Chapter 1: The Fun Begins

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(In the middle of an open field 3 vans approach host TJ Lavin in the distance containing 10 challengers altogether.)
(In Van 1.)
Carter: I still can't believe we are doing this.
Joey: Me neither!
Dalton: I can't wait to see who we are playing with.
Joey: I'm kind of nervous to find out actually.
(Carter to the camera.)
Carter: I am a challenge super fan! I have seen every season and I know that this will be a tough game to win.
(Van 2)
Lisa: I wonder who is in the other vans?
Bobbie: Who cares we are going to dominate this sh*t.
Mari: Damn right Bobbie.
Savannah: Let's not get cocky. This game will be tough.
(Lisa to the camera.)
Lisa: I am so excited to start playing this game. God knows what we are in for but time will tell.
(Van 3.)
Josh: Alright let's get this bread.
Kyle: Maybe this time you will make a final Joshy!
Ashley: And maybe this time you will win Kyle!
Josh: You tell him, Ash.
(Ashley to the camera.)
Ashley: Guess who is back?!?! It's millionaire Mitchell the two-time challenge champion. This time I'm out for blood.
(the vans arrive at TJ's location.)
TJ: Welcome all of you to the challenge Fans, Favorites, and Friends.
Everyone: Woooooo!!!!
TJ: You all are here because you represent the 3 groups that have kept us going over the years. Some of you are fans, others are favorites, and many are friends. Now you may be wondering why there are only 10 of you. Well, we are about to bring in the other 10. Bring them in.
(3 more vans approach.)
(van 1)
Bananas: Y'all ready to get rocking and rolling?
Kaycee: Hell Yeah.
Nany: With her by my side I can do anything.
Kaycee: Thanks, babe.
Bananas: I'm happy for y'all.
(Bananas to the camera.)
Bananas: Ladies and Gentlemen no need to adjust your screens it's the 7-time challenge champion himself Johnny Bananas. This time coming in I'm out for blood.
(van 2.)
Nelson: let's get this shit guys.
Corey: You already know it, Nelly T.
Fessy: No funny business from me this time.
Nelson: I 100% trust both of you in this car.
(Nelson to the camera.)
Nelson: Nelly T is in the building! It's time I get the W and take that money home to my mom.
(van 3.)
Tori: I am so excited to be back with y'all.
Anyssa: I know. I have a funny feeling about this season.
Devin: I have it too. Or it could be the demon sitting in the front seat.
(Amanda does her demon gesture.)
Amanda: I'm just kidding guys. Tori before the game starts I want to crush the rivalry we have had in the past.
Tori: OK cool.
(Amanda to the camera.)
Amanda: No I have not turned over a new leaf. The second I get the opportunity to stab Tori in the back I will.
(The 10 contestants exit their vans to join the others already present.)
TJ: Now that everyone is here I want to officially welcome all of y'all to the challenge Fans, Friends, and Favorites.
Everyone: Woohoo!!
TJ: As many of y'all are aware the challenge is often played in groups and this season is no different. The 20 of you will be split into 4 groups of 5 before we get to today's challenge. We have Pre-Selected the 4 Team Captains. The captain of the Blue team is Bobbie, the Red is Nany, the Green is Corey, and finally yellow is Fessy. By random draw, Bobbie will pick first.
(the 4 captains each pick through the 16 other players and the team composition is as follows.)





(Tori to the camera.)
Tori: Looking at my team it's pretty stacked. However, I am a bit nervous about the rookies as we don't know what Savannah and Dalton bring to the table.
(Amanda to the camera.)
Amanda: My team looks pathetic. You look at all the teams and ours sticks out like a sore thumb. All of the other teams have winners for god sake.
(back to the challenge.)
TJ: Now that the teams are set let's to the first challenge. Today you will be playing puzzle relay. In this challenge, one member from each team will race out 100 yards to work on a puzzle. Once completed the member will race back and the next person will have to race 200 yards to the next puzzle. This cycle will continue until the last person will work on the 5th puzzle after a 500-yard run once completed they will race back. The first team to complete all 5 puzzles and arrive back at the finish line wins safety from elimination and becomes the Elites. The Elites will then decide which women to send into elimination.
(Everyone gets into position.)
TJ: Ready? Go (Horn goes off).
(Devin, Kyle, Savannah, and Nelson take.)
(Nelson arrives at the first puzzle station and reveals a slide puzzle.)
(Nelson to the camera.)
Nelson: I am not the greatest at puzzles. My strength in the challenge has always been physical competitions so I don't know how this will go.
(Savannah is the last to arrive at the puzzle.)
(Savannah to the camera.)
Savannah: I am the last one to get to the puzzle and I'm like oh my god I'm letting my team down. Then I notice it's a slide puzzle and I'm like I got this.
(Devin finishes his puzzle and races back.)
(Devin to the camera.)
Devin: Your boy is still the puzzle king.
(Mari now races to the next puzzle.)
(Savannah and Kyle both finish their puzzles and head back. Nelson continues to struggle with the first puzzle. )
Nelson: Damn it. Come on!
(Dalton and Amanda are on the course.)
(Nelson figures out his puzzle and runs back.)
(Mari arrives at the second puzzle revealing it to be a math puzzle.)
(Mari to the camera.)
Mari: OK I am great at math but in mental math, I am not.
(Dalton and Amanda arrive at the 2nd puzzle.)
(Dalton to the camera)
Dalton: I see that my puzzle is math and I am like yes I was a number sense champion when I was in high school.
(Anyssa arrives at the 2nd puzzle.)
(Dalton finishes the puzzle followed shortly by Amanda.)
(Amanda to the camera.)
Amanda: While I am not the most physical player here. I know my way around some math.
(Amanda arrives as well as Dalton.)
(Bananas and Joey go out to the third puzzle.)
(Anyssa finishes the second puzzle followed by Mari.)
(Anyssa to the camera.)
Anyssa: I can't believe I was able to make up the time that Nelson lost. Hopefully we can catch up.
(Bananas and Joey arrive at the third puzzle revealing it to be a shape counter.)
(Joey to the camera.)
Joey: I reveal the puzzle for me to solve and it's a square with other squares in the middle and I'm like what is this?
(Ashley and Kaycee arrive at the 3rd puzzle soon after.)
(Bananas finishes his puzzle.)
(bananas to the camera.)
Bananas: So I finish the third puzzle and I am feeling great. I think we have a legitimate chance to win.
(Bananas arrives back and Tori takes off. Ashley finishes her puzzle followed right behind by Kaycee.)
(Joey is still stuck at the 3rd puzzle.)
(Tori arrives at the 4th puzzle.)
(Tori to the camera.)
Tori: I arrived at the 4th puzzle and it'd build a challenge logo. I honestly think to myself Tori if you can't build a logo you have no business on the challenge.
(Joey finally finishes the 3rd puzzle. Meanwhile, Lisa and Josh arrive at the 4th puzzle. )
(Tori finishes the 4th puzzle and takes off for the finish line.)
(Lisa finished her puzzle and took.)
(Lisa to the camera.)
Lisa: I finish right after Tori and I am right on her ass. Honestly, I'm enjoying it because she has a nice one. Sorry, not sorry!
(Corey takes off followed by Fessy.)
(Josh finishes the 4th puzzle followed by Carter.)
(Cory and Fessy arrive at the puzzle and reveal it to be a statue.)
(Corey to the camera.)
Corey: Everyone knows I am not the best with puzzles. But I need to come through for my team.
(Fessy to the camera.)
Fessy: I am right behind Corey. I know he isn't the best at puzzles. I think I still have a great shot at catching him.
(Josh and Cart both finish their puzzle simultaneously.)
(Josh to the camera.)
Josh: I finished my puzzle and I'm like I need to get my ass in gear and sprint it to the line. It's the first challenge no one knows where anyone stands.
(Nany and Bobbie both take off for the last puzzle.)
(Out of nowhere.)
Corey: Check!
Fessy: Check!
TJ: Corey you are good.
(Corey sprints towards the finish line.)
TJ: Fessy you are good.
(Both Corey and Fessy sprint to the finish line.)
(Corey barely beats Fessy.)
(TJ blows the horn.)
TJ: Alright Green team wins.
(All the green team celebrates.)
(Savannah to the camera.)
Savannah: I am really happy we won. First off it is a girl elimination and I am a rookie. Those two things don't go well together. It's always the rookies in first.
(at the challenge.)
TJ: Congratulations on a job well done green team. Tonight at elimination you will each vote on which women to send into the arena. The rest of you will vote in public for one woman to send into the arena. One other item of note to qualify for my final you will have to earn stripes. The only way to earn your stripes is by meeting me down in the arena or winning 2 daily competitions. Just something to keep in mind. Head out to see your new crib.
(Everyone arrives at the house. The players leave their stuff in the room and go to the kitchen to celebrate.)
(Bananas pop the champagne.)
Bananas: Let's get this season started!
Everyone: Hell yeah!
(Mari to the camera.)
Mari: I know right now we are celebrating but deep down I am terrified. I know for damn sure the vets will not target each other easily. The worst-case scenario for this nomination would be me versus Lisa or Bobbie. We cannot let that happen. Me and the other rookies need to come up with a game plan quickly.
(In the girl's room.)
Lisa: I am so excited to be playing with you. You are like my idol.
Tori: Really? That's so sweet.
Lisa: Yeah. I hope we can work together in this game.
(Lisa to the camera.)
Lisa: I want to work with Tori in this game. First, she is incredibly attractive. Second, she is a comp beast.
(Tori to the camera.)
Tori: I think I can trust Lisa. I think she is genuine and honestly, the other rookies are kind of sketchy. I will try to protect her for at least a little while.
(In the yard.)
Tori: What are we thinking?
Corey: We need to keep it simple the three of us nominate a girl rookie.
Bananas: Who do y'all think?
Corey: I think Lisa.
Bananas: I was thinking of her too.
Tori: I was thinking Mari. She seems to be smart and she did well in the challenge today. Plus I think Lisa is more swayable than Mari.
(Tori to the camera.)
Tori: I get good vibes from Lisa so I will try to protect her the best I can. Especially when there are other rookie targets.
(In the kitchen.)
Dalton: I'm still in aww the I am in y'all's presence.
(Amanda, Bananas, Ashley, and Nany laugh.)
Dalton: Like you have Millionaire Mitchell here, Bananany, and probably the cutest challenger ever in Amanda.
Amanda: Aww Dalton you think I'm cute.
Dalton: Maybe.
(Dalton to the Camera.)
Dalton: I might have a small crush on Amanda. Just a small one. 🤏
(Amanda to the camera.)
Amanda: Finding out Dalton has a crush on me I will use it to my advantage later.
(In a bedroom.)
Josh: What's y'all's plans for the house vote?
Kaycee: It has to be one of the rookie girls.
Ashley: I was thinking Lisa.
Corey: Me and Bananas were talking about nominating Lisa but Tori kind of put a stop to it.
Devin: I wonder why she did that?
Anyssa: Yeah that would look sketchy.
Corey: Yeah I think so too. Right now we are thinking of just putting Mari down there. But it does make me question her loyalty.
(Devin to the camera.)
Devin: I think Tori is playing too hard too fast. She needs to demonstrate her loyalty to the vets.
(In the yard.)
Dalton: We need to come up with a plan.
Mari: Yeah who are you two voting for?
Savannah: Me and Dalton were thinking of Ashley.
Dalton: It's honestly because we can't see how we could get 3 votes on anyone else. Tori will not vote for anyone except maybe Amanda and Dalton won't vote for Amanda. Bananas and Corey each don't like Ashley for different reasons. So that's our play.
Mari: My goal is for the 5 rookies to vote for Ashley and try to get a few other people.
Dalton: I would say try Nelson. He owes Ashley one for what she did to Hunter.
Savannah: Try Devin and Anyssa too. They are both solid thinkers. If you can approach them in a way that it's about protecting Tori it might work. Ashley is closely aligned with Amanda and you could say she would target Tori given the chance.
Mari: Let's say we are successful in getting Ashley to be house vote. Who do y'all vote for?
Dalton: Probably Nany.
Savannah: Yeah we figured she would be the only other person we could even try.
Dalton: Kayce & Anyssa are out of the question for all of them. So it didn't have any other choice.
Mari: Ok let's get to work.
(Mari to the camera.)
Mari: Now that we have a plan we need to put it into action.
(In the kitchen.)
Tori: What's up?
Devin: Tori you need to vote for Lisa?
Tori: Why?
Devin: People are getting sketched out by you not willing to vote for her.
Tori: Devin I am trying to get us another number. Every season rookies always manage to get power at the right time.
Devin: Yes but are you willing to risk your social capital to begin with?
Tori: Why would I lose social capital?
Devin: Because they feel like you are protecting her over them.
Tori: I can't vote for her Devin.
Devin: Fine if you won't I will.
(Devin to the camera.)
Devin: Alright Tori have it your way we will vote for Lisa ourselves.
(Tori to the camera.)
Tori: I want to protect Lisa but I'm not sure I can. Even if I stand firm on not voting for her myself. My closest allies seem set on doing it.
Corey: What's going on?
Dalton: Well we wanted to see where you plan on voting.
Corey: Well y'all have seen the previous seasons you know rookies are normally marked.
Savannah: We are aware but we wanted to offer you a deal. If you vote with me and Dalton on Ashley tomorrow next week the rookies will vote for whoever you want.
Dalton: With those numbers, you would be pretty much-guaranteed safety.
Savannah: We also know what Ashley did to Hunter.
Dalton: I know you may think that a move like this is too early but if you want to win you will have to make moves like this throughout the game.
Corey: Y'all make some good points.
(Corey to the camera.)
Corey: Taking a shot at Ashley is super tempting. I have had a vendetta against her ever since she messed with my boy Hunter. The thing is I need to make sure I have the numbers on my side to do this.
(In a bedroom.)
Mari: Ok guys we are all voting for Ashley.
Joey: Sounds good to me.
Carter: Alright.
Bobbie: Any idea who they are targeting for the House vote?
Lisa: Well it's one of us 3.
Joey: What 3 votes are we shooting to get?
Mari: Dalton and Savannah are working on Corey. I think you and Joey should try getting Nelson on board. Lisa should try to get Devin. Me and Bobbie will work on Anyssa.
Carter: Sounds like a plan.
(Carter to the camera.)
Carter: The goal this week is to not have two rookies face each other. So the plan is to vote for Ashley at every opportunity. Which is honestly the only chance we have.
(In the yard.)
Lisa: Hey so as you know Amanda and Tori don't have the greatest relationship. I don't think we could take her out but maybe Ashley?
Devin: How would you go about this?
Lisa: I was thinking all of the rookies plus you Anyssa and Nelson.
Devin: I mean I have to check with people but I will consider it.
(Lisa to the camera.)
Lisa: I am not sure if I got through to Devin his vote is the only way to keep me safe. If not I am going in.
(In the kitchen.)
Mari: Is there any way you would vote for Ashley?
Anyssa: What is y'all's plan exactly?
Mari: All the room plus you Devin and Nelson vote Ashley.
Anyssa: I am open to it but will need to check in with Devin.
(Anyssa to the camera.)
Anyssa: I am telling Mari what she wants to hear. In reality, I am not so keen on voting for Ashley just yet. She hasn't done me dirty so why would I make an unnecessary enemy?
(In a bedroom.)
Carter: Would you be willing to vote with the rookies against Ashley tomorrow?
Nelson: I mean I would consider it.
Carter: This is your chance to take revenge for Hunter.
(Nelson to the Camera.)
Nelson: I see the appeal of taking out Ashley. I mean she has won twice. The problem is are there numbers to back it up?
(In the kitchen.)
Devin: Were y'all approached about the newbie's plan?
Anyssa: Yeah. It's an interesting one.
Devin: I know their pitch to us was about Tori what was their's to you, Nelson?
Nelson: Revenge for Hunter.
Anyssa: What is the benefit to us cutting Ashley?
Nelson: I mean she is the only Vet I could see flipping on us prematurely.
Devin: I could see that happening too.
(Devin to the camera.)
Devin: There are risks to leaving Ashley here. While Amanda isn't a threat to me or Tori by herself with Ashley by her side she has someone with her that can win challenges. That's a threat to my safety. Without her, Amanda can hate Tori all she wants she can't do anything.
(The next morning TJ arrives.)
(Everyone gathers in the voting room. Each player stands behind a booth in a circle.)
TJ: Today all 15 of you will be voting for one woman to be put into elimination. Make your selections.
(Everyone starts voting.)
TJ: You will now reveal who you voted for. Lisa is first. Then it will go down.
Lisa: My vote today is for Ashley.
Mari: I voted for Ashley.
Bobbie: Ashley.
Ashley: My vote today was for Lisa.
Amanda: Lisa.
Kaycee: Lisa.
Nany: Lisa.
Anyssa: Lisa
Carter: Ashley
Joey: Ashley
Kyle: Lisa.
Josh: My vote is for Lisa.
Devin: Lisa I am sorry.
Fessy: Lisa.
Nelson: Lisa.
TJ: Alright Lisa it's official you are nominated for elimination. I will see you in the arena.
(Lisa to the camera.)
Lisa: I knew it was a long shot for me to not go in. I just hope Savannah and Dalton were able to convince Corey to vote for Ashley.
(Ashley to the Camera.)
Ashley: I am shocked that I was the one targeted by the rookies. I don't understand. Wouldn't you want to target a weaker vet player?
(In a bedroom after the vote.)
Corey: Did they approach you in trying to vote for Ashley?
Nelson: Yes. they did. Did they ask you?
Corey: Yes. Both Dalton and Savannah asked me to vote for her.
Nelson: Are you considering it?
Corey: I would be lying if I said I wasn't. After what she did to Hunter.
Nelson: I will support you in what you decide. Just make sure you make the right decision.
(Corey to the camera.)
Corey: In the final reckoning Ashley stole half a million from my boy Hunter and I owe her one for that. Plus she is a two time champion who will probably never be on my side.
(later that night in the Arena.)
TJ: Welcome to the Arena on this season of the challenge.
(Everyone cheers.)
TJ: This week the Green team won the power. The woman they vote for will go against the house vote in elimination. Let's bring in the House vote
(Lisa runs through a fog towards TJ.)
TJ: Green Team one at a time you will vote for which woman you would like to throw into elimination. Keep in mind whoever wins is qualified to run my final. Alright Dalton you are first.
Dalton: TJ hopefully this girl doesn't kill me later but my vote tonight is for Ashley.
TJ: Tori.
Tori: My vote is for Mari.
TJ: Bananas.
Bananas: I'm sorry girl Mari.
TJ: Savannah.
Savannah: I can't vote for my best friend so Ashley my vote is for you tonight.
TJ: Corey.
Corey: I took a lot of thought into this TJ and tonight my vote is for Mari.
(Ashley to the camera.)
Ashley: Thank God! I don't know what is going on with the rookies but even all of them together couldn't touch me.
(Corey to the camera.)
Corey: While I do want Ashley out it's too early to make a move like that. Trust me her time is coming.
(At the arena.)
TJ: Alright Mari come down.
(Mari goes down to the ring with Lisa.)
TJ: Alright today you two will be playing wall climb. When I blow the horn you both will race to punch holes in the wall in an attempt to make holes for you to climb up. You will then take a leap of faith to ring a bell located behind you. Once you ring the bell not only are you back in the game but you earn your strips which qualifies you to run my final. Do you both understand?
Lisa&Mari: Yes.
(Lisa to the camera.)
Lisa: This was the absolute worst-case scenario. We did not want to have two rookie girls against each other. Now I have to go into elimination against one of my closest friends in this game and it sucks.
(Mari to the camera.)
Mari: I am beyond mad that all the vets take the easy way out. How many have y'all played 8, 9, 10 times and didn't win doing the same strategy of staying? Once I win and get back in there will be some major chances.
(Mari and Lisa get into position. )
TJ: Y'all ready?
(TJ blows the horn. Both start trying to make holes in the wall. Everyone starts cheering.)
(Mari can make her first set of holes as Lisa struggles to make it through.)
Tori: Lisa use your feet to make the holes in the bottom.
(Lisa can finally make her first set of holes. Mari is beginning to climb up more and more.)
Savannah: Come on Mari you are in the lead! Lisa, you are still in this.
(Lisa to the Camera.)
Lisa: I need to get my ass into gear because I cannot be the first one to go.
(Mari is closing to the top while Lisa is only a couple of holes behind her. )
(Mari to the camera )
Mari: I made it to the top and I am super excited I just need to leap and hit the bell and I win.
(Mari leaps and misses the bell falling back down to the bottom.)
Mari: I'm like damn now I have to climb back up.
(back at the challenge.)
Tori: Hurry Lisa you are in the lead.
(Lisa to the camera.)
Lisa: Once I hear that Mari falls a little bit of stress comes off me. I just need to take my time and hit the bell.
(Lisa peeps for the bell and hits it.)
(TJ blows the horn.)
TJ: Alright Lisa wins.
(After the challenge.)
TJ: Mari you did an amazing job and no one can take that away from you. You came so close to winning this challenge but for now, this ends your time on the challenge.
(Mari walks out of the Arena.
(Mari to the camera.)
Mari: I am crushed that I lost the elimination. I was hoping to get back in there. I hope all of the rookies crush it in there. Good luck to them.
(back in the arena.)
TJ: Lisa congratulations. Not only are you back in this game but you earned your stripes qualifying you to run my final.
Lisa: Yes!
TJ: Head back up there.
(Everyone cheers.)

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