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As the battle between John Wick and Winston raged on, a dark alliance was formed as Winston and Dr. Eggman, recognizing the gravity of the situation, decided to summon forth their most powerful allies.

With a gesture from Winston and Eggman, the ground trembled and dark portals opened, unleashing the Overlords of their respective factions: Scourge, the ruthless leader of the Anti-Freedom Fighters; Megatron, the tyrannical leader of the Decepticons; and The Fallen, the ancient and malevolent Prime of the Decepticons.

As Scourge emerged from the shadows, his eyes burning with a fiery intensity, he wasted no time in joining the fray, his deadly swordsmanship and cunning tactics adding a new level of danger to the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Megatron stepped forward with a roar of triumph, his fusion cannon crackling with energy as he surveyed the chaos around him. With his immense strength and formidable firepower, he quickly became a force to be reckoned with, his presence striking fear into the hearts of all who dared to oppose him.

And finally, The Fallen emerged from the darkness, his ancient power radiating like a beacon of death and destruction. With his mastery over dark energon and his unyielding desire for revenge, he posed a threat unlike any other, his very presence threatening to tip the balance of power in favor of darkness.

As the Overlords joined the battle, the heroes and their allies realized that they faced an even greater challenge than they had anticipated. With Scourge, Megatron, and The Fallen now on the battlefield, their chances of victory seemed slim indeed.

But even in the face of overwhelming odds, the heroes refused to back down. With their allies by their side and their determination unwavering, they prepared to face this new threat head-on, knowing that the fate of the multiverse hung in the balance.

And as the clash between light and darkness reached its climax, only one thing remained certain: in the end, only one side would emerge victorious, and the fate of the multiverse would be decided once and for all.

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