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The tension in the air is palpable as Raven watches the scene unfold before her. Frenchie's attempt to kiss Kimiko beneath the table is met with a violent reaction, the pain of her recent loss still raw and fresh in her mind. Raven feels a pang of sympathy for Kimiko, her heart aching for the woman who has suffered so much at the hands of those she trusted.

As Kimiko's hands close around Frenchie's throat, Raven can see the anguish etched on her face, the torment of her past playing out in the fierce intensity of her gaze. She knows that Kimiko is struggling to come to terms with the loss of her brother, grappling with the overwhelming grief that threatens to consume her.

Frenchie's apologies fall on deaf ears as Kimiko tightens her grip, her eyes burning with a mixture of pain and rage as she lashes out at the man before her. Raven can see the fear in Frenchie's eyes as he struggles to break free, his attempts at reconciliation falling short in the face of Kimiko's overwhelming anger.

In the midst of the chaos, Raven remains a silent observer, her gaze locked on Frenchie as he pleads for forgiveness. She can see the guilt written on his face, the regret in his eyes as he realizes the magnitude of his mistake. But despite his remorse, Raven can't help but feel a sense of disappointment in him, a betrayal of the trust they had all placed in him.

When Frenchie finally manages to break free from Kimiko's grasp, he scrambles away with a look of desperation, his eyes searching for solace in the faces of his comrades. But as he catches Raven's gaze, he knows that there is no absolution to be found in her eyes, only disappointment and reproach.

"I didn't mean to!" Frenchie blurts out, his voice trembling with emotion as he meets Raven's gaze.

"Then why'd you do it?" Raven responds, her voice cold and unwavering as she fixes him with a steely glare.

Frenchie's expression crumples in defeat, his shoulders slumping as he realizes the gravity of his actions. He knows that he has betrayed Kimiko's trust, violated her boundaries in the most unforgivable way possible. And as he looks into Raven's eyes, he knows that he can't undo what he's done.

"I don't know," Frenchie whispers, his voice barely above a whisper as he hangs his head in shame.

With a heavy sigh, Raven turns away from Frenchie, her gaze lingering on Kimiko as she watches the woman retreat into herself, lost in the depths of her own grief.

" Storming an off-the-books Vought compound alone? Butcher, how is it possible that you're dumber than you look?" MM asks as he watches the Brit pack a bag full of weapons.

" Mate, it's Becca," Bily says.

" No shit," MM retorts," But win or lose, you ain't coming back."

" Course I am."

" That's bullshit."

" Look, it's not like Vought's gonna let us settle down in Orlando. We got to get gone and stay gone," Billy says.

" What about us? Hmm?" MM raises a brow," We're the Spice Girls, right?"

" You're in charge now," Billy says with a smile and a slap on the back," Mazel tov."

" Motherfucker, I don't want to be in charge," MM counters," Matter of fact, I don't even want to be here. I gave up my family for this. For you. When do I get them back?"

" You find this Liberty slag. See what you can rumble. You jump through a few hoops
for the colonel, and she'll help you the same way she helped me," Billy adds," She always liked
you more, anyway."

" And what about Frenchie?"

" He's been high as kite for days. He won't even notice I'm gone."

" And Hughie?"

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