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"Go and be awesome because you are." Kai smiled at his reflection at his bedroom mirror.

Running his slender hands over his pant material, it is the only piece of cloth that he feels comfortable on, two-legged piece of cloth. A black pant, black shirt underneath and a camel trench coat.

Tuesday is not sour as Monday was but still it manages to shiver his few bones so early in the morning.

Gloomy morning sky, he knew that he had to put layers if he wants not to shiver and be comfortable during the last interview as the shortlisted candidate.

"Dear Awesome Kai Jonhson Blackwell, we are happy to inform you that you pass the first around of interview. Congratulation and tomorrow at eight o'clock we will be conducting the final interview, your presence is needed."

That was fast.

Kai thought after receiving a notification from Gold Empire Company Limited.

Here standing giving himself final look and pep talk before heading to meet the Top Boss, His majesty of the empire.

Partly excited to make this far from the big Company, partly scared to meeting the top boss' reaction and partly wanting to lock himself to his apartment and forget about the outdoor job he applied.

Still, he must go because right now that is the only thing that he wants to do for his growth. Getting out of his comfort zone and thrive to the outside world.


"Angel, do you like Kai.?" Ellie, cute eleven years old girl with freckles almost all over her face and big frame round nerd glasses. Angel's young sister asked innocently.

A seventeen years old Angel choke on her pasta and coughed "No." gulping the remaining portion of food down her throat forcefully flustered by the question.

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory smiled awkwardly to Kai surprised by the bluntness of their young daughter.

Her eyes lit up behind those glasses "Then you'll be my maid... because Kai is going to marry me, right.?"

Ellie clap lightly smiling at Kai with hopeful eyes.

And it was Kai's turn to choke.

"Sorry." She wiped her mouth with her handkerchief.

"Ellie." Mrs. Gregory warned.

"Princess." Mr. Gregory tried to give her a look.

"Hey, she is a girl." Angel slapped Ellie's back lightly.

"She is.?"

"She is.?"

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory asked at the same time and Angel nodded.

"But she is handsome." Ellie whined and Angel shot her a glare.

"Oh, I see."

"That explain it." Mrs. Gregory nodded observing Kai who remained quiet overwhelmed with the situation.

Being on spot is not his favourite position.


"Am home." Nathaniel voice boomed muffling the sound of Kai.

"Did you say something dear.?" Angel's Mother asked Kai.

"Your food is amazing." Kai smiled.
It is true the food tasted better; she didn't want to talk about the food for that moment.

"Who is the guy.?" Nathaniel asked, his brotherly instincts kick in scrutinizing his eyes at Kai who sandwiched between Angel and Ellie.

"See, even Nate think that Kai is handsome." Ellie still whined pouting looking at Kai desperately.

"She is a girl." Angel gritted her teeth at her brother and her whining little sister.

"She is!? But he looks like a dude." Nate mumbled loudly.

"Nate." Angel shouted angrily

"What!?" He shouted back.

"I thought she was a guy, she has a manly handsome beautiful face." Words slipped out of Nate's mouth.

It left them speechless, mostly Kai who avoided everyone's eyes.

"Nate." His mother gave him the dirt look.

Kai shift uncomfortably under Nate's gaze, he observes him intensively like trying to figure out something.

He has been told that he is good looking although he finds hard to believe. He got few glances from the ladies and sometimes from men wherever he is and that brought the memory of the first meeting with Angel's family.

"Do I have to wait this long.?" He glanced at his phone clock and not paying attention to the flirtatious smile he has been given by the lady who has been giving direction to the shortlisted applicants.

"Um... M... Mis... um... Awesome Kai Johnson Blackwell, your turn." A middle-aged short woman with big frame glasses stutter looking at him and at the name mentioned over the file she held contemplating on how to address him.

He ignored the confusion "That's me, thank you." He strolled in confidence to meet his majesty.

Tsap guy's ❤️
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