"For the greater good."

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Regulus Black,the younger brother of Sirius Black. The heir to the Black family....

Long story short,Regulus was not doing good,nor mentaly nor physicaly. His brother Sirius ran away,so now he was alone. Alone with his parents. Alone with the preassure. Alone with the expectations. It was too much.

Regulus was sitting on the floor of his dorm room in Hogwarts. His whole body was shaking. Perhaps from fear,sadness,excitement? Regulus himself didn't know. The tears in his eyes were making his vision blurry as they fell on the floor.

What Regulus didn't know however,was that Sirius had felt that something was off with him,and therefore decided to go to Regulus' dorm. Older brother instincts, as many would say.

"Fuck this....I-I can't do this s-shit anymore..."

Whispered Regulus to himself,shakily holding up the knife. His wrists and floor were stained with blood. His own blood.
The cuts stung,most were self inflicted, but some were from his 'loving' parents.

He didn't want to be their perfect heir. Didn't want to be a deatheater. He just wanted to be free. Like Sirius and his friends. James. Regulus thought about James. His boyfriend.

His parents wouldn't approve. They'd never accept a gay son.

Regulus was ready to kill himself for the greater good. He would release his brother from this burden. He wouldn't be a deatheater. He wouldn't put James and his family in danger. People would be happy if he died.

But alas,fate decided it wasn't his time yet.

Regulus was so zoned out and focused on his depressing thoughts he didn't hear Sirius knocking on his dorm door.

"Reggie? Are you okay? Why aren't you answering me?"

That seemed to snap Regulus out of his trance as his eyes widened. Why out of all people,is Sirius here? Shit. Shit. Shit.

"I-I'm fine! Go away."

Regulus tried to sound stern and annoyed,but it came out unsure and scared. He silently cursed under his breath.

"Reg....What's wrong? You sound so scared...."

Sirius knocked more on the door. Regulus groaned at his brothers ability to always figure out when something was wrong. Well,they grew up together,so Regulus couldn't blame him.

"Let me in,Reggie. Please."

"I'm busy. Go away!!!"

"Busy with what exactly? Just let me in-"


Screamed Regulus when Sirius was about to unlock the door. He had given Sirius a spare key to his dorm when he started his first year at Hogwarts.

"You're scaring me,Reg. I'm coming in."

True to his word,Sirius quickly opened his door with the key.

Sirius' breath got caught in his throat as his eyes widened. Never in a million years would've he expected this.

His little brother sitting in a puddle of blood that was coming from cuts on his arms. What was worse is that they looked self-inflicted. At least most of them. Some were clearly from their parents. His younger brother was holding a knife close to him. He was also crying.

"Reggie.....What are you doing with that knife? Put it down....Please..."

Said Sirius,trying to remain calm as he slowly stepped a bit closer to Regulus. He was familiar to this situation because of his friend. Sirius' eyes showed fear,sadness and pity.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 20 ⏰

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