Part 9: Raid on Stohess

Beginne am Anfang

Armin: "Eren!" Even more rubble was placed onto Eren than before. It didn't look as if there was a way he could easily get out.

Jean: "Leave him! We can't do anything until we take care of her!" Y/n clenched his fist with hesitation. This was indeed a good opportunity for Y/n.

Y/n: "Jean! There's something I want you to give to someone." Y/n pulled out a letter that he had written the night before. Knowing that this was the day he would make his move, it was a smart play to leave a message. Jean looked confused as Y/n handed it to him. "Tell Hange, I'm sorry."

Jean: "Wait!" Y/n rapidly began to approach Annie, leaving Jean and Armin behind himself. Mikasa was engaging with Annie and her Female Titan. Annie successfully swatted away Mikasa, giving Y/n another perfect opportunity.

Y/n: "Annie!" The Female Titan turned and looked at Y/n approaching her. "Pick on someone your own size!" Y/n bit his hand and finally revealed his Titan. The Path Titan had a facial plate similar to the Jaw Titan. It also had armour on its nape, chest, shoulders, hands, and the front of its legs. Its eyes glowed a deep purple with armour a bright white. Annie, taken off guard, was grabbed and thrown across the streets of Stohess.

Jean: "Is that...Y/n?" Jean said surprised. "Y/n had a Titan this entire time?"

Armin:  "But why now? Did he use us to draw out Annie?" Armin looked at Eren and snapped out of his shock. "If Y/n is engaged with Annie...Jean! Help me get Eren out while Y/n fights Annie!"

Jean: "R-Right." The Female Titan stood up after being launched. Its emotionless face inherited from Annie was ever-present. Y/n knew that this was going to be a challenge. After all, Eren lost to Annie and he's better than Y/n at hand-to-hand combat. The Path Titan sprinted to close the distance to the Female Titan. Annie went into stance to do one of her signature kicks. However, the Path Titan's scream prevented her from moving. A right hook cleanly landed on the Female Titans face. Crashing into a building, Y/n pinned Annie and her Titan.

Y/n: "Annie." Y/n had successfully telekinetically connected to Annie again. Annie kicked Y/n off her, sending him into the building behind her. "I knew this would happen. Just had to take the bait didn't you?"

Annie: "How are you talking to me?" Annie began to run away with Y/n in pursuit.

Y/n: "An ability of mine. Useful right?" Y/n stated sarcastically. Annie quickly turned her Titan around and threw a quick left kick. A crackle came from the shin hardening, landing clean on the head of the Path Titan. The Path Titans' armour managed to take the hit but sent Y/n off balance.

Abel: "She's trying to reach the Wall! Don't let her!" Abel and his squad went after Annie as Y/n pulled his Titan onto its feet. Annie punched a tower she ran past, sending the rubble into Abel and his team. Unfortunately for Annie, Mikasa had managed to outmanoeuvre her, allowing Mikasa to slash away at her Titan. Landing on one of the roofs, Mikasa watched the Female and Path Titan enter a clearing in the city.

Mikasa: "Crap! I can't make it to her from here!" Seeing that Plan C wasn't happening, Hange and her small contingent made their way to the fighting.

Hange: "Fourth Squad! Disperse around the clearing! Make sure she doesn't get out!" Jean finally managed to catch up after helping Armin get Eren out. "Jean report! What am I seeing?"

Jean: "Section Commander! After Eren failed to transform, Y/n offered to take on the Female Titan! Surprise to us, he meant in a Titan form." Hanges face sunk with dismay. How could a close friend not trust her enough to tell them? Although, the signs were always there. "He also gave me something before he transformed."

Hange: "What is it?" Jean handed Hange the letter that Y/n had written the night before.

Jean: "He told me to tell you that he was sorry." Hange placed the letter in her pocket and looked at Y/n fighting Annie.

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