Part 6: Trost Reclamation

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Sometime after Pyxis's speech:

Y/n awaited on one of the many roofs in Trost District. He remained in his squad of Ymir and Christa. They were ordered to lure Titans to the Wall to be hit by cannon fire. However, Y/n had grown interested in his abilities. Y/n only knew the base level of his abilities, but only had theories about the extent of his power.

Ymir: "I hope you aren't going to get us killed." A 12-meter Titan started to slowly approach the group. Y/n found it sad how people could be turned into such hideous things. However, as it approached them, Y/n could feel a strange connection between them. Curious, Y/n looked the Titan in its eyes and spoke an order.

Y/n: "Umfallen (Fall Over)." Y/n spoke Old Eldian (German), making sure Ymir and Christa couldn't hear. The Titan came crashing down, confusing Ymir and Christa.

Ymir: "Ha! Clumsy idiot! I should call it Conny!" Ymir laughed at the Titan. Thinking fast, Y/n attached to the nape of the Titan and killed it with one clear cut.

Christa: "Hey! That was dangerous! Get back up here!" Y/n quickly got off the streets of Trost and back up onto the roof.

Y/n: "I didn't know you could give me orders. Anyway, let's go." The two followed after Y/n as they moved across the Trost rooftops.

Christa: "Theirs so many of them! Will they ever stop coming?"

Y/n: "Let's hope the Commander's gambit plays off. If Eren really can seal that hole, they'll stop."

Ymir: "Watch out! 8 meters to our right!" A large hand came grabbing for Christa. She was too focused on looking at the others over what was in front of her.

Christa: "Ahhh!" Ymir quickly swung around and charged at the Titan. Swinging downwards, she cut the fingers of the hand the 8 meter was holding Christa. Ymir quickly grabbed Christa as Y/n moved behind the Titan, shooting across its nape, and killing it with an efficient cut. "Thank you Ymir...and you Y/n."

Ymir: "Don't worry Christa I'll always make sure you're safe." The two landed on the rooftop opposite Y/n. "Good cutting Y/n! I'm surprised you got two clean cuts in a row!"

Y/n: "What can I say? I perform better in high-stakes situations!" Y/n changed his dulled-out blades. Although he got them in one hit, he was still not very good at keeping his blades. "Christa, is your ODM gear still up to scratch? You took a big hit when it grabbed you!" Christa clicked the gears on her ODM gear. Gas was still able to burst out from the back, but the ODM wires themselves did not.

Christa: "They're busted! What do we do?" Ymir was visibly worried.

Ymir: "You have to let me go back with her! She can't be left out with busted ODM gear!" Y/n quickly agreed with Ymir. At this rate, she'd be dead in thirty seconds.

Y/n: "Send her back to the Wall! I'll stay out and continue with the mission!"

Ymir: "Are you nuts? That's suicide without us!" Exactly, Y/n thought to himself. Better to experiment with no eyes in the heat of things right?

Y/n: "I'll be fine! Now piss off you blithering idiots!" Ymir hesitated slightly after hearing the orders Y/n gave. However, she had to look after Christa and herself so obliged.

Ymir: "You better come back alive Y/n!" Ymir picked up Christa and began to make her speedy retreat to the Wall. Y/n quickly began to move in the opposite direction to Ymir, getting out of view. As he moved around, a familiar shock shot through his body.

Y/n: "Eren...he was able to transform again with no issues?" Y/n was too focused on Eren's transformation to realise an abnormal came jumping at him. It was too late for Y/n to react before the Titan had bitten him in half. The Titan bite was right on his spine, sending his legs to the streets below, and his upper half into its stomach. Complete darkness instantly took over his world...leaving him to only think...

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