Chapter 2: It Gets Disgusting

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(The challengers arrive back at the house.)
Lisa: I am so happy I won!
Tori: Congratulations!
Lisa: Thanks.
(Lisa to the camera.)
Lisa: I am so happy I won elimination. Not only am I back in this game but I Qualified for the final!
(In the backyard.)
Josh: Tomorrow is probably going to be a guy's day.
Kaycee: Yeah which of the 3 should we target?
Fessy: I would say Joey or Dalton.
Devin: To me, Dalton is probably a bigger strategic threat but strategy means nothing if you aren't that good at challenges. Joey on the other hand is pretty good. He is also really close with Carter.
Josh: The thing is with Dalton he can organize a group. All the rookies voting together that was his doing.
Kaycee: I would have to agree with him on that.
(Josh to the camera.)
Josh: Tomorrow is a guy's say and more than likely two rookie guys are going to go in. What we are trying to figure out is which ones to put in.
(The next morning.)
(In the Kitchen.)
Dalton: Look I know I'm on the hot seat. If there is anything I can do to let it not be me I would appreciate it. I will return the favor 10-fold.
Devin: I would recommend distancing yourself from the rookies. It isn't a good look for you all to be together.
Dalton: OK.
Devin: I will try to keep you in it but I can't guarantee anything.
Dalton: Thanks.
(Devin to the camera.)
Devin: I am willing to help Dalton provided he stays loyal to me. At some point the vet army will turn on each other and when it does I want to have the most loyal troops.
Joey: Are you worried at all about today?
Carter: I am nervous about today.
(Carter to the camera.)
Carter: I am very nervous about the challenge today. If the red team wins not only are both me and Joey safe but it forces the vets to nominate one of their own to go into elimination. If we lose more than likely one or both of me and Joey are going in. The stakes couldn't be higher.
(In the kitchen.)
Dalton: I feel like I'm in the hot seat today. If we don't win.
Bananas: You my friend have a right to be worried but I have your back.
Tori: Yeah of the rookies you and Lisa are the only ones I trust.
(Bananas to the camera.)
Bananas: I have played the game long enough to know that no matter what position you are in make sure you are covered on all sides. Helping Dalton out right now may benefit me in the future.
(In a bedroom.)
Joey: I think it's in all of our best interests to act like we aren't together.
Dalton: I think so too. I think we come back together in the next vote but for now, just keep it down.
Carter: So we do what we have to get through this week.
Dalton: OK.
(Joey to the camera.)
Joey: I know me and Carter don't want to face each other in elimination. If our team doesn't win the only option is to vote for Dalton. Hopefully, we do win though.
(At the challenge.)
TJ: Welcome everyone to today's challenge. You all put in so much work in the last challenge I think I want to treat y'all to a meal. For today's challenge, you all will be eating some delicious food from around the world. Each member of each team will have to eat a three-course meal. Once a member is done they can help another member. If any member throws up not only are they no longer able to eat their food but the team will be given a time penalty. The team that wins today's challenge not only is guaranteed safety but will throw down one man into the arena.
(Fessy to the camera.)
Fessy: It's really important to get this win today. Not only to get us closer to qualifying for the final but also to prevent the red team from winning. If they win it forces one guy vet into the arena.
(Everyone gets into position.)
TJ: Alright everyone reveal the first course.
(The first course is revealed to be beetle larvae.)
TJ: These are beetle larvae. You each have 5 whenever you finish you go on to the next course. Once finished with all three you can help a teammate. Ready? (TJ blows the horn.)
(Everyone starts eating. People instantly begin gagging their food. No one throws at first. )
(Nany to the camera.)
Nany: These worms are awful. They taste like salty gushes but when they explode in your mouth it's like vomit.
(Nany throws up her food.)
TJ: That's going to cost the red team some time.
(Nany opens the next course and it's Baloot.)
TJ: That there is Baloot it's a bird egg with the chick inside but not born, you got 3 of them.
(Devin & Kaycee both finish their worms and move on to course two. Right behind them Bananas and Tori finish.)
(Devin to the camera.)
Devin: Eating this food is all about psychological strength. Just get through it.
(Josh, Kyle, Anyssa, Savannah, and Dalton all finished course 1.)
(Carter and Joey finish course one but Amanda throws up.)
(Amanda to the camera.)
Amanda: Look it's not a girl's day why am I going to hurt myself just to save two guys who don't have my back?
(Lisa, Ashley, Nelson, and Bobbie all finished course 1. )
(Fessy and Corey both throw up.)
(Corey to the camera.)
Corey: Me and bad food don't go well together.
(Devin & Tori both finish their food.)
(Tori to the camera.)
Tori: To me, my team must win. If we win all of us qualify for the final. I want that to happen badly.
(The next course is revealed to be a smoothie.)
(Dalton, Bananas, and Kaycee all finish the second course.)
(Kaycee to the camera.)
Kaycee: I am trying my best to hurry up so I can go and help my boy Fessy out. We need to win so we can protect the vets and take another rookie out.
(Josh, Anyssa, and Savannah finish the second course.)
(Josh to the camera.)
Josh: I want to win this challenge so my team can make a big move and take out the rookie I think is the biggest threat.
(Corey and Fessy both throw up again.)
(Corey to the camera.)
Corey: After throwing up on the 2nd course I feel depressed I am letting my team down.
(Ashley, Kyle, Lisa, Nelson, and Bobbie all finished course 2.)
(Bobbie to the camera.)
Bobbie: I take one sip of that damn smoothie and I chunked it out.
(Devin & Tori both finish and start helping their teammates.)
(Kaycee finishes followed right behind by Dalton and Bananas.)
(Dalton to the camera.)
Dalton: I am happy 3 of the members of my team did well. I just hope it's enough to win.
(Lisa, Kyle, and Anyssa finish.)
(Joey, Carter, and Ashley finish moments after. )
(Devin finishes Fessy's smoothie.)
(Devin to the camera.)
Devin: Never did I ever think I would have to drag Fessy's 6ft 4in ass across the finish line but I did.
(Tori finishes Corey's Smoothie.)
(Nelson finishes followed behind by Nany.)
(Nelson to the camera.)
Nelson: I am hoping that even though my team didn't finish first since we didn't have time penalties we may still win.
(The challenge is completed.)
TJ: Great work all of you only a few seconds separated the top two teams of Blue and Yellow. The winner at the end of the day though was.......
(The yellow team celebrates.)
TJ: Congratulations yellow team. Not only are you safe but you must choose one man to send into the arena. The rest of you must vote one man into the arena.
(The players arrive at headquarters.)
Nelson: Congratulations Yellow Team!
Kaycee: The Yellows team is in the building.
Devin: Hell Yeah!
(Devin to the camera.)
Devin: I am so excited to be safe on guys' night. Now it's time to use my power. My ideal scenario is for one of the rookie guys to go home. The question is which one?
(In the yard.)
Josh: Who are y'all planning on nominating?
Fessy: I was thinking Joey. He seems to be the biggest threat out of the rookies. He is the only one physically fit.
Kaycee: I was thinking the same thing.
Josh: Y'all don't think voting Dalton in would be better. He is the one rookie who gathers all the rest of them.
Devin: Dalton is powerless. Maybe he can muster all of the rookies together, but even then he would never be able to have the numbers to do anything.
(Josh to the camera.)
Josh: I am kind of bummed that Fessy, Devin and Kaycee aren't willing to make a big move. Dalton is the only strategic threat out of the rookies. If they won't do it I will.
(During the conversation.)
Josh: Well then who should go against Joey?
Kaycee: I think that's for the other veterans to decide.
Fessy: Maybe you could still get Dalton up through them.
Josh: OK.
(Kaycee to the camera.)
Kaycee: When Josh gets an idea in his head he tries to make it happen. The only thing is if me and I make the move are fear is if the rookies are ever in power they would seek vengeance on us.
(In a bedroom.)
Josh: What do y'all think about Dalton being house vote?
Kyle: I'm down for it.
Amanda: I'm not. He is a number for us.
Josh: Ashley he is the type of person that will lie right to your face.
Kyle: Are you being soft on him because he likes you?
Amanda: No I'm not. It's just why would I not protect a guy who is a vote for me?
Josh: He isn't a reliable one.
Amanda: Yes he is.
(Kyle to the camera.)
Kyle: Amanda needs to put her emotions aside. Like Dalton is just one of your many relationships on this show. Honestly, y'all aren't even hooking up y'all are just friends. Why are you protecting him?
(Later that day in the kitchen.)
Amanda: How are you feeling about tomorrow?
Dalton: Nervous.
Amanda: I think there are votes heading your way. You need to make sure 8 votes head another way.
Dalton: Who should I get them to send?
Amanda: Probably Carter.
Dalton: OK.
Amanda: I can probably get Ashley to vote that way as well. You need to get 5 more.
Dalton: OK.
(Amanda to the camera.)
Amanda: At some point, the vets will turn on themselves and when that happens I need numbers to protect myself. Dalton will protect me.
(In the yard.)
Dalton: Ok guys I know I'm on the chopping block. If y'all can please vote for Carter. I know Savannah won't because that's her boy.
Tori: I'm not voting for you Dalton.
Corey: Neither am I.
Bananas: I'm not.
(Bananas to the camera.)
Bananas: I'm not voting for Dalton he is a loyal number to me and unlike the other rookies I have a good relationship with him.
(In a bedroom.)
Josh: Hey so I know y'all may think you're on the chopping block but I wanted to help y'all out.
Carter: What's up?
Josh: Would you two be willing to vote Dalton as the house vote?
Joey: I'm down.
Carter: I am too. Savannah should be as well.
Josh: Ok with Kyle we have 5 just need 3 more.
(in the yard.)
Bobbie: Hey do you have any idea what is going on?
Dalton: Right now Joey and Carter are on the block.
Bobbie: Damn.
Dalton: Yes. Would you be willing to vote for Carter with me?
Bobbie: Yes of course.
(Bobbie to the camera.)
Bobbie: Dalton is my closest alliance in this game. He is my best friend outside of this game so I'm not voting for him.
(In a bedroom.)
Anyssa: Have y'all heard any names?
Nany: I heard Dalton and Carter.
Anyssa: That's who I have heard.
Josh: I think we should vote for Dalton.
Anyssa: I think Tori is voting for Carter but I'm assuming she is just protecting her team.
Nany: If that's where everyone is going we should just vote that way.
Josh: I think Dalton is a bigger threat than Carter. Fessy and Kaycee are already voting for Joey so we need to put Dalton.
Anyssa: I mean I'm not against voting him in.
Nany: I'll do it Josh but make sure to get the votes we don't want to vote for him only for him to not go in.
Josh: OK thanks.
(Anyssa to the camera.)
Anyssa: I am fine with voting for Dalton. My only problem is we don't want to take a shot and miss.
(Josh to the camera.)
Josh: I think I have 7 votes for Dalton we just need one more and if my math is right it's Nelson as the swing.
(In the kitchen.)
Corey: How are you feeling compared to earlier? Dalton: Well I think I have 7 votes but Nelson is the swing.
Corey: Oh really?
Dalton: I think I have me, you, Bananas, Tori, Bobbie, Amanda, and Ashley. If you could get Nelson to vote for Carter our team is safe.
Corey: I will see what I can do.
Dalton: Thanks.
(Corey to the camera.)
Corey: Alright Dalton if you truly have 7 votes I will try to get you that 8th. But in the future you owe me.
(In the yard.)
Josh: Who are you voting for?
Nelson: I don't know. No one has talked game with me today.
Josh: I think the vets are voting for Dalton. The only vets who aren't voting for him are Amanda, Ashley, Corey, Tori, and Bananas. To me, he is the biggest threat.
Nelson: Yeah he seems like a big threat. 
Josh: OK we have the numbers to vote him in. I think Fessy and KC are voting for Joey to be Elite nomination.
(Josh to the camera.)
Josh: I think we have the votes to send Dalton into elimination but I am unsure. I hope that Nelson sticks to the plan.
(In the bedroom.)
Corey: What is going on Nelly T.
Nelson: Do you know what's going on with the vote?
Corey: I'm voting for Carter.
Nelson: Josh just came up to me earlier to vote for Dalton.
Corey: Look Nelly Josh is worried that Dalton would be more loyal to us than him. Outside of our team and the rookies, I can guarantee he would prioritize you over anyone. Josh, what can he offer? After the rookies who is next on his list to go to you and Kyle? It may even be me. At least with Dalton, we are in the middle.
Nelson: You make some good points.
(Nelson to the camera.)
Nelson: I have a big decision to make. Do I go with Josh and vote for Dalton or do I vote for Carter?
(The next day TJ arrives at Headquarters.)
TJ: Alright one at a time you will each reveal your vote to me. Corey I will start with you. Tell me who you voted for and who you voted for and why.
Corey: My vote is for Carter. I got to protect my team.
TJ: Tori.
Tori: My vote is also for Carter.
TJ: Bananas.
Bananas: Carter.
TJ: Dalton.
Dalton: Carter.
TJ: Savannah.
Savannah: Dalton.
TJ: Nany.
Nany: Dalton.
TJ: Carter.
Carter: Dalton.
TJ: Joey.
Joey: Dalton.
TJ: Amanda.
Amanda: Carter.
TJ: Kyle.
Kyle: Dalton.
TJ: After Green and Red both Carter and Dalton are at 5 votes. Bobbie.
Bobbie: Carter.
Josh: Dalton.
TJ: Ashley
Ashley: Carter.
Anyssa: Dalton.
TJ: Nelson it's tied 7-7. If your vote doesn't go to Dalton or Carter it's a stalemate.
Nelson: My vote today is for Carter.
(Dalton breathes a sigh of relief.)
(Nelson to the camera.)
Nelson: While I do think Dalton is a bigger threat he seems to be aligned with my closest allies in Amanda and Corey. That means he is part of my group as well.
(Josh to the camera.)
Josh: I am pissed off that Nelson didn't vote that way. Not only did I miss my shot at Dalton but he knows exactly who voted against him.
(In the living room.)
TJ: Alright with 8 votes Joey that means you're heading into the arena to face who ever the elites vote.
(In the yard.)
Josh: I can't believe you didn't vote for him!
Nelson: Josh I don't understand why you are so adamant about going after him.
Josh: He's a threat!
Nelson: A bunch of people are threats!
Josh: You literally let 7 other people out to dry.
Nelson: If I went with you it would've let the other 7. My game doesn't revolve around you!
(Dalton to the camera.)
Dalton: I am listening to what is going on and I am pissed off. Like what did I do? Honestly if I wasn't targeting all the vets who voted me in I sure am now.
(Back in the yard.)
Josh: I never said it did.
Nelson: Then why are you mad. He can't do anything to you. He has no numbers.
Josh: You made me look like an idiot bro.
(Nelson to the camera.)
Nelson: This dude is so full of himself. He is use to getting what he wants in this game but not anymore.
(In the bedroom.)
Lisa: Who should I vote for? Like who do you wanna go against?
Carter: Well I am pretty sure it's between Joey and Dalton.
Lisa: I can't vote Dalton.
Carter: Well anyone but Joey.
Lisa: Ok I will see what I can do.
(Lisa to the camera.)
Lisa: Ok this is my first time with a small amount of power in this game. I am not voting for Joey or Dalton. That leaves Kyle, Nelson, Bananas, Corey and Josh. I honestly think my best chance at saving Joey is to try and get them to vote Kyle. Simply because Fessy is close with Bananas, Nelson, Corey and Josh. If anyone is going to consider it it's Fessy.
(In the yard.)
Fessy: What's up Lis.
Lisa: I know you 3 are voting as a block but I just wanted to let you know I am open if you want to make a bigger move. I know Corey Josh and Nelson are off the table but if you want to vote for Kyle I am down.
Fessy: Why Kyle exactly?
Lisa: I don't think you would consider anyone else.
Fessy: Yeah that's true.
Lisa: Think about it not many could beat you here in elimination. Kyle could.
(Fessy to the camera.)
Fessy: Lisa is making some valid points to voting for Kyle. I have been known in the past just to throw a vote at someone to see at what happens and this may be that night.
(At the arena.)
TJ: Welcome to the arena. Congratulations again to the yellow team on winning the challenge. As the winner you are all safe and must choose a man to go against the house vote. Tonight it's Carter come on out.
(Carter comes running out.)
TJ: You ready for elimination?
Carter: Yes!
TJ: First we have to get you an opponent. Yellow team one at a time you will each vote for one man to send in. Devin you are first up.
Devin: My vote tonight is for Joey.
TJ: Lisa.
Lisa: My vote is for Kyle.
(Kyle to the camera.)
Kyle: I hear my name come up and I am like what? Lisa of all people just said my name for elimination.
(Back at the arena.)
TJ: Fessy.
Fessy: My vote tonight is for......Joey.
TJ: Kaycee.
Kaycee: Sorry dude. My vote is for Joey.
TJ: Ok Joey come on down.
(Joey to the camera.)
Joey: I knew it was a long shot sucks we couldn't get the votes. Now I have to go into elimination against one of my best friends.
(Joey arrives down in the arena.)
TJ: Tonight you will be playing fire escape. For this challenge your arms and legs will be tied to a rail with 3 peaks. When I blow the horn you will race to throw yourself over the peaks and then come back. One more thing the rail will be on fire. (TJ laughs.) First person to make it back is back in the game and earns their stripes which qualifies them to run my final. Ok get into position.
(Carter to the camera.)
Carter: I am bummed about facing my best friend in elimination but at least who ever wins has the their stripes. My goal is to give it my all and hopefully get the W today.
(Joey to the camera.)
Joey: I was trying to avoid this from happening but now I have to take on my friend. All I can do now is win and try and stay in for the both of us.
(At the arena.)
TJ: Y'all ready?
(TJ blows horn.)
(Everyone starts cheering.)
(They both take off.)
(Savannah to the Camera.)
Savannah: I am obviously cheering for Carter he is my closest friend in here. We are exes I have no problem with Joey it's just I trust Carter more.
(Both guys make it past the first two mounds.)
(Carter to the camera.)
Carter: I am able to make it to the 3rd mound neck and neck with Joey but for whatever ever reason I can't get over the third one.
(Joey takes the lead heading over the 3rd mound and then going backwards.)
(Joey to the camera.)
Joey: I see that I am in the lead and I'm like yes! Now let's keep it going.
(Carter gets over the third mound and starts heading back.)
(Joey is at the last mound but gets hung up.)
(Carter begins to make up ground but it's to late as Joey makes it across.)
(TJ blows horn.)
TJ: Alright Joey wins.
Joey: Hell yeah!
(The challenge ends.)
TJ: Carter you fought great. You kept it close but this ends your time on this season of the challenge but perhaps we will see you in the future.
Carter: Thanks everyone.
(Carter leaves the arena.)
(Carter to the camera.)
Carter: I am bummed I am leaving early but I hope the rookies kill it. Particularly Savannah and Joey.
(At the arena.)
TJ: Congratulations Joey not only did you win tonight's challenge but you earned your stripes which qualifies you to run my final. Congratulations head on up.
Joey: Thanks.
(Joey goes up.)
TJ: Congratulations to all of you to making it to week 3. You haven't seen anything yet.

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