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Water splashed against the heavy rocks of the shore causing a ripple of noises to sound out. Pads of feet stomped onto the sand, kicking up a mess of rocks and shells. The creatures living in the sand responded angrily and began pinching her tiny toes but Warys replied with no reaction. Her youthful five-year-old face furrowed in relaxation during her walk down the shore.

"One wave.. two waves.. three waves.."

Waverly's peaceful encounter with the wonderful ocean of her planet was soon cut off by a foreign sound. Trees and the grass rustled as the mysterious steel planted its wheels on the beautiful velvety ground. Nothing was more confusing to the little girl who was never exposed to such advanced technology.

"Lyra!" She screamed, her voice cracking with uncertainty as she called to her caretaker. No response was made and she glanced back at the unknown object which was spewing some air from the bottom.

Waverly nervously looked around for any sign of reassurance and ran up the hill to her village only to hear a loud creaking noise. The strange object started to open and smoke surrounded the hidden person. She could see how their cloak fell past their ankles and the boots stomping down the ramp making their way towards her.

A face was covered by the hood, shielding their identity to the girl and unexpectedly Warys felt pulled towards the unrevealed person. She knew it wasn't right to go up to someone unusual but Waverly felt some sort of connection to them.

"Who are you..?" She whispered, nearing the person slowly.

The person soon took off their hood, revealing a pretty middle-aged woman. Her eyebrows contorted in confusion and a soft smile on her face. Pleasant locks of light brown hair framed her heart-shaped face nicely, contrasting her light green eyes.

"Hello, I am Julazie Haqliza, a Jedi." Her soft-spoken voice reached Waverly's heart and warmed it up.

"Huh? A what?" Puzzlement was engraved into Wary's face and she tried to figure out what a 'Jedi' is.

"A Jedi is a warrior, a fighter, and a guardian. We protect the galaxy from any harm and I've been sent to your planet to come make you one."

The tiny girl stared up into her eyes innocently, "You're gonna take me away?"

Sigh escaped from the older woman's mouth, "I must, you are force-sensitive."

"But my family! I can't leave them!" Warys yelled in suspicion, backing away from the lady.

"It's a sacrifice we must make, we leave our families to protect others. I don't see your family anywhere, maybe it's a sign they want you to go, is it not?"

That was true, none of her caretakers were around, and it seemed like they had all disappeared. By now in the late morning, they would be out doing their business but everything was practically empty other than the lazy animals grazing down on the grass.

"I think it is..." She mumbled, analyzing every detail in an attempt to spot anyone. Warys continuously peered out into the village as if she was waiting for someone to pop out. She was left disappointed as no one had appeared into her view, like they were all encouraging her to go.

Julazie held out a hand expectantly to her little one, "Let's go then." Waverly hesitantly grabbed hold of her much bigger hand and was gently taken to the odd steel object. Once the two entered, Warys was fascinated by the amount of bright lights and creations. The Jedi took the opportunity of her awe to wipe the illusion away in her mind.

Outside of the ship, the once-empty village was filled with those Waverly saw as family. The bustling of Zeffonians had appeared yet she would never notice. Julazie's ship quickly set off passing through the cloudy atmosphere and into the dark abyss of space.

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