A Broken Child that Needs to be Fixed

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Bad language, blood warning, abuse mentions

"Naruto?..." Sakura asked quietly. Kakashi, Tsunade, Sakura, and Sasuke were still in shock by the boy's wounds and didn't know what to say. Naruto wiped some blood that was dripping from the corner of his mouth as he struggled to stand. Sasuke walked over to his dobe and helped him up.

"Come on, lady Tsunade will heal you," Sasuke instructed as he picked up Naruto bridal style. Naruto didn't say anything. He didn't know what to do. Should he run or let them help him? What will happen when they interrogate him? What will they think of him? Will they hate him or pity him? Will they even care? His mind was racing in every direction and didn't realize he was being asked a question.

"...ruto. Naruto!" Naruto snapped out of his thoughts by a voice yelling his name.

"Huh?" Naruto asked looking up to the voice in which he found out was lady Tsunade's.

"I asked what happened," lady Tsunade repeated. Naruto looked down to the ground and thought of a good excuse.

"I... umm," Naruto started, when he was cut off by a furious raven.

"Don't even think about lying," Sasuke said coldly. Naruto gulped as he glanced nervously around the room. Before he could answer the raven's questions, lady Tsunade put her healing hands over Naruto's seal as she was healing him.

"W-wait! Don't-" Naruto was cut off by falling unconscious onto lady Tsunade's desk.

"What happened?!" Sakura asked. Lady Tsunade, realizing what she had done, stepped back and got into a fighting stance.

"Kakashi," she warned. Kakashi already knew what was happening and got into a fighting stance as well.

"You two, stand back," lady Tsunade ordered the two genin.

"Why? What's going on?" Sasuke asked, not moving away from Naruto.

Suddenly the four heard an awakening groan come from Naruto. Kakashi and lady Tsunade gasped and they furrowed their eyebrows at him. Naruto sat up and glared at them. Only, it wasn't Naruto. His beautiful ocean blue eyes were overtaken by blood red ones with black slits in the middle. The four gasped as there eyes widened in fear.

"Oh, calm down! I'm not going to eat you," Naruto said sternly. The voice sounded nothing like the hyper active blonde. Instead, it was more deep and raspy.

"Who are you?" Sasuke asked, not out of fear, but out of curiosity.

"That's not important. All you need to know is how to help the kit out," Not Naruto replied. Naruto glanced around the room but his gaze fell on Kakashi and Lady Tsunade.

"Man, after all of these years you didn't realize that the kit was hurt?" Naruto asked with a laugh. The four felt a wave of guilt wash over them. 'I mean... he covered it up so well...' Sakura thought. 'How could I have not noticed!?' Lady Tsunade scolded herself. 'I'm so sorry. I have failed you, Naruto,' Kakashi thought holding back tears. 'I should have known! It was so obvious and I just didn't pay attention! I'm so stupid!' Sasuke yelled at himself.

"You don't know how badly I want to force the kit out of this shitty village. Your lucky he cares about you all to much," Naruto scoffed.

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