Chapter Eight

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Maria's P.O.V

Walking through the door I bid goodbye to my dad, I walked into the garage unlocking my car; Entering, I put my seatbelt on then starting the car.

I then pressed on the brakes putting the car in drive, putting down the lever I drove off. On my way I stopped at a stoplight, A moment later a group of biker rode up to where my car was.

Ngl biker boys are it

I couldn't stop looking at them, I didn't even realize that the light had turned green.

Car horns are so annoying

Driving in to the school's parking lot I looked a parking space, parking my car. Exiting the car I closed all the doors; checking all of them I then began to walk in to the school building.

Walking through the hall I scrolled through tik tok on my phone, there's this challenge, well I wouldn't called it a challenge more like a trend, anyways I really wanna try it so when I get home ama try it.

I then saw Nat at her locker, running up to her I stood behind the locker then peeping at the side to she her frowning.

" What's wrong Nat?" I asked with concern in my voice

" Sadly because of the little accident yesterday, I have detention all day Saturday from 9 to 3." She said with a frown

" A little accident?" I said looking at her with a ' Gurl you for real' face

" Ye but here's the best part of my detention; I get to have detention with the one and only ANTHONY." she said with a big smile on her face

looking at her with an confused face I said " Anthony like the Anthony Ronaro."

" YEAH, Am so happy I thought I wasn't gonna every see him again."

Are you serious this girl was waiting on him this entire time

So let me explain

When we were 14 Nat had big crush on Anthony who was 18 at the time, last year January when he came for the new years he told her when she's older he might and let me repeat MIGHT consider it.

" Girl open your eye's you don't know if he has a girlfriend." I said stating the facts

" He's single , it's in the BIO of his instagram account." She said

Looking at her in shock I then bursted in to laughter hitting her on her shoulder. Holding my stomach I said " It's giving stalker honey."

She then walked off with me trialing behind her.

Entering French class Nat and I said good morning to the teacher and then went to our seats.

French class has now began and it's time for my daily daydream. As I was daydreaming I kept feeling something hitting the back of my head, I turned around to see Chrissy throwing folded up papers at me.

I ignored it as usual, A few minutes later Miss Hosbern left the room since she was called to the principals office.

After she left I turned to Nat to see her taking out a bundle of blonde hair extentions from her bag, she then got up from her seat and walked over to Chrissy's table.

I really thought I saw Chrissy flinched a bit, Just saying

Nat went in front of Chrissy's seat and streched out her hand " Here. um....the principal said I should give it back.", " I also gave it a little wash so you can say thanks."


" Girly you did not " I said turning to look at Nat

" What he said to give it back, I could have easily sewed it on one of my sisters doll but NOOO I had to give it back." She said with a sigh and everyone froze mostly Chrissy

" Guy's don't worry." she said with a little giggle, " Just don't cross me or trouble any of my friend and you'll be good....I promise." she continued

Ummm ok, Honestly am proud of my baby. I mean she has always been like this every since I've known her

After all that commotion I turned around in my seat ready to go back to my daydreaming, zoning out I started to think about a book I was reading.

I mean how could he really get back at her by getting her sister pregnant, I mean he already wanted to marry her sister but since it's a marriage contract he couldn't , he had to marry the youngest so her got her sister pregnant so he could marry her sister if you get what am saying, but I also understand cause she cheated first.

But why tho

Letting out a sigh I felt someone push my head back using there index finger, Opening my eye's I saw it was Axel.

" What were you day dreaming about me?" Axel said and I rolled my eye's

" No and your late, don't you have an alarm to wake you up?" I asked

" No, do you wanna be the one to wake me up every morning?" He said

" Go to your seat miss is back."

" No I want to sit beside you."

" Good Morning Axel, your late don't let it happen again and go back to your seat." Miss Hosbern said

Axel now turning to me I sticked out my tongue at him as he went to his seat.

Hey guy's this is the end of chapter Eight, hope you enjoyed reading it.


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