Izumi had charged at Nana throwing a kick but was caught. Then Katsuki used his feet and dashed to her in a blink of an eye and blasted her in the gut letting go of Izumi and sending her crashing into a wall. Izumi landed then jumped in the air landing on Katsuki's hands and he blasted her towards Nana which she dodged her attack but got body slammed by Katsuki. Izumi landed on the wall and moved up. She grabbed a piece of concrete that was the size of a pillar and slammed it at Nana missing from her dodge.

Izumi landed as Katsuki landed next to her and Nana recovered now floating in the air.

Nana: "Got to do better than that"

Izumi backflipped onto the wall while Katsuki blasted towards her then both threw a punch and blast which Nana dodged then going behind them but Katsuki blasted his hand reversing his momentum and kicking her. Izumi landed on another wall then went to the ground and charged at Nana punching her gut. Katsuki then kicked her in the gut which knocked her out.

Back in the viewing room.

Izuku: "Damn"

Katsuki then placed cuffs on Nana and they passed. Now it was time for the final exam.

Izuku can be seen in the middle of the street with his arms crossed in his monster form and eyes closed. The students hid away in the surrounding buildings.

Izuku: "So this is how we're gonna play. Hide and seek"

Izuku then dashed away as Sero and Denki looking out a window sighed for relief.

Izuku: "Found you"

They turned around and see him there with a creepy ass smile.

Denki sent lightning at him which pushed him into the wall allowing them time to jump out the window and run

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Denki sent lightning at him which pushed him into the wall allowing them time to jump out the window and run. Izuku recovered still holding his smile and chased after them sending fire balls at them.

Sero shot tape at Izuku's eyes but another pair grew under the tape. Sero kept sending tape as they ran.

Denki: "I have an idea"

Sero: "That's a first"

Denki turned around.


Sero shot his tape hitting Izuku then Denki sent lightning at him causing an explosion which then blasted Izuku 4 blocks away allowing the two to hide in the ally.

Izuku gets up and finds more students and they manage to escape him. Now he is destroying buildings with 5 minutes left. All the students but Izumi are now all together as Izuku was acting scary.

Izuku: "HAHAHA FINALLY A FEAST MADE FOR A MONSTER. NOW DONT BE SHY. W̸̥̟̹̳̓͐̿͗̎h̵̖͍̜̰͑͂͒̍̋͑̌̊̏͝o̷̧̢̢̢̡̫̘̥̻͗̌̊̄̓͗̃̂̿̀̀̀̈͝͠ ̵̮̠̯͕͚̙̰́̒̓̽̀͐̈̃͌̔̍̑̕̚ͅw̸̢̢̲͂̊̈́̋̔̂͋̈̑̇̅́͘a̵̛̜̹͖̞̙̫̭̻͆̀̉͛́ņ̴̢̘͔͓͖̭̦͈͕͍̜͎̲̓̎̑͒̈̓̾̽͝t̴̡̧̘̣͇̝͉͎͍̻̼̐̔̃̒s̷̡̢̹̖̗̗̖̻͛̊̈́́̋͆̕͜ ̴͍̫̿̓̆̄͒̈̀̈͗ţ̷̡̮̫̝͈̟̻̰̤̫͓̩̰̈́͐̌̇̉̑̋̀̒͠ͅo̷͕̳̅͋̋̇̀̀̌̈́̒̋͝ ̸̢̨̜͉̪͓̼͈͇̯̲͑̕͘d̴̢̨̨̫̹̘̖̘̰̗̠̜̎̊͗̑̽̿̈́̇̎̓́͒͠i̸̧͈͚̪̠̮̻̬͚͛̔̋́̍̈́̈́̈͌́̊́e̸̢̙̣͕̺̙̊̅͋̚͝ ̴̢̛̱͔̖͎̦̀̊̉̅͘͠f̴̞͔̙̠͛̔̆͂̊̀̊͆̑͌͊̄̕i̷̢̡̫̩͙̿͒͐̈̽̌̽͘̕̚̕͜ȑ̵̤́̓̍͋̇͘͝͝s̶̜̳̦͚̠̦͍̤͔̺̰̃̐̇̂̆̎̀̍͘͘ͅt̵̗̼̰̺̑͆̕ (who wants to die first)"

Izuku dashes at them but then Izumi appears and kicks him in the face crashing into debris.


They nodded and ran as Izuku arose from the rubble as his arm was snapping back into place and his smile grew more sinister and evil.

Izuku: "Oh we have a real hero. L̸̜̈́̈ḛ̶͑͂t̵̢͔͗̈'̷̡͑̃͜s̶̡̺̄ ̸̢̃d̵̡̝͒à̷̺̮̚n̴̨̝̆c̶̙̍e̴̎̉ͅ ̸̥̼̎̓p̵̣͜͝ų̷̨̈́̚m̴̢͗p̵͚̆͛k̵̼͚͆í̴̢̎n̶̬̑͜ ̶̳͔͑̃p̶̥̳̑̂a̴͔͝n̶̢̫̈́͒t̵͔̔͝s̵̫̒"

He dashed at punching her and kicking but she hits back. Izuku then grabs her by the neck and throws her into debris making her bleed and breaking her arm and dust come up to show Izuku looking like a demon.

 Izuku then grabs her by the neck and throws her into debris making her bleed and breaking her arm and dust come up to show Izuku looking like a demon

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Then the timer went off. Izuku immediately changed back to normal ran to Izumi and began to hug her while crying.


Izuku healed her to the absolute fullest and kept hugging her and crying. Izumi stood up holding Izuku in her arms while he cried

Izumi: "It's ok Onii-chan. I know you were doing for the test. It's ok"

Izuku: crying "Can you forgive me"

Izumi: "Of course I forgive you"

Izuku hugged her tightly as she carried him like a child and to the other students.

Sato: "Is he crying because he hurt you"

Izumi: "Oh yeah. We are a very crybaby family"

Izumi then handed Izuku to Undyne who rocked him like a baby.

Izuku: still crying "She forgives me"

Undyne: "You are the strongest being known to man and you get sad at this"

Izumi: "I'm his little sister this is how big brothers get when hurting their little sister"

Izuku eventually stopped crying and calmed down.

This is your King of The Nine Hells. I have chosen this story as the one I will spend time to get done as fast as possible so I may start another story. That story was announced in The son of Lucifer Morningstar chapter 3. See you sinners later

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