I looked back up from my phone in confusion.

'Who was it? What'd they say?' Makomo asked me.

Daki crawled over to gyutaro, who was almost fully off the couch, and pushed him off, flipping him over. We could hear a loud yelp along with the thud noise his body created on impact.

'It was sanemi. He was just asking when I would head over to his house,' I stated as we heard gyutaro whine.

'That hurt, daki!' He said and just laid on the floor.

'Get up, I'll be making breakfast in the kitchen, so if you want some, you better get that ugly ass of yours up,' daki said, hopping off the couch and stepping on his stomach in the process.

'Thanks, daki,' I said to her while she went into the kitchen.

'When do you plan on heading over to his house?' Makomo asked me curiously.

'Probably after we eat, why?' I asked her, and she just shrugged in reply.
'I'm going to head over to daki. We will call you both when breakfast is done,' she stated, getting off the couch.

'Gyutaro, are you okay?' I asked, peeking over the edge to see him lying with his eyes just staring upwards at me.

Suddenly, a grin broke on his face, and he pulled me onto the ground with him.

Out of habit, I quickly grabbed the nearest thing to me, being the edge of the couch, and I cut my finger pretty bad.

That fucking ugly metal spring.

'Ah.' I said, lying on the ground and looking at my now bleeding finger.

'Oh!' Gyutaro said, quickly sitting up and starting standing up.

I quickly sat up, heading to the bathroom, sucking on my finger to stop the bleeding.

Well- not just to stop the bleeding.

I just like the taste of my own blood, not other people's blood, though. That's nasty.

'How are you not in pain?' Gyutaro asked me while I rinsed my finger in the sink.

'Huh? But it does hurt?' I said to him, and he looked at me confused.

'If it hurts, how come you aren't crying?' Gyutaro asked me another silly question.

'I'm a big kid, I don't cry easily - I haven't cried in years, buckaroo' I stated and laughed a little bit.

'Buckaroo?' He asked me with an entertained smile while he was looking for a bandage for me to use.

'How big do you think the cut is?' He asked me, and I looked my finger.

'An inch and 1/2' I said, noticing that it started bleeding again.

I sucked on my finger again, the strong metallic taste filling my mouth.

'Giyuu, you better get that fucking finger out of your mouth,' gyutaro said to me, I quickly
Rinsed my finger under water again and smiled at him like nothing had happened.

I grabbed a piece of paper towel and wiped off my finger, drying it.

'That looks bad' gyutaro said, peeking at it.

'You need to fix that ugly spring on that couch of yours,' I said to him playfully, heading to grab the bandaid from his hand.

'Let me put it on,' he said, pulling it closer to him.

'I'm going to choke you, give it,' I said to him, and he smiled, wiggling his eyebrows.

'Kinky,' he said to me playfully.

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