Chapter 11

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"And you're sure it was him?" you heard Konig say into the phone from the adjoining sitting room as you slowly woke up for the second time that day.

He paused, waiting for whoever was on the other end of the line to respond. "Fuck, Price," he huffed out.

You imagined him pacing back and forth in the room, his scarred hand ruffling through his overgrown hair. "What do you mean Simon saw him here, why is he in Boston?"

The tension in the air only grew as you tried to keep your breathing slow and quiet so Konig didn't realize you were listening in. Their conversation continued even though you couldn't hear the other side of it.

"Copy," Konig said shortly. "I'll be there soon."

He ended the call and let out a short puff of air. His footsteps became louder as he entered the room where you lay on the bed, pretending to sleep.

"Liebe," he said quietly, resting a strong hand on your shoulder to rouse you from your fake slumber.

You opened your eyes, adding in a forced yawn for good measure. "What time is it?" you asked him, genuinely unaware of how long you had slept.

"Two in the afternoon," he replied, lightly stroking a piece of your dark hair from your face. "I have to go out for a while."

He turned away from the bed before you could respond, clearly wound tight about something. Konig entered your joint closet and came back out a moment later, clad in an outfit similar to what he came home in, dark cargo pants and a fitted shirt.

"Where?" you asked him, suddenly filled with fear that he wouldn't be coming back. Every time you had seen Konig in those clothes, he had either been leaving you for months or just returning.

"I need to meet with some people," Konig said as he grabbed a few things off his nightstand. "I'm not sure when I will be back," he admitted, confirming your worst suspicions.

You eyed him intensely while he unlocked the safe tucked into a corner of the room, attaching a holster and weapon to his belt. Konig added more to his arsenal, carrying two handguns and three knives on his body, his mask bunched in his hand.

"Konig," you said, more desperately this time. "Where are you going?" Tears filled your eyes as you watched him practically suit up for war.

"It's better if you don't know all of the details," he said, sighing as if leaving caused him as much pain as it caused you.

He started his way out of the room, heading for the hallway and staircase. You rushed out of bed, chasing after him in only a tanktop and underwear.

"You're just leaving?" you shouted behind him.

"Y/n, please," he bargained with you, sadness trying to push its way through his determined gaze. It didn't quite make it, so all you were left with was a robot of the man you loved, following orders and refusing to allow you to get in his way.

"Please what, Konig? Let my husband walk out on me without an explanation?" You threw back at him, your eyes burning from the tears you refused to shed.

"I need to go!" he shouted, raising his hands in exasperation and causing you to shrink in front of him – your wide eyes shut tight and your face contorted as if bracing for impact.

His tunnel vision finally cleared as your cowering figure registered in his focused mind.

"Liebe," he began softly, taking tentative steps towards you.

You pressed your palm to his chest, stopping him from coming any closer. "Just go, Konig," you whispered. "Go."

Clearly defeated and more focused on the task at hand than you, he stepped back. "Do not leave the house while I am gone, and do not let anyone inside. I have a key; do not answer the door." He commanded all of it sternly like you were a cadet and he was your drill sergeant.

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