse i have ever seen and she was wearing a oxygen mask

"Maricela if you are talking about us, i have a prepared a speech for you" kate said


 right after kate said that maricela looked offended and we were laughing our lungs out!

"hahaha-h, you really did it kate that was HILARIOUS!" i said trying not to laugh

we continued laughing for half an hour until we were on the floor dying from no oxygen and our horses looked like they wished they were never born

"h-h-hey r-r-aven haha, d-do you t-think that we should g-g-go back home? hahahaha" katie said to me"

"y-yeah hahaha" i agreed

we all tried to stop laughing and we went back to the village of the mountains

we again raced for an hour and we arrived to the village

we went for ice cream and talked about a meme i saw before "don't roll your eyes at me

we went for ice cream and talked about a meme i saw before "don't roll your eyes at me

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it was time for lunch so we went home

Katie's POV

i finished my lunch and was about to go outside till cora said

"katie, would you like some pie?"

i said yes and she said

"i also want you to help me so go tell your friend that ok?"

i yelled ok and ran to raven and charlie

i told them about this and they wanted to help too, i agreed and took them with me

"cora i told my friends that and they want to help too"

cora agreed and we had fun,at the end it was worth it, the pie tasted amazing

it was around 4 pm so we went outside to do some barn chores like grooming the horses an-oh no

"maricela can you stop smacking our horses?" raven said

"no i won't horses are disgusting" she said with her high nose

" yeah, but did you know that horses can kill you by just kicking you if you hurt them?" i said being logical

she didn't even care and kept nagging us


she said with an even higher nose

"ugh forget her guys" charlie said

we did and she wouldn't stop NAGGING US she nagged for hours until the horses didn't want to listen anymore they fell asleep and the more we tried to ignore her and go away the more she nags!

i had enough "MARICELA SHUT THE HELL UP PLEASE" i yelled and she cried like a hoe and screamed the same nagging words again then i snapped again and this time i pushed her in the horse poo and she screamed and cried and ran to her pa which was the mayor of all things and we all hate her.



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