learning Kung Fu

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Naruko was carried back Crane shifu was worried he told Naruko she wasn't ready to fight Tai-Lung Furious 5: *nod in agreement*

Shifu: *begins Naruko's training in kung fu*

Over the next few weeks, Naruko trained intensely with shifu in kung fu. She learned how to use her body in different ways, mastering kicks and punches, and even learning how to use weapons like staffs and swords. Shifu pushed her to her limits, but Naruko was determined to become strong enough to defeat Tai-Lung.

One day, after weeks of training, shifu called Naruko to the training arena. "Today, we will see if your training is complete," he said with a serious look on his face.

Naruko nodded, her heart racing with anticipation. She had been waiting for this moment to prove herself.

Shifu stood across from her, ready to spar. Naruko took a deep breath and got into her stance. The two began to fight, their movements quick and precise. Naruko used all the techniques she had learned, but shifu was still faster and stronger.

However, Naruko refused to give up. She kept pushing herself, determined to land a hit on shifu. And finally, after what seemed like hours, she did it. She landed a solid punch on shifu's chest, knocking him off his feet.

Shifu looked at Naruko with pride and admiration. "You have completed your training, my dear. You are now ready to face Tai-Lung."

Naruko's eyes widened in excitement and determination. She was ready to face her biggest challenge yet. With her newfound kung fu skills and determination, she knew she could defeat Tai-Lung and protect her friends and her home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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