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Okay, let's do a quick recap, in this supposedly final moment of my life. I scored a deal with the prettiest high school girl in Kuoh, got glared at by the people, adapted myself to act as a boyfriend in public, got glared at by the people, got asked out by a girl, and tried to help her overcome rejection, got glared by the people. But the girl suddenly became a woman(?) with wings who wanted to kill me (now where are the people when I need them?!).

Now I don't think women normally turn into monsters if a guy rejects them but this one did and oh, I even did the finger check so don't try to convince me this is a dream.

In short words, I am ... (fill in the blanks with the appropriate word).


The streets were empty. The sky was changing colour and a black-winged creature was chasing me.

I have no idea what happened to the people around here but there is no way these empty streets are natural. Could it be an alternate reality?

Now don't assume I am calmly assessing the situation; I am honestly freaked out here (as I should be).

"HAHAHA! RUN! RUN!" the maniac was screaming as she circled above me.

The winged Amano-san was following my sprint with ease. She was gliding in the air towards me as if swooping down to pick her prey (which, in this vast world had to be me).

My despair reached its peak when I saw how fast she was reacting to my change in direction, and speed and how I used obstacles. I was panting for breath; the adrenaline was getting to me.

But alas, she suddenly flew over and then towards me from the front. Before I could move out of the way she grabbed me by the neck and flew off.


I tried to yank her hand off. Even kicked and trashed trying to shake her off. Her physical strength was monstrous.

She was loving every bit of my reaction.

"Yes, yes~! I can feel your throat struggling in my hand! This is the best <3!"

She screamed happily.

Fucking psycho bitch!

My vision was blurring and saliva kept running down my chin.

"OH! I forgot to tell you why you are being killed! Silly me~ Tehee!"

She giggled cutely. I wanted to say, 'Look into the mirror before you even say fricking Tehee!', but not exactly in the position to do that.

"My name is Raynare by the way," she said excitedly even though I didn't ask her, "you are the brother of that damn Red Dragon Emperor, Hyoudou Izo, who had caused an annoying amount of trouble for our boss before. Oh sorry, you are not part of the supernatural so you wouldn't get it! My bad, Hahahaha!"

Red Dragon Emperor? Supernatural? How is Izo...?

So many questions popped into my head.

What is going on? How is Izo involved in all this? Also, why does he have that cool name?

Supernatural? As in the mythology and stuff?


Everything seems to be fading.

Ah, I must be getting close to passing out. I will probably die by her hands.

What a horrible way to die. Without even really understanding why I am being killed...

Even worse, at the hands of a perverted creature who isn't letting me go even when I am tapping her hands in defeat.

I felt overwhelmed with emotions...

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