Chapter 13:We travel in a UPS delivery truck

Start from the beginning

"Don't test me Whiteshadow I will hit you with so many lightning bolts that there will be no more fire in you to summon."

"Oh shiver me timbers." I replied.

Ruby looked like she wanted to really beat the living shit out of me.

"Amelia right? Get your boyfriend under control before he makes me lose it."

"He's not my boyfriend!" Amelia protested.

"Yeah sure, but anyway I really didn't come here to fight, I came here to ask why did you do it?"

"Do what?" I replied.

"Save the little girl that doesn't seem like the kind of thing an elemental who is trying to bring darkness back would do-" She said.

"Because I'm not trying to bring him back! I'm not the enemy here, if anything I'm trying to prevent darkness from coming back.I saved the little girl on that bridge because I could not let her die. She has a life ahead of her, a family that loves her more than she could imagine."
Ruby looked stunned.

"Then why did Madison and Matthew-" She started.

"They manipulated you I had a dream a couple nights ago about them talking about how they were manipulating you into killing me or capturing me for them." I tell her.

"Alaric I should have realized it then, damn I'm an idiot."

"Ruby, they may have manipulated you into trying to kill us but you can fix it by helping us."
Ruby looked like she thought about it for a second then nodded.

"Very well I will tell you or help you in this quest of yours I can."

"So does this mean we're cool?" I ask.

"Yeah I guess it does but that won't stop me from wanting to punch you half the time." She says.

"Ruby, is there anything you can tell us about what they're planning or if they're sending anything after us."

Ruby nods.

"I know that they sent a Terror Storm after you guys thats all I know."

"A what-" I say.

"A Terror Storm first child of darkness can take anything form it likes, said if you ever come across one hide and run for your life, only known person to defeat one is John Heartsheild." Amelia says.

"So shes the smart one, well if you guys want to succeed you better find a place to hide temporarily till it gives up and can't find you." Ruby says."And lucky for yall Kade's momma's place isn't far from here."

Kade's eyes widened.

"No, we're not going there." Kade says.

"Why is that Kade?" Ruby asks, with a eyebrow raised.

I think Amelia noticed I knew something because she gave me a "Your gonna tell me what's going on later" look. I gave her a nod, I pulled Kade to the side.

"Dude look your Mom's is the one place we have to stay, we have no other choice."

"But dude-" He started.

"Dude if she says something to you or trys to do something to you know I will be there, got it?"

He sighed and nodded.

"Fine we will stay at my mom's but you will tell us when it's safe to leave?" Kade told Ruby.

"I Promise." Ruby said.

Ruby and Me,Kade,and Amelia went our separate ways, and we went on the way to Kade's mom's house.It took about a thirty minute walk but we got there, but for some reason the road we walked on to get here looked very familiar. It was a nice house to be honest but you could tell only one person lived there.On the way there I told Amelia the story Kade told me about his mom and him.

"That's horrible, poor Kade, he deserves so much better." She says.

"I know but I told him if his mom tried anything I would have his back." I said.

"That's what I like about you Alaric Whiteshadow, even though you tease us both a lot and even annoy us you're always there for us in our darkest times."

"I will and always will be, you guys could fall into the darkest and deepest pit and I would climb all the way down there and bring y'all back out."

Amelia smiled and she did something I did not expect. She planted a kiss on my cheek which made my face go slightly red, I mean I could tell she didn't mean it like that she meant it like just as a gesture of gratitude.

"I think we're here." Amelia noticed.

We walked up on the porch of the house, Kade rang the doorbell. I was surprised he did because of how nervous he looked.The door opened a lady who looked about in her forties stood in the doorway, she had strawberry brown hair and gray eyes like Kade's.

"Hey Mom." Kade said, quietly.

His mom looked stunned and speechless at first but then instantly hugged him and bursted into tears.

"Kade- I'm sorry for everything I ever did to you- I should have been a better mother and not played favorites.I should have never said those things to you when your sister died!" She said crying.

Kade looked stunned but hugged her back.

"Mom, it's ok, I forgive you." He said.

"Wait really- After everything I have done." She said

"Yes Mom I do."

His mom looked so happy then she turned to me and Amelia.

"Who are these two?" She asked.

"These are my best friends Alaric Whiteshadow and Amelia Crowe." Kade answered.

We shook hands with her.

"Alaric you look just like your Mother and Father."

"You knew my parents?" I asked.

"Yes Of course, me and your mom were good friends." She replied."Is this young lady your girlfriend?"

Me and Amelia's faces reddened.

"Um hey mom were all really hungry how about we get something to eat." Kade says, noticing how uncomfortable we became.

"Oh yes my apologies come on I just got dinner ready before y'all came in." Kade's mom said.

Me and Amelia looked at eachother slightly then followed Kade and His mom into the house for dinner.

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