The chaos wasn't from the Bible, the guards, or the hypnotherapists of the world - but from her own self. She was enduring life's pleasures. Her father had been entwined with sin - like all men. The rebels, the Crusaders, the adventurous, there's a limit of hopelessness and more. But, her father really never did something as extraordinary as those endeavors.

Raphael was not a liar - she should not have accused him of lying in her mind yesterday, although he was becoming more and more discreet after some time. She believed that his honesty was what led her heart to the man.

Being a spy occupied one in the congruence of manipulation. For some odd reason, Colette was not a mastermind manipulator with others. She was an honest girl. Manipulation, though, crept into the innocent's life like a vicious lion, wiser to eat the lion rather than to be eaten by one.

Regardless, Colette admired Raphael for using his charisma for the good of the country. She was a spy in her sense, guarding herself and her thoughts, scared to share every ounce of her being with another. Meeting Raphael had changed that notion.

The British accent was fun to imitate, but it wasn't truly herself. She became good at it, too.  

Colette woke up this morning drinking coffee, but she poured some wine for three seconds into the cup to hide it from Raphael. She was bored in her life. The action could have been due to Raphael's influence and her unemployment. The stress that had occurred when your partner spontaneously left to neighbor-friendly villains, releasing that stress was different for everyone. Yet, Colette wanted to be like him, independent. But, she also did not want to be like him; she wanted to have more freedom.

When everything spirals downwards, it's easy to fall into that hole again. In experience of anger, she traveled down an unwanted path. It was her only way to cope with Raphael leaving so suddenly for work in Great Britain.

No, he's just worried about me.

Colette unraveled into a depression easily. Some things cannot be fixed. Sometimes you cannot run away from things. However, it was all temporary. Being sad is a natural human emotion indeed. No medication can manipulate humans to feel real happiness. She thought that the pain would go away when she met Raphael, but she still thought of the loss of her child.


The name she would have given the child. Colette knew the baby was a girl because she had recurring dreams of the child reappearing in her subconscious, a beautiful blonde girl with rosy cheeks and long hair. A life that had been taken away dreaded her being, somehow she was good at masking it like a manipulator, a forced abortion. 

"Colette..." Raphael said disappointed in himself. "Honey, you do not need to drink."

He notices everything.

Colette began to sob. Energies left easily. The mask was always easy to take off in front of Raphael.

"Do you love me?" She whispered.

"Of course, more than you can ever know." He grinned widely then quickly snapped out of his smile when he saw the wine in the trash. He grabbed the drink out of her hand.

"No drinking in the morning." He play-slapped her hand. Then, he grabbed her and tickled her. Her heart melted.

"Maybe I'm just an alcoholic."

Raphael looked upset and angry at the world. "No." He kissed her forehead. "You will get your dream job. You will succeed. I know it."

Once Colette drank, she felt a painful depressive episode.

"Raphael." She looked up to the man that only anyone could ever wish to see the love in her eyes.

"I think I caused my father's death like I did with my own child." She trembled and then gasped as she wept.

Colette Nowa IIWhere stories live. Discover now