|03| club initiation

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      Shutting her locker after stuffing her books in there Riley jumped at the sight of Hazel who hadn't said anything.

      "Hi Haze?" Riley said apprehensively.

      "So! Josie, PJ and I are starting a club and I wanted to know if you wanted to join?" Hazel said quickly, "We have a meeting today after school in the gym you can stop by, tell your friends. Isabel and Brittany."

      Riley raised a brow, "What kind of club?" she asked curiously.

      "Self-defense club."

      "Who will be teaching us self-defense?" Riley asked, a smile tugging at her lip. "The fake juvenile delinquents?"

      "Yes, but I also know Taekwondo, so I think we'll be in safe hands." She said with a proud smile on her face. Riley hummed, "I didn't know that."

      "There's a lot of things you don't know about me." Hazel said, quirking up an eyebrow. "Just let me know, yeah?" Hazel started to walk back, Riley assumed on the run to look for more recruits.

      "Hazel!" Riley called out towards her before she could get far. "I'll be there."

      Hazel winked at her and yelled an okay before rounding the corner.

      Walking into the gym, Riley was one of the first girls there, or so she hoped because she would feel bad if this was the turn out after watching Hazel run around school all day trying to get people to join her club.

      Sitting down on the floor, Riley tried to find a comfortable position on the hard surface. She looked down at her attire and became suddenly self conscious about what she was wearing. Hopefully they didn't have to actually fight anyone today.

      Messing with the hem of her dress she failed to notice that more girls had arrived, Hazel included. She had a happy smile on her face at the sight of the small circle. She bounced on her heels as she wrote quick notes in her notebook. "This is going to be so great, you guys."

      Before she could say anything else, she ran over towards Josie and PJ's sudden appearance. "What's up lads?"

      "What the fuck?" PJ said unhappy, looking at the girls in disdain. "These girls are ugly." she whined.


      "Not all of them." Hazel said quickly.

      "Where's Stella?"

      "She was booked for a car convention." Hazel explained sadly.

      "What? It's the middle of the week?" PJ said with annoyance.

      "Hey, Hazel. Thanks for the invite. I love David Fincher." Sylvie said as she walked in behind them.

      "Oh my god..."PJ said with a sigh, "I guess Sylvie's cute if she lost her braces and stopped huffing paint."

      "She'll never stop huffing paint." Josie said with a shake of her head.

      Moving onto more important matters, Hazel pulled out her notebook and leafed through it, "So, I thought we'd start... Um..."

      PJ, who never had any patience, scoot past her and stood in front of the group. "All right! Listen up, you cunt-sucking pieces of shit." she said loudly, throwing her bag on the floor. "Welcome to our fucking fight club!"

      "Um, it's a self-defense club." Josie corrected much more softly as she addressed the room. "It's not really 'Fight'."

      "So," PJ continued, "as we all know, Huntington is on the prowl, and they're picking on the weak and defenseless, meaning all of you."

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