Chapter 2

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How did his dad spend $19,000 in gambling and, lets be real, drugs?

He needed to pay his tuition, he needed food, water..

Shit, where would he live?

His car was a possibility, but it was also really run down. 


Cody rummaged through his suitcase for a computer..where was it?

Cody sat in the backseat of his honda civic, (Don't sue me honda)   computer in lap. 


Crazy cat lady? No.

A dude with meth on his counter...

Huh.  A normal looking dude.  
Cody clicked on the link, only to find that his apartment was too far away from campus.

Finally, Cody found a link.

"huh.  Noah."

Lives close, same year...this could work!!
Cody decided to go for it.  

'Hey!! I was wondering if that roommate application is still open?'

A/N - SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER :(  Hopefully next one will be longer.  Luv ya!!

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