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The fitting room, nestled in the heart of Vought's expansive compound, is a hushed haven where capes transform into their iconic suits. Raven, engrossed in her own thoughts, takes a wrong turn and finds herself standing at the entrance, unaware that she's stumbled into Starlight's fitting session.

The seamstress, momentarily startled by the unexpected intrusion, exchanges a glance with Starlight, who stands draped in the partially constructed form of her new suit. Raven, realizing her mistake, offers a sheepish smile and begins to backtrack.

"I'm so sorry, wrong room," She mumbles, taking a step away.

Starlight, a mix of surprise and amusement in her eyes, waves off the apology, "No worries."

As Raven turns to leave, the seamstress nods, indicating that it's fine for her to stay. Raven hesitates for a moment, then decides to seize the opportunity for a brief respite from the pressures outside.

Starlight, clad in the underlayers of her suit, gives Raven a curious once-over, "You're Tecton, right?"

Raven nods, a hint of a smile playing on her lips, "Yeah, that's me. And you're Starlight. Nice to meet you."

Starlight grins, her eyes lighting up with genuine warmth, "Likewise. I've seen you in action. Pretty impressive earthquakes you've got there."

Raven chuckles, a genuine camaraderie forming between them, "Thanks. You're not too shabby either."

Starlight blushes, appreciating the acknowledgment, "Yeah, well, we all do what we can, right?"

The seamstress, seizing the chance for a momentary break, steps back to allow the two supes to converse. Starlight glances at the suit in progress, a twinge of self-consciousness flickering across her features.

"Getting an upgrade," She says, gesturing to the half-finished costume, "Vought's idea. They say it's more 'marketable.'"

Raven raises an eyebrow, a shared understanding passing between them, " Translation: shows more skin."

Starlight laughs, the tension dissipating, "Exactly. Apparently, it's what the audience wants. More skin, more merchandise sales."

Raven smirks, a hint of irony in her voice, "Welcome to the world of Vought, where heroism comes second to marketability."

Starlight nods, a mixture of resignation and defiance in her expression, "It's frustrating, but I'm trying to find a balance. Be true to myself, you know?"

Raven leans against a nearby counter, her demeanor sympathetic, "I get it. I've been there. My old suit? Let's just say it left little to the imagination."

Starlight tilts her head, curiosity evident in her eyes, "Your old suit?"

Raven chuckles, reminiscing, "Yeah, it was this skintight number that Vought insisted would boost my image. I felt like a walking billboard."

" How'd you get rid of it?" Starlight adds.

" Uh... my boyfriend," Raven answers hesitantly," Homelander."

As the seamstress signals the resumption of their fitting session, Raven and Starlight exchange a parting glance.

The roar of the crowd reverberates through the stadium as Tecton and Homelander step onto the track, flanked by the blaring excitement of flashing cameras and the eager chants of fans. The big race between A-Train and Shockwave is about to commence, and the spotlight is fixed squarely on the two supes leading the charge.

Raven is dressed in a sleek suit that seamlessly blends style with functionality. Her presence radiates power as she poses for photos, a practiced smile gracing her lips. The cheers of the crowd, the palpable anticipation, all become a backdrop to the elaborate performance that is heroism in the world of Vought.

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